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Mexicans Taking Over Houston


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Yes I like a multi-ethnic city too, but one group and we all know what that one gropu is (Mexicans) are taking over! Pretty soon it won't be a multi-ethnic city i will be a Mexican city. And thats not good for the economy! Houston will soon be a largely uneducated city if the illeage Mexican trend continous.

When Asians and other immagrants form the other side of the world come here they no they need to be smart to make it. These people are well educated and help the community.

I'll go ahead and say it since nobody has. Citykid09 is nothing more than an ignorant racist. First, he is failing to see the distinction between Latin American Immigrants and American-born Mexican-Americans. Unless you are a Native-American, then I can bet that most Mexican-Americans have deeper ancestral roots in Texas than you. Obviously you haven't taken Texas History yet or you'd know that Texas was once part of Mexico. Yes, we all know about the Mexican-American War. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo guaranteed that Mexicans living in the new US territories could retain their nationality, properties, and culture. So isn't it possible that many American-born Mexican-Americans speak Spanish? Yes. Many do. But obviously you fail to see that.

Yes, there is a big educational gap between whites and minorities. The notion that this can be blamed on a group being lazy is absurd. Whether people want to accept it or not, these gaps are the result of historical systematic discrimination. Would you disagree? That would be equivalent to saying that minorities are genetically inferior. Will Mexican-Americans and Latin American Immigrants have a negative impact on the economy because of their lack of education? Hardly, considering that the group representing the greatest number of uneducated persons is the majority. The same can be said about welfare rolls. The funny thing about discrimination is that it ends up costing the discriminator heavily.

It is incredible that some people still believe that American culture has to mimic European culture. Our national identity is diversity. To strive to enforce some Eurocentric culture is Unamerican. Is this not a country of immigrants? Should we ban Octoberfest, St. Patrick's Day, Puerto Rico Day, Chinese New Year, etc...? Should we disregard the first amendment and ban all foreign languages? Using citykid09's logic, or illogic, the answer would have to be "yes."

If you really want to make English the official language of the US then I have some advice. Learn the language first citykid09!

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Good post. On another note, us as Blacks have stereotypes as well. Like, we aren't suppose to get into a good college, or get a good job. That is what persued me to get into a good college, University of Texas at Austin, and getting a good job. I am a Engineerer.

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That presupposes you have some definition of what it means to "be American" and "enter the mainstream". Be white? Speak English? Not be gay? Watch popular TV shows? Who decides, anyway? I always thought being American was more about your beliefs than your ethnicity or language. If being intolerant of people who are different is what "America used to be about", then I don't want to go back.

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That presupposes you have some definition of what it means to "be American" and "enter the mainstream".  Be white?  Speak English?  Not be gay?  Watch popular TV shows?  Who decides, anyway?  I always thought being American was more about your beliefs than your ethnicity or language.  If being intolerant of people who are different is what "America used to be about", then I don't want to go back.

Right. Besides, I thought America used to be about Native Americans.

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I'll go ahead and say it since nobody has. Citykid09 is nothing more than an ignorant racist. First, he is failing to see the distinction between Latin American Immigrants and American-born Mexican-Americans. Unless you are a Native-American, then I can bet that most Mexican-Americans have deeper ancestral roots in Texas than you. Obviously you haven't taken Texas History yet or you'd know that Texas was once part of Mexico. Yes, we all know about the Mexican-American War. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo guaranteed that Mexicans living in the new US territories could retain their nationality, properties, and culture. So isn't it possible that many American-born Mexican-Americans speak Spanish? Yes. Many do. But obviously you fail to see that.

i didn't detect racism in his post. ignornace on historical dynamics perhaps and painting an entire ethnic group with too broad of a brush, definitly.

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i didn't detect racism in his post. ignornace on historical dynamics perhaps and painting an entire ethnic group with too broad of a brush, definitly.

Immagration is a good thing in moderation. When the Germans and italians came over they came over in droves! But they did not take over the economy they made it diverst. Now in the Case of the Mexicans they are taking over not making the area diverst! Reasearch has shown that in the near future the Houston area will be Mostly Mexican and that group will be the least educated. So my point is The Minority in Houston will soon be Whites, Black, Asians and other. The Majority will be Mexican. The people running the city will be the minority because the majority will not be educated enough (Mexicans highest dropout rate in Houston). So alot of the majorioty (mexicans) will be in Low paying Jobs and The minority (mostly White) will have the high paying jobs. Thats something to think about. As the Future approcess Houston will become more and more of a poor city.

Now you all can say that this is all prejudice talk but it is the truth.

My family used to own a House that was later sold to a immagrant Mexican Family. The House was Very nice until they got a hold of it. The House was at first light brown, They Painted it Orange and Aqua Blue (How UGLY!) The house had a washer and dryer, They Built a Clothes Hanger outside in the FRONT YARD! The House had Nice grass, they Put a Chicken Coop in the front and sideyards!

This Is Not Mexico People! Please adapt to our culture!

I'm sure if us Americans were to move to Mexico in droves that they would not adapt to us. So Please Don't bring your bad habits to America! Thank You! I'm not being prejudice I am just frustrated!

Yeah. Definitely no racism here :rolleyes: . The nazis hated the jews because they saw them as a threat to their pure German nation. I hope I'm not the only one who sees a similarity here. Go ahead and tell me the nazis weren't racists.

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Guest waynelorentz

When I moved to Houston people I met crowed about how multi-ethnic it is. In time, I realized that was all a farce. Not that they were lying to me, but that they were conditioned into defining "multi-ethnic" in a different way than other cities.

I see Houston aws more bi-ethnic -- English and Mexican. People talk a lot about how multi-ethnic it is, but compared to cities like New York, Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, and others it really isn't. At least that's the sense I get. Yes, Houston has a vibrant asian community, but it's very small. Do I have any statistics to back up my sense of Houston? No. But I'll look for some and if I can find any, I'll post them.

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Well I would hate to call someone a racist. Let's just say he packs a pretty heavy punch of nasty stereotypes (they won't learn English, they act dumb, they're uneducated, they bring their bad habits, they're "taking over", bla bla bla bla. Good grief. How can someone live in what is, as Wayne points out, effectively a bi-ethnic city and think that way? For the life of me I can't see why it would bother someone. It's not like you're being forced to listen to Mexican radio stations. Deal with it. Hispanics make up something like 40% of our population and are an important part of our culture. It's who we are.

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Let's just say he packs a pretty heavy punch of nasty stereotypes (they won't learn English, they act dumb, they're uneducated, they bring their bad habits, they're "taking over", bla bla bla bla.  Good grief. 

That's pretty much how I reacted to the initial post, and I think citykid09 has provided a very accurate portrayal of an equally popular American stereotype - ignorant and intolerant.

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Yeah.  Definitely no racism here  :rolleyes: . The nazis hated the jews because they saw them as a threat to their pure German nation. I hope I'm not the only one who sees a similarity here. Go ahead and tell me the nazis weren't racists.

ok, i didn't see that post, just the one you quoted above that i responded to but i'm not as quick to label him a racist. however, it's a negative sterotype of an ethnic group and that more to do with ignorance than just being a bigot.

it's like associating italians with organized crime; not bigoted but an ignorant sterotype.

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Mexicans are here to stay, you can argue all you want about " oh we need to stop them from coming in," it's to late, they're already here . I agree that a hispanic person should adapt to the American culture and learn the language, but easier said then done. If you live in a predominately hispanic neighborhood, and work in a job that doesn't require english first hand, do you really believe that anyone would learn english in that type of environment?

Also I believe the word "racist" is thrown around a little to much, people need to stop being so PC about everything. As a Mexican Citykids post might have been a bit annoying, but i wouldn't call it "racist."

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Also I believe the word "racist" is thrown around a little to much, people need to stop being so PC about everything. As a Mexican Citykids post might have been a bit annoying, but i wouldn't call it "racist."

i agree.

besides...'hispanic' or 'latino' is not even an a race and calling it an ethnic group is even a stretch considering that there are 19 'hispanic' countries in north and south america plus one more (brazil) if you use the term 'latino' and pretty much the only commonality between hispanic countries is the language and even that differs from country to country let alone the individual cultures.

ok, all this talk of hispanics and mexicans is giving me a hankering for some good mexican food. must...have...fajitas.

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Not only was it unconstitutional not to educate those children, it also was foolhardy, the high court pointed out.

"Education has a fundamental role in maintaining the fabric of our society. We cannot ignore the significant social costs borne by our nation when select groups are denied the means to absorb the values and skills upon which our social order rests," wrote Justice William J. Brennan.

Again, if all children in elementary school learn English and Spanish, the cultural depth of Texas will advance exponentially as all ethnicities and races enrolled in Texas public schools are given an ability to comprehend the two cultures which comprise and direct Texas' society - the English speaking and the Spanish speaking.

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i agree.

besides...'hispanic' or 'latino' is not even an a race and calling it an ethnic group is even a stretch considering that there are 19 'hispanic' countries in north and south america plus one more (brazil) if you use the term 'latino' and pretty much the only commonality between hispanic countries is the language and even that differs from country to country let alone the individual cultures.

ok, all this talk of hispanics and mexicans is giving me a hankering for some good mexican food. must...have...fajitas.

Is there a standard definition for which countries are considered "Hispanic?" I've heard that people in Brazil are offended when they're called that. And I remember growing up in New York that the city's very large Puerto Rican population didn't like being called Hispanic. That didn't make sense to me because Puerto Rico is so close to Hispanola. But with the spread of political correctness across the country, maybe that's changed.

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Is there a standard definition for which countries are considered "Hispanic?"  I've heard that people in Brazil are offended when they're called that.  And I remember growing up in New York that the city's very large Puerto Rican population didn't like being called Hispanic.  That didn't make sense to me because Puerto Rico is so close to Hispanola.  But with the spread of political correctness across the country, maybe that's changed.

brazil is the resaon why the term 'latino' is displacing 'hispanic' becuase they don't speak spanish. and you're right about the puerto ricans they don't liked being lumped together with everyone else. about hispaniola, over half the country is french speaking haiti. odd...

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