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Make It Stop! Make It Stop!


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Make the newscaster stop finding stuff to talk about! its all said and done (and my programming has been ruined!!!) -I wanted to see "Ghost whisperer" last night! Newcasters go home, shut up, sh**, shower and shave already! I am so sick of hearing about the repeated reports we can get off CNN and the Weather channel! The damn thing is not even in our viewing area anymore. Your dragging a beaten horse!

Sorry for the ranting but its really gotten beyond obsurd! Now...you want to be helpful...go get off the air for a while so we stuck in the house (AT HOME) with lack of places to eat out or places to shop have to hear the rantings of the traffic and when schools will be open.

ENOUGH IS FRIGGAN ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks I feel better!

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They are even showing channel 11 here in Bryan/College Station over our channel 3 cbs. We get channel 13 here everyday just during the news, but we also have our own abc (abc 40) so I can watch the Houston abc now (with the days long news) and flip back and watch my own abc with regular programing.

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With Lack of something to do TV is an only option. Excuse me newbie. I believe at times we are allowed to do a little ranting on here. Its good for the system! (and I WAS being a bit sarcastic)

who forced you to read this topic to kvetch to others what they should be doing?

don't like what I say. Tough. Don't read.

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Give me a break - get over it.

Im sure you can always catch the re-runs later in the season. Its not everyday 2.5 million people evacuate from their homes and cities, then dodge a huge bullet from mother nature - and then the suffering gets dumped on an area perhaps a little less prepared. Im sure that everything will return to normal later on in the week until then - get over it.

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What I can't stand is some of ya'lls attitude. I mean I make one comment and you got to jump me for it.


At LEAST TV is getting somewhat back to normal.

btw, I don't get a chance to watch TV too often because of my work schedule.

and I hate it when people say "get over it". get over what?

I am not allowed to express my feelings on a message board or my opinion?

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Maybe the broadcasters were secretly shipping each others tapes...Here KTRK...take KHOU...KHOU you get KPRC... ;)

I love what Kenn Hoffman said in that article, "Dave Ward and Tom Koch looked so much alike after all those broadcasts it was starting to look like the two idiots from Sonic" LMAO!!!

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I stated on another thread that I was interviewed by a San Antonio reporter. We were we on the patio of La Carafe's Friday night. It was around 7:00pm and downtown was dead, she was wondering what was going at this place and thought it was finally something new to talk about.

We didn't leave the bar until 2:00am Friday night. The highlight of the evening was when a chair was blown over and everyone cheered.

I agree with you BayouGirl, but I don't think you should get upset with the other responses and the opinions of others.

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I got a piece of plastic in front of my door. Does that count as having debris? :-D


As a Houstonian watching the storm from a foriegn country, I was watching it like a hawn on CNN's Hurricane Headquarters (actual title). And one of the main stories they were covering (if anyone saw this) were three flagpoles outside a Comfort Inn in Baytown. First, they watched as the Comfort Inn flag was blown away. Next, the American Flag blew away halfway during the storm. The Texas flag, however, wrapped around the flagpole for dearlife, and was still standing after the storm. That's a story I guess I can tell my grandkids.

Long story short, I'm surprised how to the media, two flags = 2.5 billion in damage :lol:

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I also got a good laugh out of Ken Hoffman's article. I do kinda think that some of the coverage was overdone. Was it necessary to see the KRIV on four channels? Don't know. But it did seem like a lot.

I think his best point was the way the meteorologists seemed to display a real let-down when it was clear that the storm wasn't going to be a direct hit for Houston. Especially Mr. Frank Billingsley--who seemed to be the most "doomsday" of them all. The lady on Fox (Cecilia something) was the only one that seemed sold that the storm was moving in another direction.

I'm with you on this one, BayouCityGirl. Everyone has their different news needs, though--but I mainly paid attention to the more newsworthy items--e.g. the National Weather Center updates and the awful and tragic explosion of the bus and the latest event of the dam in Livingston.

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[quote name= I mainly paid attention to the more newsworthy items--e.g. the National Weather Center updates and the awful and tragic explosion of the bus and the latest event of the dam in Livingston.

True, but I didn't need to hear about the bus accident for 3 hours stright, and I didn't need a traffic report all day.

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I already know the importance of this event. I lived through 2 hurricanes (now) and 1 tropical storm. But everytime we have severe weather the news breaks in on every network and overkills every story. They want to compete for who has what news. Ocassionally I would turn the station to something else other then news for a break but I would think did the news need to keep going on last night (after the storm was out of the Houston viewing area?)

As I have noticed that people in this city are opening up more (as some do in tragic events).

But I am just saying why do people to sound so snippish when I post my opinion on the news and the frustration of it being overdone.

I can guarntee you if you didn't have power and was listening by radio to a newstation...when reporters on the TV say "as you can see here"...see what....and where. Sometimes they aren't concise in location.

btw, her name is Celcia Sinclaire. (For Fox news at nine)...I did get a laugh at the people on "ASK FRANK" (and so I heard weren't screening calls) .

ONE thing did annoy me and this tragic weather reporter from California told FOX he he covered landslides and earthquakes but he was upset he wanted to see a hurricane in Houston (to report it)...

Question is : WHY EVER Wish that on anyone?

The news station told the reporter from California: Go to Beaumont. He grinned saying they had reporters in Beaumont as it was.

When you are set to report in Houston and a hurricane is going on...Don't EVER say that about someone else's city! Talk about disrespect!

Dontcha think?

Don't slam me for my opinion...I believe I am entitled.

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What's frustrating to me now is how they are overdoing the "New Orleans is flooded again!" story. I'm sick of hearing about it. What was in those neighborhoods was destroyed three weeks ago! The new flooding isn't really making it worse; there was nothing salvageable in some of those areas anyway. In Southeast Texas I have family who have a business that sustained structural damage in the storm when a roof from another building flew off and hit ours. I have lifelong friends I grew up with who have houses completely destroyed by falling trees. Nobody's covering this story. It may start showing up though; I just found out my father has been interviewed on camera by CBS and CNN. I just think the media's missing a lot of the real story of this storm in Texas, probably because it hit more rural areas the worst.

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Fred is REALLY tiny. Like less than 250 people tiny. It's just down the road from my hometown, and in the same county. Supposedly there was a nursing home there with patients in trouble or something. I didn't even know there was a nursing home there. Anyway, that's the most I've seen of that part of the story too.

I guess part of my displeasure with seeing all the New Orleans stuff still is I've heard the stories from people in the area about the situation there, but everyone seems to think the only story is in Louisiana. I'm not downplaying their misery over there, but it's far from being the only damage caused by this storm. I suspect many Houstonians have no clue the devestation that exists in an area where thousands of them go on weekends to the lakes to get area from the city.

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Sorry Bayou City Girl - for snipping at you.

I personally found it really interesting to listen in on all the news of the storm - ect...

You and my Dad - who watched Suvivor Man (just prior to the storm actually hitting) - are welcome to watch what you will, just dont take the only tv - that works while Im watching the news of the hurricane.

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They are even showing channel 11 here in Bryan/College Station over our channel 3 cbs. We get channel 13 here everyday just during the news, but we also have our own abc (abc 40) so I can watch the Houston abc now (with the days long news) and flip back and watch my own abc with regular programing.

here in victoria they were showing channel 13's coverage on upn

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The media tends to overdo alot of its coverage.

I don't understand why UPN/FOX over here were sharint stations.

arche, have you lived in Houston all your life?

Some of us who live in this city and listen to major media that happens in this city know that the city can go on and on over the same coverage and after a while it gets boring.

"You and my Dad - who watched Suvivor Man (just prior to the storm actually hitting) - are welcome to watch what you will, just dont take the only tv - that works while Im watching the news of the hurricane."

Its good to know what's going on but I don't understand WHY the news couldn't simply display a box (small screen) in the corner and break into something actually more important like the bus accident (THAT was important) NOT the traffic for hours on end (how are the people who are in traffic going to SEE the traffic on their radio?)...only hear about it. But reports of a water bottle being blown in the street. That's a bit blown out of proportion dontcha think?

Your personal preference is the news great. But don't always think its 100% accurate. Especially relying on the weather in this city.

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why judge yourself like that? I only asked a simple question and everytime I try to say something to you it sounds like you are snapping at me.

Well sometimes in events of disaster people don't want to see things that are post-tramautic. For example...if the hurricane was going on...I heard "Invasion" (the TV) show was showing about a hurricane in Florida. Sometimes it hits too close to home and therefore does give people nightmares (no matter what age)

People in the depression went to movies to get away from their everyday lives just for a little bit. I think that's why some people would rather not see the news even for that little bit and have a laugh (even in sombering moments that East Texas/Louisana went through)

We can't just sit there anxiously await for dire news of CNN/Weather Channel , etc...it could lead to that post traumatic syndome I had mentioned before. which is why now there are commericals for parents and people who have fostered kids of "Hurricane Katherine (and the 9/11 events) to watch their moods. Because something as significant as this can have an impact on how kids and older teens/adults behave.

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I had a bad day, so sorry if the response was a little harsh. But, the question does seem to imply ...? oh you've not lived anywhere else - I realize that perhaps you arent saying that to me, but when people say that to me -- its as if they are implying that perhaps I am wrong to have lived in only one city. Its just a kind of backward thing to speak of here in Houston, since so many people arent native to this town, its implied that either going to school or living somewhere else is more important these days than why you actually have lived in one place your whole life. Its almost as if people with little education and little money are the only ones who stay in one place.

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When I have days like that the best thing I could do is stay offline. Because when people post and their mad they tend to let out their anger on others. I prevent myself from going on Messanger because I don't want to hurt my friends with biting words that may affect my friendship later.

I neer assumed anything about you living elsewhere. I though maybe you were from another city or you were new to the city.

My friend is from Houston and she lived here all her life. She stayed for the hurricane because this stuff fascinates her. Not the diaster itself but I guess the way the hurricane works and such.

The reason I stayed in town was to escape the verbal abuse of my stepfather in El Paso and later get an education at the Art Institute of Houston and get a degree in Associate of Applied Science in Video Production.

If I had money to move elsewhere I'd be long gone. I am not a fan of the city but I live here because I don't have the funds to move anywhere else.

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