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Topic About Nothing


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Hey, i like enemas and but plugs, but that's the freak in me. 

I would go further, but I'm afraid I'll get kicked off.

:o My virgin ears!!! :lol:

By the way, since this is a topic about nothing, I just wanted to say that my favorite two faces on the clickable smiles are :lol: and :angry:

That angry dude looks pretty irritated, yo!

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yeah...doesn't that get you automatically barred from the republican party?  :P

(i mean saying you like it - not actually liking it or not...haha)

Gay republicans. I know quite a few but I just don't understand. When the party top man (Bush) states we should not discriminate against gays because "we are all sinners" with the obvious implication that being gay is a sin. I just don't get an affiliation with a party that hates you at worst and tolerates you at best.

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This topic is about anything and since I started it I conceder it my baby. So, I want to keep this alive.

Anyhow, I took my first exam this semester I got a respectable B on the test, well considering I only studied two days I think I did very well. I will keep y'all informed only if I get an A in the course. :rolleyes:

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Lovely Rita meter maid

Lovely Rita meter maid

Lovely Rita meter maid

Nothing can come between us

When it gets dark I tow your heart away

Standing by a parking meter

When I caught a glimpse of Rita

Filling in a ticket in her little white book

In a cap she looked much older

And the bag across her shoulder

Made her look a little like a military man

Lovely Rita meter maid

May I inquire discreetly (Lovely Rita)

When are you free to take some tea with me? (Lovely Rita, maid, ah)


Took her out and tried to win her

Had a laugh and over dinner

Told her I would really like to see her again

Got the bill and Rita paid it

Took her home I nearly made it

Sitting on the sofa with a sister or two

Oh, lovely Rita meter maid

Where would I be without you

Give us a wink and make me think of you (Lovely Rita meter maid)

Lovely Rita meter maid, Rita meter maid (Lovely Rita meter maid)

Oh Lovely Rita meter meter maid (Lovely Rita meter maid)

Ah da, ah da (Lovely Rita meter maid)

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That sounds really cool, but boring at the same time.  I know I would like to do that at  somepoint of my life but only for a week or two only if it was to do preservation/archives :D

i work in a library, and i am slowly finding out what i definitely do NOT want to do...haha

i am also finding out that a(n) MLIS will be usable in many different areas...

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You know, I didn't even see this post until today, and I was thinking the exact same thing this morning.  One of my personal faves off of Sgt Pepper's.

Well, the words of the song might change from "Lovely" to "Ugly" Rita.

I saw some old photos of a long-time-ago actress named Rita Hayworth. She was not too bad. Also, CBS news correspondent Rita Braver.

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  • 5 months later...
would be interested in the record player info -- not the plugs...

any tips on finding a good 78 player (locally) to hook up to my stero system? (any of you folks have one to sell?)

I didn't know that there were any 78rpm players that would connect to a stereo system. Maybe you might find something if you did a Google search.

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This bad boy is USB and conventional and plays all speeds including 78:




you have no idea how perfect that would be!

i am, in fact, recording these 78s to computer.

some of these never got to be anything but 78s

i'll leave it holy and not check out how much it costs...

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