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Walmart Joke Of The Day


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Ok, one joke: What's worse, microsoft, or Walmart?

Both try to take over the world, but, one of them sprawls more.

But, anyway, I absolutely LOATHE Wal*Mart (or as I call it EL*Cheapo).

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Walmart is worst than microsoft, Microsoft is a good thing, because without we would not be communicating.

Microsoft's software sucks! Bill Gates may be a great buisnessman but his software is buggy, insecure and overpriced. I had to laugh when Microsoft was fighting the anti-trust case. They kept saying "if you break us up we won't be able to innovate". What a joke! Nothing origional has ever come out of Microsoft. They have bought or stolen everything they have.

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Yeah, and now, they're trying to patent something bfore Apple does (a component in future IPODs) so Apple will have to pay a royalty to Microsoft, even though Windows was a knockoff off of the old Apple OS, or whatever.

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after reading "the millionaire next door", i believe that many truly wealthy people shop for discounts and most likely shop at walmart. (IMO) it tends to be the newly rich/ nouveau riche and credit card rich people who eschew walmart. and, as i've mentioned in another thread, "W" magazine had an article awhile back discussing that spending patterns were changing to reflect this fact. the same person who shops at macy's for perfume will hit walmart on the way home for a prescription.

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bachanon, I'd have to agree with you. My in-laws are the classic (multi)-millionaires next door. They live in the same 1600 SF tract house in Dallas that they bought in 1964 for $17 K. Saved wisely and spent lightly over the last 45 years. My father-in-law worked in a professional job with a large company for 42 years. He switched his grocery shopping to Wal-Mart after determining (with a spreadsheet) that it was about 17% cheaper at Wal-Mart than at the Albertsons down the street. And I know that their net worth is more than probably half of the people buying $500K houses in The Woodlands just because some mortgage company would loan them the money.

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With the iPod microsoft case it has to do with I believe apple developed the thing that operates all their iPods, and a Microsoft employee patented it 5 months before apple did. Who waited until it was released to patent it (bad move on their part). But it was still a sneaky thing MS did. Also regarding windows being buggy, it is, but it is also hurt as most spyware etc. is written for it because most people use it. It is just not as profitable to write it for macs. That is my one worry about firefox, that as it becomes more popular there will be more spyware that can break its security.

Back on topic. The bad target ads I am talking about are there new ones like Sir Mix-alot's "I like backbacks and I cannot lie" with the kids dancing around and stuff with school supplies and stuff.

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With the iPod microsoft case it has to do with I believe apple developed the thing that operates all their iPods, and a Microsoft employee patented it 5 months before apple did.  Who waited until it was released to patent it (bad move on their part).  But it was still a sneaky thing MS did.  Also regarding windows being buggy, it is, but it is also hurt as most spyware etc. is written for it because most people use it.  It is just not as profitable to write it for macs.  That is my one worry about firefox, that as it becomes more popular there will be more spyware that can break its security.

Back on topic.  The bad target ads I am talking about are there new ones like Sir Mix-alot's "I like backbacks and I cannot lie" with the kids dancing around and stuff with school supplies and stuff.

Yeah there is a lot of resentment for Evil Bill and Microsoft for a variety of reasons. It makes a lot of peoples day to find and exploit security holes in MS's software. People probably leave Linux and Mac alone because they have nothing against them and it is probably tougher to find holes in those OS's.

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Walmart is worst than microsoft, Microsoft is a good thing, because without we would not be communicating.

If you mean the whole internet thing, remember that Microsoft was against the internet and fought against it tooth and nail until it couldn't resist any longer.

Back in the Windows 3.1 days you had to get a third-party program (remember WinSock?) to even use the internet on Microsoft Windows. It wasn't until Windows 95 that Microsoft had rudimentary internet support, and even that was pretty poor and had to be updated and patched to work properly.

Millions of people were using the internet (Gopher, Telnet, IRC, FTP, even WWW) long before Microsoft got in the game. It was probably the whole AOL/PC Link/QLink thing that made them sit up and notice.

Microsoft totally missed seeing the internet coming, and played a very good game of catch up.

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Remeber, Target and K-Mart started off as low end discount retailers. Target and K-Mart only started to change to "APPEAR" (stress appear alot) upscale since Wal-Mart was beating them in the customer game. Wal-Mart ran both of these into the ground in markets where they are competing. Target and K-Mart decided to re-image themselves conceding Wal-Mart won. Target realized there is a chunk of peope that either hate Wal-Mart (for stupid reasons at best) and people that think spending more means higher quality. Target now brands themselves not against Wal-Mart, but more upscale. Customers are buying it and shopping there. I don't have any preference over the two, but truthfully I would shop at a Wal-Mart if it was closer than Kroger and Target for most items since it's cheaper.

I shop at the Kroger on 11th and the Target on San Felipe because there are no other places that are closer. If Wal-Mart came in I'll drop the other in a heartbeat for a cheaper price.

Faux quality at a higher price is worse than low quality at a low price.

Both (as mentioned before) get their products from china and sell them here. Target just charges more and people think are beating Wal-Mart by shopping there. A fairly childish attitude in my opinion.

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i think i am speaking for a few of us here when i say we hate wal-mart because of the store itself - out of all the big-box-like stores, i have experienced it to be dirtier and more crowded than any other (maybe that's the price they pay for offering such cheap crap...) :lol:

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Well it is the same crap as Target, just better priced. Why pay more for the same stuff? Seems kind of stupid.

Also, Target is no different than the other big boxed stores anyway. All of their stores in the Metro are big box stores. So they built a couple urban stores in the US. Wal-Marts' customer base isn't in the urban area. Why build a store where you don't feel you'll make money.

I bet if Wal-Mart build an urban store in Midtown along the LRT with apartments above it, people will still go after them eventhough they are doing exactly what peopl want them to do. Actually they tried in New York city, but the got some backlash. I don't know where the story is now.

People see Wal-Mart (and Microsoft as mentioned earlier) as a punching bag.

If the store not looking really nice was a negative for Wal-Mart, then why are they on top. Maybe because their customers don't care much about that.

Wal-Mart has realized that they have there current customer base locked in, now they are going to go after Target and K-Marts. It isn't hard to make a store look upscale. Some coats of paint and better signs with some nice smocks for the employees to where. If that's what gets you into a Target, is seems kind of shallow and baseless. But it seems Target was right in betting some people will pick image and looks over price. I guess they realized that these peolple that think looks are more important are willing to pay to believe they are getting better.

Every community that mounted large opposition to Wal-Mart (upscale neighborhoods) and lost have seen the Wal-Mart flourish. I guess the opposition wasn't really there.

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Also, Target is no different than the other big boxed stores anyway.

If the store not looking really nice was a negative for Wal-Mart, then why are they on top.  Maybe because their customers don't care much about that.

Some coats of paint and better signs with some nice smocks for the employees to where.  If that's what gets you into a Target, is seems kind of shallow and baseless.  But it seems Target was right in betting some people will pick image and looks over price.  I guess they realized that these peolple that think looks are more important are willing to pay to believe they are getting better.

i agree - there probably isn't a whole lot of difference

i am not talking about looking really nice either, just that a janitor or ten would help wal-mart - they were dirty, as in grime and nastiness...

i can't speak much about target though (i don't shop there either)

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I go to two Wal Marts - Atoscocita and El Dorado.

Both are spic and span clean.

And the Atoscocita location was tree friendly in its design.

It's not like I buy clothes there anyway. I like Target for DVDs and games, but I prefer Wal Mart for all the other stuff.

I don't really buy food at either one.

My favoirte Target is the one across from Reliant. That's the closet one to Midtown. An hour shopping trip there, and you will hear a TON of foreign languages. It's like the Bennetton Target.

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Wal-Mart News!!!

I don't think the News Media will mention this:

Wal-Mart has given $1million dollars to the Red Cross Specifically for the clean up. They have already opened their store in Kenner, LA and are offering it up at a supplies relay station and to house the supplies. Kenner was hit hard specifically near the Lake front. Most of the Lake front aerials i've seen were actually in Kenner and not in New Orleans.

They will operate at a loss at that store as long as it takes to get New Orleans back up.

I guess they aren't a bunch of big corporate meanies after all.

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