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Ebola in Dallas: Second person being monitored for Ebola

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Officials: Second person being monitored for Ebola



DALLAS — Health officials are closely monitoring a possible second Ebola patient who had close contact with the first person to be diagnosed in the U.S., the director of Dallas County's health department said Wednesday.

All who have been in close contact with the man officially diagnosed are being monitored as a precaution, Zachary Thompson, director of Dallas County Health and Human Services, said in a morning interview with WFAA-TV, Dallas-Fort Worth.

"Let me be real frank to the Dallas County residents: The fact that we have one confirmed case, there may be another case that is a close associate with this particular patient," he said. "So this is real. There should be a concern, but it's contained to the specific family members and close friends at this moment."




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If there are more out there with Ebola wandering around (many exposed in only a few days by this person), and we have thousands with U.S. visas from West Africa, then this thing is already out of control.  This virus is extremely contagious.  A lot of talk following the same script from our government, this is really a disaster.  But is this really a surprise?  It is to the White House, they said there was a very remote chance that this will enter the country.  Well guess what, it's in.  West Africa needs to be completely quarantined, flights from West Africa need to be shut down, should have been done a long time ago.  All I know is that this government will not let this crisis (soon to be) go to waste.


And people from Houston are going to Dallas for the dumb football game this weekend, perfect timing.

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If there are more out there with Ebola wandering around (many exposed in only a few days by this person), and we have thousands with U.S. visas from West Africa, then this thing is already out of control.  This virus is extremely contagious.  A lot of talk following the same script from our government, this is really a disaster.  But is this really a surprise?  It is to the White House, they said there was a very remote chance that this will enter the country.  Well guess what, it's in.  West Africa needs to be completely quarantined, flights from West Africa need to be shut down, should have been done a long time ago.  All I know is that this government will not let this crisis (soon to be) go to waste.


And people from Houston are going to Dallas for the dumb football game this weekend, perfect timing.

Yeah everything you've said is literally all wrong. People entering the US from the African countries afflicted with Ebola go through a screening process just to board the plane. The virus is NOT extremely contagious because the only way to pass it is by blood transfusion or if you have sex with somebody. It's through bodily fluids. You don't actually spread the virus until you start showing symptoms, which can be up to 21 days after infection, so it's not an easily traceable thing, so I don't really understand how the hell you think the government had some sort of conspiracy "don't give a shit" attitude towards this. Finally, if you've actually done any research on any of this you would know that ALL American hospitals have been preparing for this all summer and have put critical and major prevention steps into action just in case a break out were to occur. We have only seen ONE CONFIRMED outbreak that was quarantined immediately after the symptoms appeared. Since we've already established you haven't read about anything except whatever delusional conspiracy pops into your mind, you would know that there are already 11 people that have been monitored for Ebola; none of which actually had the virus.

I really don't understand how any sane person could possibly think that the government is purposely letting a viral outbreak on this scale in OTHER CONTINENTS go completely unnoticed and without giving any sort of thought to it. Even thinking just a liiiiittle bit will make you understand.

TL;DR: Take the tinfoil hat off and go back to the [i[f ucking Yahoo comment section.

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Information can be very reassuring or very scary.  It is what it is.  Even if the information is scary, though, looking at it rationally also allows for at least a chance of a rational response.


Ignorance and rumors, however, are almost always scary, usually overblown, and rarely lead to anything productive.  Remember the panic about AIDS maybe being spread by mosquitos?  Hey, they bite someone for their blood, and then bite someone else... maybe you...


Let's try to stay in the reality based world, whatever your individual politics may happen to be.

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You have about the same chance of getting Ebola as you do Hepatitus from someone - that is if someone has Hep and wants to NOT take precautions.  If Ebola were airborne (like the common Flu, which kills upwards of 30,000 people yearly - more if you include the worldwide population) we would be panicking like scared little kids.  As it stands, this "scare" is going to remind people to WASH THEIR HANDS after doing anything that involves their orifices, and don't sweat or bleed on people!  These are of course common knowledge.

Edited by arche_757
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Eek!  Eek!  It's the ebola!  I'm skeered!  I'm skeered!




Sheesh.   <_<  There's a whole world of press and politicians out there that do nothing but thrive on blowing problems out of proportion and scaring the chumps.  Last week it was those awful Isis terrorists coming to get us, and this is the horrible threat for this week.  If one looks at the odds, it probably makes as much sense to fret about getting hit by a meteorite. 

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