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COH mobility study revealed


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Notice of public hearing and open house

Inner West Loop Mobility Study

2014 Major Thoroughfare & Freeway Plan Amendments

The City of Houston is proposing amendments to the Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan (MTFP). These include amendments resulting from the Inner West Loop Mobility Study. The MTFP identifies right-of-way needs and proposes roadway alignments. The MTFP process does not address the timing of roadway acquisition or construction activities related to the roadways.

Information on each proposed amendment will be available for public review at an Open House to be held on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the United Way Community Resource Center, 50 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas, 77007. City staff and applicants of the amendments will be available at the Open House to answer questions.

The City of Houston Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 31, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. in the City Hall Annex Council Chambers, Public Level, located at 900 Bagby Street, Houston, TX 77002, concerning proposed changes to the 2014 Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan (MTFP).

Please visit the following webpages for more information on the Inner West Loop Mobility Study and 2014 MTFP Proposed Amendments.

Inner West Loop Study - Study area is bounded by Spur 527/Bagby Street; IH-610 West Loop; IH-10; and US-59 http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/mobility/InnerWestLoop.html

2014 MTFP Proposed Amendments


If you have questions about these proposed amendments, you may contact Amar Mohite and 713-837-7701.

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One thing I've wondered about in terms of major thoroughfares is if they actually intend on finishing out the stubs, like extending Kirby to the South Belt, or when one can drive on Bellaire (Holcombe) all the way from the Medical Center to the Grand Parkway, or what have you. Or if they've abandoned those plans entirely.

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One thing I've wondered about in terms of major thoroughfares is if they actually intend on finishing out the stubs, like extending Kirby to the South Belt, or when one can drive on Bellaire (Holcombe) all the way from the Medical Center to the Grand Parkway, or what have you. Or if they've abandoned those plans entirely.

There are so many of these random pathes of roads that look like they'll eventually be connected but never do. However, I did notice a portion of Ella that hadn't seen activity in over a decade push through an undeveloped "trailer park" area in side the beltway so there's always hope.

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Yeah, Ella did push through Acres Homes area, and many other roads (Kirby, Bellaire) have gotten new (often discontinuous) segments. One can always hope that they'll be connected in a grand master plan.

There's also the random stretch of Buffalo Speedway above West Orem that goes a couple of miles north to literally no where. What the hell was the city thinking?

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Road diets! Interesting stuff. Commonwealth is going from 3 lanes to 2. Dunlavy's going from 4 lanes to 2. Sawyer's going from 4 lanes to 2 lanes plus a center turn lane. Shepherd's being expanded 10 feet. Brazos is getting redone like Bagby already has been, with curb extensions, street parking cut in, and fewer lanes.

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It will soon be extended north from "literally no where" to Holmes Road.

How soon? As mentioned earlier, some of these "stubs" have lasted for decades, with some yet to go to full potential. I do see that the ROW is cleared, that's good, now just to cross the light rail track* and the main railroad track.


* Yes really. Go to Google Maps, you'll see the north track doesn't connect at all to the main line and instead goes up to the light rail system.

Edited by IronTiger
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How soon? As mentioned earlier, some of these "stubs" have lasted for decades, with some yet to go to full potential. I do see that the ROW is cleared, that's good, now just to cross the light rail track* and the main railroad track.


* Yes really. Go to Google Maps, you'll see the north track doesn't connect at all to the main line and instead goes up to the light rail system.


I believer it is out for bids right now.


Yes, that is Metro's test track.

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About damn time. It's been like that for at least 5 years.

That's nothing. That Ella/Gulf Bank intersection is finally seeing some action since the "stubs" were built in the late 1980s (if not earlier). As for road diets, I'm rather ambivalent to it depending on the case. Adding a left turn lane and using the leftovers to make bike lanes? Sure. Actually restriping a useless lane (or otherwise unstriped lane) to a parking lane that doubles as a bike lane? Absolutely. Restriping a road without stripes to properly designate bike lanes? OK. [Note: in general, though definitely not always due to varying widths of these types of things, I've found one bike lane = half of a regular lane] I'm probably more open to this since it doesn't necessarily ruin roads like street running light rail does.

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