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Crime and Inequality


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You can bet that.

Blow some "thug" brain matter all over the sidewalk and the next would be robbers might re-think things.


Enough thugs get blown away on a regular enough basis by armed citizens or later by the justice system that you would think the next set of would-be thugs would think twice, but they don't.  Why?  Because they're not the think-ahead types.


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Getting bolder and bolder every day. That is not even a 1/4 mile from the police station. If HPD does not step it up somebody is going to get murdered in one of these robberies.

It's a sign of desperation. Income inequality is at its largest point in the US since the 1920s and Houston has one of the largest income gaps in the country. We all get understandably excited at the economic growth that's happening here, but it's also going to create more tension and jealousy from those who are excluded.

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It's a sign of desperation. Income inequality is at its largest point in the US since the 1920s and Houston has one of the largest income gaps in the country. We all get understandably excited at the economic growth that's happening here, but it's also going to create more tension and jealousy from those who are excluded.


This neocon says the solution to crime/income inequality is something called "Summer Opportunity Scholarships" and restitution by offenders:


Could there be a structural problem inherent in having a constantly-replenishing supply of immigrants accumulating like a sedimentary layer on top of the urban black underclass?



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It's a sign of desperation. Income inequality is at its largest point in the US since the 1920s and Houston has one of the largest income gaps in the country. We all get understandably excited at the economic growth that's happening here, but it's also going to create more tension and jealousy from those who are excluded.


I don't make what the people shopping at Hermes make, but the "inequality" does not cause a state of desperation that causes me to hold the place up. In fact most of my friends make a great deal more than I do, which does not cause me any tension, jealousy, or envy. I see how hard they work for what they have, and I am happy for them. Please tell me who or what outside of my own choices "excludes" me from what they have?

Mattress Mac once spoke at a company I worked at. He said that when people ask him how he became sucessful he tells them that he won the lottery, "I was born in the United States". Regardless of what the haters say, opportunity is here in spades hence our influx of immigrants from all nations. It's easier here, we just have a growing number of people that want to avoid effort and have the fruits handed to them.

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So you're basically saying that macroeconomic factors have no impact. People succeed or fail entirely based on their own abilities. Got it. I'm expecting some comments about the 47% any minute now.


Macroecomic factors are not nearly as big a factor as the desire of the criminals to make a quick buck with little effort. Stealing bread to feed your dids may be driven by economics, but the restaurant robbers are just out looking to make enough money to buy beer, drugs, women, etc. Chanign the distribution of income isn't going to make these guys stop robbing - they wouldn't have a real job if was handed to them on a plate. They are similar, in fact, to the recent graduates that occasionally pass through my office all upset that htey aren't a manager after 3 years. Whiny jerks who think they are entitled to a wonderful life merely for existing.


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Inequality leading to desperation?  What a joke.  These welfare parasites get Medicaid, section 8, food stamps, WIC, and a plethora of other taxpayer funded wealth transference programs.  We need to go South American style; Paramilitary units to socially cleanse the undesirables and dump them in Buffalo Bayou.  "Clean Houston, Beautiful Houston".

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desperation?  The American Plantation is a popular lifestyle.  waiting for your welfare check once/month.  Earn money under the table so that you can maximize your opportunity for benefits.  won't volunteer to improve the community.  provide no positive influence.  rely on school dist to provide free breakfast and lunch to their children.

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desperation? The American Plantation is a popular lifestyle. waiting for your welfare check once/month. Earn money under the table so that you can maximize your opportunity for benefits. won't volunteer to improve the community. provide no positive influence. rely on school dist to provide free breakfast and lunch to their children.

Pretty much. It's like being a slave on Sunday in the South, you're not working, but you're still a slave.

One of my favorite quotes about work states; "There is no such thing as a bad job, only bad men unwilling to do it". I don't agree with that 100%, but I will tell you that draining and scrubbing out deep-fat fryers every week was character-building for me, and a catalyist to going back to school.

And about that minimum wage:


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Ah, the usual deep and insightful analysis that I've come to expect from HAIF. It's a pretty conclusively documented fact that there is a strong coorelation between income inequality and crime rates. Income inequality is becoming an increasing problem in Houston and the current wave of economic growth that is underway will increase that disparity. Therefore it isn't a big stretch to conclude that we will see some increase in crime as well.

I'm not talking about the individual crime referenced, I'm talking about overall crime rate. You can go ahead and return to your originally scheduled, "they just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps" conversation.

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It's a pretty conclusively documented fact that there is a strong coorelation between income inequality and crime rates. Income inequality is becoming an increasing problem in Houston and the current wave of economic growth that is underway will increase that disparity. Therefore it isn't a big stretch to conclude that we will see some increase in crime as well.

I'm confused. Are you saying that economic growth will increase 'income inequality"? Because if that is the case then this means when you use the term "income inequality" you are really saying "people too lazy to apply effort", and I know there is no way you could agree to that definition.

If you believe that economic growth will increase the inequality then economic contraction would cause the opposite, which is to reduce the inequality. In essence this means that those with more would lose their jobs, and thus would now be equal.

What does not change is the efforts of the people you want to group-hug, the proletariat. The world somehow revolves around them, yet they never have opportunity. If things are good it is bad for them, if things are bad, then it's still bad for them, and it's bad for everyone else as well. However, everyone else does not choose to turn to crime when life is bad. When you refuse to put forth the effort to take the first, or next step then you're always going to remain unequal.

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Ah, the usual deep and insightful analysis that I've come to expect from HAIF. It's a pretty conclusively documented fact that there is a strong coorelation between income inequality and crime rates. Income inequality is becoming an increasing problem in Houston and the current wave of economic growth that is underway will increase that disparity. Therefore it isn't a big stretch to conclude that we will see some increase in crime as well.

I'm not talking about the individual crime referenced, I'm talking about overall crime rate. You can go ahead and return to your originally scheduled, "they just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps" conversation.

The rub is that to get less income inequality you typically need to have a aggressively progressive tax system that redistributes wealth for the overall benefit of society.

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Ah, the usual deep and insightful analysis that I've come to expect from HAIF. It's a pretty conclusively documented fact that there is a strong coorelation between income inequality and crime rates. Income inequality is becoming an increasing problem in Houston and the current wave of economic growth that is underway will increase that disparity. Therefore it isn't a big stretch to conclude that we will see some increase in crime as well.

I'm not talking about the individual crime referenced, I'm talking about overall crime rate. You can go ahead and return to your originally scheduled, "they just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps" conversation.

please provide conclusive evidence.
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Wow.  The above link literally blames Seinfeld.  I suspect you didn't read the whole thing. 


It doesnt actually blame sienfeld - it merely stated that Seinfeld was celebrating being a loser on TV, making it ok to be a loser instead of calling a loser a loser..they made it funny, acceptable even to be a loser.


There is no doubt in my mind that the Social policies and the influence of hollywood and pop/hip hop culuture of the left have discouraged work and productivity.  The social programs take away the negative effects of bad decisions, hollywood/media/music glorify getting yours for doing nothing.  You get mad at your boss?  Tell him off and get fired.  Its ok - you've got 99 weeks of unemployment and an EBT card to carry you until you can find another sucker to hire you again.

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Ah, the usual deep and insightful analysis that I've come to expect from HAIF. It's a pretty conclusively documented fact that there is a strong coorelation between income inequality and crime rates. Income inequality is becoming an increasing problem in Houston and the current wave of economic growth that is underway will increase that disparity. Therefore it isn't a big stretch to conclude that we will see some increase in crime as well.

I'm not talking about the individual crime referenced, I'm talking about overall crime rate. You can go ahead and return to your originally scheduled, "they just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps" conversation.


Good analysis.

It's a sign of desperation. Income inequality is at its largest point in the US since the 1920s and Houston has one of the largest income gaps in the country. We all get understandably excited at the economic growth that's happening here, but it's also going to create more tension and jealousy from those who are excluded.


And it's only getting worse.

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It doesnt actually blame sienfeld - it merely stated that Seinfeld was celebrating being a loser on TV, making it ok to be a loser instead of calling a loser a loser..they made it funny, acceptable even to be a loser.


There is no doubt in my mind that the Social policies and the influence of hollywood and pop/hip hop culuture of the left have discouraged work and productivity.  The social programs take away the negative effects of bad decisions, hollywood/media/music glorify getting yours for doing nothing.  You get mad at your boss?  Tell him off and get fired.  Its ok - you've got 99 weeks of unemployment and an EBT card to carry you until you can find another sucker to hire you again.



An original Seinfeld hasn't aired in 15 years and is completely irrelevant. 


Not sure what hip hop you listen to but they usually celebrate hustling and making money.

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An original Seinfeld hasn't aired in 15 years and is completely irrelevant.

Not sure what hip hop you listen to but they usually celebrate hustling and making money.

I'm not sure what you think hustling means, but it's not about proactive customer relationship management.

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Good analysis.


And it's only getting worse.

Since you're such an expert, Do you have information about income inequality in Houston?  What are the numbers?


The Houston area and much of Texas is booming, do you mean that there has been little effect except to the upper class?  For instance, what about all the construction, who builds that stuff? In the oil industry has there been hiring of only upper class? Do you think there has been a decline of the middle class in Houston, a loss of construction jobs, a loss of manufacturing jobs, a loss of service jobs?

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Since you're such an expert, Do you have information about income inequality in Houston?  What are the numbers?


The Houston area and much of Texas is booming, do you mean that there has been little effect except to the upper class?  For instance, what about all the construction, who builds that stuff? In the oil industry has there been hiring of only upper class? Do you think there has been a decline of the middle class in Houston, a loss of construction jobs, a loss of manufacturing jobs, a loss of service jobs?



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If you take the 3 houses near me, 1 to my left and 2 to my right you'll discover that I am the token victim of the latest leftist meme. My neighbors consist of 3 petroleum engineers, a small business owner, and one medical professional. Each household probably makes 50% more than what we take in. Boo-freaking-hoo. I guess now knowing this I'm going knock over a Subway because I'm so distraught and envious of my neighbors.

You will find in any area that is undergoing renewal "income inequity" residents that have been living cheaply in the years prior to the revitalization and new residents willing to pay todays market value. Even in areas not undergoing significant renewal (like Timbergrove) you will find inequity in income solely based on the fact that the demographics include young double-incomes and retired seniors. So what?

If you're looking for the smoking bullet that separates those who commit crime versus those that do not then I would suggest looking at individual choices not blanket generalizations such as income status, race, or political views.

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I guess now knowing this I'm going knock over a Subway because I'm so distraught and envious of my neighbors.


You are WAY to simplistic in your view. I'm guessing you aren't struggling to feed your family, or live in a neighborhood where the guys with the most money seem to be gang-bangers or dealers? In your neighborhood, you see success first-hand being achieved via jobs and education. In poorer neighborhoods, the only success they typically see first-hand is through more nefarious means. They live in a neighborhood w/out petroleum engineers, and come from a family that has probably had more struggles than you can imagine. The only way to help them is through education and showing them first-hand examples of successful people. The Republican route of slashing education funding and reducing investments in their communities will only exacerbate crime and inequality.

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