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Why Is DART Light Years Ahead Of METRO?

Slick Vik

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We've had discussions comparing DART to the Houston METRORail before, and it ends up becoming the same topic with the same arguments after a while.

Friendly reminder: in the early days of HAIF, people have gotten banned for rather heated Dallas/Houston "debates", which undoubtedly involved the DART. Don't be one of those guys.

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It is just an update Tiger if you like do not read it.  Everyone in Houston should contact their representative.  This blog does nothing.  I have taken DART many times it took 1 hour to get from downtown to Richardson.  This is a good step for them tell me your experience when you took DART?  or forget it. 

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Yeah I agree with IronTiger on this one. These kinds of threads get very exhausting and rather pointless. Each city has its own various conditions and it's own circumstances, so really who cares. Not to mention both light rails function in very different ways! Unless it's a thread presenting innovations that could benefit HOUSTON, or ideas on rail success in this city, it would be far more productive *cough* like my charrette thread *cough*. I foresee this just being another smack talk thread about which city is better.....which is very boring quite honestly. I'm quite sure this wasn't your intention @nativehoustonion. I'm just tellin it like it is.

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It is just an update Tiger if you like do not read it. Everyone in Houston should contact their representative. This blog does nothing. I have taken DART many times it took 1 hour to get from downtown to Richardson. This is a good step for them tell me your experience when you took DART? or forget it.

Took me 22 minutes to get downtown from 635 to downtown I was impressed.

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I'm leaving tomorrow and will take it to the W Hotel.  Hopefully you will not mind my experience when I fly back.  I will take the shuttle coming back and see what is better.  I have a early Wednesday so DART schedule takes too long.  I will take pictures and see how good DART operates.  Please get over it. 

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They finished the Orange Line from Terminal A at DFW that has access to Downtown.  Dallas has the largest light rail system in the USA.  We really suck down here.  DART has some flaws with low ridership and trip times are longer but they a bragging up north.


So 14 years into the 21st century they have finally completed a 19th Century rail line that not many people ride and those who do ride have to endure longer trip times than advertised.


I'm sorry... why are they bragging? I guess I missed your point...


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I'm leaving tomorrow and will take it to the W Hotel. Hopefully you will not mind my experience when I fly back. I will take the shuttle coming back and see what is better. I have a early Wednesday so DART schedule takes too long. I will take pictures and see how good DART operates. Please get over it.

It's cost effective. $2.50 instead of a $50 cab

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WOW! People who fly a lot and who don't own cars and who don't care about getting around in style and who don't mind it taking twice as long and who don't mind frequent stops and who love sitting next to people who don't bathe are going to love this. That's right, all 6 of them.

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WOW! People who fly a lot and who don't own cars and who don't care about getting around in style and who don't mind it taking twice as long and who don't mind frequent stops and who love sitting next to people who don't bathe are going to love this. That's right, all 6 of them.


Yeah, but as you can see from the comments on this and other toy train threads, Dallas has one and we don't, and Lawd knows that can't be allowed to happen! Whatever they do, we have to do as well, even if it means flushing billions down the toilet.





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WOW! People who fly a lot and who don't own cars and who don't care about getting around in style and who don't mind it taking twice as long and who don't mind frequent stops and who love sitting next to people who don't bathe are going to love this. That's right, all 6 of them.

If you could provide a link that says a majority of the riders are "dirty" that would be great.

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I'm jealous, it was nice, but too many stops.  I have to take the shuttle tomorrow because of DART's schedule.  The yellow trains are ugly our looks better.  A guy next to me had tattoos everywhere with two skate boards kinda of freaky.  Overall METRO needs to get their act together.  I love there subway how cool. 

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WOW! People who fly a lot and who don't own cars and who don't care about getting around in style and who don't mind it taking twice as long and who don't mind frequent stops and who love sitting next to people who don't bathe are going to love this. That's right, all 6 of them.

With Dallas traffic twice as long is an exaggeration. Also that's what makes public transit public. Stay in your gated community if you're scared.

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With Dallas traffic twice as long is an exaggeration. Also that's what makes public transit public. Stay in your gated community if you're scared. 


Public transportation is like a public port-o-potty. People only use it when they absolutely HAVE to.  At the moment, most Texans don't have to or want to.


That being said, trains are cute. Unnecessary, but cute. And like mostly everyone else at HAIF I hope Houston gets more. If for no other reason, it might make you post a little less incoherent, pointless dribble at HAIF.


Edited by Metro West
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Public transportation is like a public port-o-potty. People only use it when they absolutely HAVE to.  At the moment, most Texans don't have to or want to.


That being said, trains are cute. Unnecessary, but cute. And like mostly everyone else at HAIF I hope Houston gets more. If for no other reason, it might make you post a little less incoherent, pointless dribble at HAIF.

I rode the bus when I worked downtown. It didn't take much longer than driving and saved me a little money. I didn't have to do that. That being said I don't think I would ever use a train from the airport to downtown or any other train in Houston. They just don't go to enough places. Buses go almost everywhere.

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Public transportation is like a public port-o-potty. People only use it when they absolutely HAVE to.  At the moment, most Texans don't have to or want to.


That being said, trains are cute. Unnecessary, but cute. And like mostly everyone else at HAIF I hope Houston gets more. If for no other reason, it might make you post a little less incoherent, pointless dribble at HAIF.


^ this guy lol


This isn't the 1970's when public transit was exactly as you pictured it.


What really gets me though is that selfishness.....man the stench of that selfishness and arrogance. Truly out of this world. *applause*


I mean is it really necessary to be such a Grinch?


If you hate public transportation thats fine, we get it, but what your posting here is literally pointless. I agree with @BigFootssocks on this one. If you don't have evidence other than some hollywood movie then can it. Most of all you just sound scared, angry, and elitist (oh don't let the dirty plebs touch my fancy car!).

Edited by Luminare
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^ this guy lol


This isn't the 1970's when public transit was exactly as you pictured it.


What really gets me though is that selfishness.....man the stench of that selfishness and arrogance. Truly out of this world. *applause*


I mean is it really necessary to be such a Grinch?


If you hate public transportation thats fine, we get it, but what your posting here is literally pointless. I agree with @BigFootssocks on this one. If you don't have evidence other than some hollywood movie then can it. Most of all you just sound scared, angry, and elitist (oh don't let the dirty plebs touch my fancy car!).

I think the name-calling and pigeonholing is a bit of a stretch, but have you (Metro West) actually ridden any train-based public transportation in the last 10 years? I've personally ridden four, the DART in Dallas (which has been operating since the mid-1990s), Houston's line, NYC, and Washington DC. While I have different feelings on each of them (first time in the Houston METRO I was in a car with some definitely creepy people, like the one guy that seemed to wear a crown out of what appeared to be twisted up coat hangers), I remind myself that I'm just a tourist and it's a novelty. I might feel differently if I was doing it every day during the rush hours, which is what a lot of the starry-eyed metro railfans seem to forget. The closest to that rush hour experience in recent times was riding back on DART packed with families riding back from the zoo, and I had to stand the whole way, unable to move in much direction until the train was almost to my destination.

I certainly don't hold it against anyone that prefers not to ride public transportation or chooses not to fund public transportation (because in many situations, it's not worth the cost), but I do get a bit annoyed when people start pointing out other city rail systems, namely DART (Atlanta's and San Francisco's run a close second) and start saying "THIS is the way to do it! Why don't we have THESE?" It gets annoying after the first half-dozen posts.

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... I do get a bit annoyed when people start pointing out other city rail systems, namely DART (Atlanta's and San Francisco's run a close second) and start saying "THIS is the way to do it! Why don't we have THESE?" It gets annoying after the first half-dozen posts.




It seems to me that a lot of people's arguments in favor of rail revolve solely around "Well Dallas has one!"



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When I am in places that have rail, I tend to use it.  Including in Houston, where I pretty much never ride the bus.  


Yes, there are some skeevy people on public transit who you are very unlikely to find as passengers in your own automobile.  


There are also some skeevy people on the sidewalks and even in the tunnels downtown, at Target, at the grocery store, at IKEA, at school, at the mall, and at pretty much any other public place you can think of.  We will not even address the Walmartians.  I will acknowledge that there are also some quarters where the skeevy people may have more money and dress more nicely (often called "suburbs" or "gated communities"), but that doesn't make them any less skeevy.


Gently put the talk radio down, back slowly away from it with your hands visible, and get over it.

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I think the name-calling and pigeonholing is a bit of a stretch, but have you (Metro West) actually ridden any train-based public transportation in the last 10 years? I've personally ridden four, the DART in Dallas (which has been operating since the mid-1990s), Houston's line, NYC, and Washington DC. While I have different feelings on each of them (first time in the Houston METRO I was in a car with some definitely creepy people, like the one guy that seemed to wear a crown out of what appeared to be twisted up coat hangers), I remind myself that I'm just a tourist and it's a novelty. I might feel differently if I was doing it every day during the rush hours, which is what a lot of the starry-eyed metro railfans seem to forget. The closest to that rush hour experience in recent times was riding back on DART packed with families riding back from the zoo, and I had to stand the whole way, unable to move in much direction until the train was almost to my destination.

I certainly don't hold it against anyone that prefers not to ride public transportation or chooses not to fund public transportation (because in many situations, it's not worth the cost), but I do get a bit annoyed when people start pointing out other city rail systems, namely DART (Atlanta's and San Francisco's run a close second) and start saying "THIS is the way to do it! Why don't we have THESE?" It gets annoying after the first half-dozen posts.

My experience is based on New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, portland, vancouver, Chicago, houston, Dallas, Las Vegas, Mexico City, buenos aires, Rome, Tokyo, Yokohama, Delhi, London, Birmingham, and Istanbul.

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My experience is based on New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, portland, vancouver, Chicago, houston, Dallas, Las Vegas, Mexico City, buenos aires, Rome, Tokyo, Yokohama, Delhi, London, Birmingham, and Istanbul.


Wow you've been everywhere! No wonder you know everything!

Edited by arndthwrld82
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