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Border watchers coming to city

Do these angry white men really think they will be able to nonchalantly do this? It may have been easy for them along a sparsly populated border, but there are a lot more angry liberals in Houston than they think. Can you picture it already? 5 Minutemen with video recorders trying to record 100 guys trying to earn a little money, being recorded by dozens of ACLU members to make sure they are not doing anything illegal, being protested by 1000's more on both sides of the issue, being recorded by numerous media outlets, all of which having to be monitored by extra HPD officers which will no doubt end up costing us taxpayers 100's of thousands of dollars.

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Great. They should be in Laredo and the Valley area too.

The law provides for them to do this legally anyway. I wanted to, I can go out an make a citizens arrest on anyone breaking the law and take them into the authorities. Most people don't do this for there own safety. There are ways to do this and not break the law. If they operate like the one Arizona, they only problems they should have is from liberals who believe that it's ok to break the law and illegally immigrating to the US.

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I have no problems with Mexicans immigrating here, I just want them legally. If we have to change the INS rules or laws to document these people and track them like every other LEGAL immigrant, let's do it.

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I have no problems with Mexicans immigrating here, I just want them legally.  If we have to change the INS rules or laws to document these people and track them like every other LEGAL  immigrant, let's do it.

I know. I'm just funnin' with ya. I think we should concoct a workable plan for guest workers as well. Making them illegal doesn't help.

But, as for the vigilantes....I wish they'd just go find some old washers in the Sam Houston National Forest to shoot their guns at....you know, something useful...and leave us alone. Most of us get along fine with our southern friends, and don't need outsiders stirring up the pot.

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I am so sorry I made you sick. I am also sorry that I don't agree with you. I want so badly to be accepted by conservatives. But, sometimes I forget the rules. I will try harder in the future.

PS - Good luck getting rid of the 1.4 million Mexicans in the Houston area. They musta snuck in while I wasn't looking.

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KJB, are you sure it's legal to do what they say they are going to do? Now, even though I don't like it, I'll agree on the legality of what they are doing on the border in regards to being spotters for people crossing the border illegally, because anyone crossing the border outside of border crossings is doing it illegally. On the other hand, a "majority" of day laborers being illegal immigrants is different than "all" day laborers being illegal immigrants. The fact alone means we are going to have US citizens and legal aliens of a certain ethnicity being filmed without their consent.

Would you want that happening to you?

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A liberal is anyone who feels sorry for those who deserve no sympathy.

FYI: Todays Republicans are the Democrats of the 40's & 50's. The Democrats of today are the screaming liberals of the 60's & 70's.

These two parties are merely platforms manipulative people use to their advantage to gain power. Why do you think Independents never get elected? People are like sheep - they are stupid by default and must be led. Republicans prey on religious people. Democrats prey on minorities. I don't care what party is listed on the tickets of all the politicians in Washington - because underneath, they're all liberal.

Conservatives? Ha! I wish..

Oh.. to the 1.4 million Mexicans in Houston, I have no beef. To the countless unnumbered illegal aliens however - go home.

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Some people will say that they're not against immigrants, they're just against immigrants coming in illegally. The way to test them on this is to say something like "As a Roosevelt Republican I want to go back to 1900 when the U.S. had completely open borders." Then they will start going on and on about how much that would ruin our "culture" etc. etc. and then you'll be able to expose them as xenophobes and borderline racists.

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Border watchers coming to city

Do these angry white men really think they will be able to nonchalantly do this? It may have been easy for them along a sparsly populated border, but there are a lot more angry liberals in Houston than they think. Can you picture it already? 5 Minutemen with video recorders trying to record 100 guys trying to earn a little money, being recorded by dozens of ACLU members to make sure they are not doing anything illegal, being protested by 1000's more on both sides of the issue, being recorded by numerous media outlets, all of which having to be monitored by extra HPD officers which will no doubt end up costing us taxpayers 100's of thousands of dollars.

As soon as the Mexicans start to fight back, the minute men will crap their pants and go home and rub their guns.

Hell, just let them do what they want to do. They will get bored and go back to being a hillbilly. Is hillbilly hunting legal?

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Guest danax
Some people will say that they're not against immigrants, they're just against immigrants coming in illegally.  The way to test them on this is to say something like "As a Roosevelt Republican I want to go back to 1900 when the U.S. had completely open borders."  Then they will start going on and on about how much that would ruin our "culture" etc. etc. and then you'll be able to expose them as xenophobes and borderline racists.

I really don't think that if you don't want open borders you're likely to be a xenophope or borderline racist. In 1900 we were trying to expand our population. Now?, what would happen? I think we'd be flooded with people, mostly from Latin America but also from all over the world. Almost a refugee situation. What if they all wanted to camp out on your street? 1 out of 6 people in the world live in shanty towns. Can we absorb even 1/10th of them? Do we want that?

There's something fishy going on with our government when no president, Dem or GOP, wants to do anything to increase the border security although we're supposedly now in danger of terrorism (Patriot Act was reeeeealy important , right W?). And, I don't think the supposed economic benefit of illegal aliens is most of the answer. The Minutemen aren't going to stop many people from coming here anyway but they are calling attention to the fraud that our government is perpetrating upon us. I hope they turn the heat up high.

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