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Do you text while driving?


Texting While Driving  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you text while driving?

    • Never
    • Sometimes
    • Regularly
    • Almost every time I drive

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This is for those who text on a regular basis. There is no need to respond if you don't even text. It's a private poll, so no need to lie.

Mass. 18-year-old gets 2 years for texting-while-driving death

Read more:


CDC: Nearly 60 percent of teens text while driving


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Seriously, one can hardly argue the point in terms of safety, since everyone pretty much already knows it is extremely unsafe. If anyone is still doing it is isn't because they are ignorant of the risks, it is because they think it makes them cool individualists or whatnot. Safety arguments simply don't work with narcissists.

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If anyone is still doing it is isn't because they are ignorant of the risks, it is because they think it makes them cool individualists or whatnot. Safety arguments simply don't work with narcissists.

Or.. just like changing the radio station, flipping through the CDs on your visor case, carrying on an animated argument with someone in the back seat, following and fiddling with a gps map, or eating a double decker taco while steering with your knees, they've learned that giving 95% of your attention to the road and your surroundings is enough to drive safely.

Oh I'm just teasing, You caught me.

After every successful text while driving I throw my hands up in the air and shout "I'm Cool" or "I'm An Individual" at the top of my lungs.

Edited by Highway6
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I hate this argument and I hate that texting while driving has been singled out to the point of state legislatures trying to get involved all the while car manufacturers keep throwing in more gadgets and distractions at drivers.

The real crime is "being too distracted to drive safely". Does texting fall under that? It certianly can. Every other item I listed above, and plenty more could also lead a driver to divert so much of their attention away from driving, that they become unsafe.

But... It's also abolutely possible to do those tasks with minimal to negligible amount of attention diverted. It is possible to do all those tasks in fleeting small spurts. Driving safely does not require 100% attention be given to the road at all times. If that were the case, then even jamming and singing along with your favorite song on the radio would be unsafe and should be a crime.

Edited by Highway6
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It's amazing how many idiots I see every day swerving in and out of their lane, driving slower than the rest of the traffic, completely oblivious to any other vehicles on the road, then I pass and see them with a phone in hand obviously texting. I'm sure every one of them would tell you they are fully capable of texting while driving safely just like a person who had to much to drink would tell you. I would love to see a law against texting while driving but realize it would be hard to enforce.

Although if they cause an accident I would like them treated no differently than a drunk driver.

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It's amazing how many idiots I see every day swerving in and out of their lane, driving slower than the rest of the traffic, completely oblivious to any other vehicles on the road, then I pass and see them with a phone in hand obviously texting.

Probably more amazing is the amount of vehicles you pass everyday and don't notice since their drivers can handle texting and other multiple distractions while Not letting it affect their driving.


I don't necessarily disagree with your stance that accidents caused by texting should be treated the same as DUIs. But I wouldn't single out texting. I would make it DWUDs (Driving While Unsafely Distracted)

Several months back, I saw a driver playing a musical instrument with both hands while driving. I believe it was a recorder, or some kind of tin whistle type instrument. My memory fails me, but I do remember it was a two handed instrument.

Had he caused an accident.. I'd throw the book at him too.

Edited by Highway6
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I'm sure there are people out there perfectly capable of texting while driving safely just like there are people that can still drive after consuming large amounts of alcohol. I also realize there are other distractions that are just as dangerous. I see women applying makeup in their cars every morning driving to work. I've seen people reading the paper while driving down the freeway. It's just that texting has become so popular you see people doing it much more often today than say five years ago. And I suspect it's only going to get worse. Must we wait for more serious accidents to occur before doing something?

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Seriously, one can hardly argue the point in terms of safety, since everyone pretty much already knows it is extremely unsafe. If anyone is still doing it is isn't because they are ignorant of the risks, it is because they think it makes them cool individualists or whatnot. Safety arguments simply don't work with narcissists.

I don't know jack about being cool, and being an individualist by way of excessive communication with someone else just seems oxymoronic and ridiculous. I do it to multitask, save time, and better serve those that rely upon me. I understand, accept, and share in the risks to myself and others. The costs and benefits of my extra productivity are asymmetric, that's for sure. But that's life (and sometimes death) on this pathetic and inconsequential world of ours. Live with it.

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Or.. just like changing the radio station, flipping through the CDs on your visor case, carrying on an animated argument with someone in the back seat, following and fiddling with a gps map, or eating a double decker taco while steering with your knees, they've learned that giving 95% of your attention to the road and your surroundings is enough to drive safely.

Oh I'm just teasing, You caught me.

After every successful text while driving I throw my hands up in the air and shout "I'm Cool" or "I'm An Individual" at the top of my lungs.

Lol - you're absolutely right, I oughtn't have generalized. But when I wrote that I had in mind a certain family member that almost seems to make a point of texting while driving. It drives me wild, but I finally realized that safety lectures would never work. At least in his case, there is definitely an air of "I'll show the world" in doing it.

Btw the worst example I ever saw was a woman driving with her ipad propped up on the steering wheel, simultaneously typing and smoking. I suppose she should be recognized for dexterity if nothing else.

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Speaking on behalf of the other drivers out there on the road, we're sooooo glad you accept that risk on our behalf.

Hey, I have to put up with bad drivers (and yourself), too. We all share the road, and even the best drivers impose an element of risk upon others. We only drive in order to get something out of it, that is to benefit personally. So if it's okay to impose risk on someone to satisfy our self interests, then...in for a penny, in for a pound.

Edited by TheNiche
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Oh, no. Don't mistake me for one of the slow (or light) vehicles.

Good - if you're not in my way in the left lane - then we're good.

Also never forget that the formula for kinetic energy is that it equals mass times velocity squared.

Well aware of that - hence what I drive. Mass of my front bumper alone more than = mass of vehicles of most of the slowly weaving people with both thumbs and eyes in their lap.

I'll be safe. They'll make a nice hood ornament.

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