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recently, i discovered that a coworker is an avid haif lurker. she knew me by my screen name on haif and my real name at work, but didn't know we were the same person. she confessed "i'm just a lurker", when i asked for her screen name. so, i'm curious as to why people lurk. is it laziness? fear of getting verbally stomped? or maybe just nothing to add to the conversation...... i admit, i prefer to see what's up, but seldom post.

are we turning, have we turned, a corner? are the majority of people who check in to haif looking for information more than an ongoing conversation?

what do you think?

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I think most of us Haifers are lurkers for info, but post when we've something meaningful to add to a post. It's great the info, photos and stories everyone here is able to add. Think some of us are guilty have going off on different tangents at times, myself included. :rolleyes:

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I think it's different for every person. For instance, some are searching for a restaurant, and it comes up on Google, under HAIF.

And they never visit again.

As far a joining, there is a level of intimidation on HAIF, people are quick to correct you. I think this why I was a lurker for awhile, why some don't join.

I used to read HAIF posts on my lunch break, at work. Time was a factor.

I eventually joined because I knew my long unanswered questions about Houston architecture could be answered by this particular group, in a matter of minutes, sometimes, I could not find that anywhere else.

It was Historic Houston architecture that definitely drew me here.

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I lurked for a quite a while. Originally was looking for neighborhood info, and was curious about development and local issues after having been gone from Houston many years. I got interested in something either Red or Niche said in a thread, and it was pretty much on like donkey kong after that. My online participation (here and elsewhere) has really plummeted due to content fatigue and general ennui, but HAIF is still my fave.

Edited by crunchtastic
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Statistically, 60% of the people who visit HAIF each day are people visiting HAIF for the first time. 63% of those people get their information and move on. The remainder hang around and turn into lurkers. I don't have a way of determining what percentage become regular contributors, but I think it's pretty small. Maybe 2-3%.

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  • 4 months later...

I've never had anything to say, and now that my alter ego Dalparadise is long gone... Sometimes I'll write a post or reply, re-read it, and decide to erase it and not post. Like this one. Lurking comes and goes, I Check HAIF more than Facebook. Infact, the going up section is most viewed page on my phone.

Cheers to lurking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow it's been 5 months to the day since I've logged on! I'm alive but have been busy with some other projects which brought me to an internet saturation point. Something had to go and it was haif! Last time i logged on topics were rehashed or just boring for me so i hadnt' been back til now.

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Wow it's been 5 months to the day since I've logged on! I'm alive but have been busy with some other projects which brought me to an internet saturation point. Something had to go and it was haif! Last time i logged on topics were rehashed or just boring for me so i hadnt' been back til now.

Glad to see that you're alive. Welcome back.

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Wow it's been 5 months to the day since I've logged on! I'm alive but have been busy with some other projects which brought me to an internet saturation point. Something had to go and it was haif! Last time i logged on topics were rehashed or just boring for me so i hadnt' been back til now.

5 months, that's it? You may have logged on, but did you even post? Seems like you haven't posted in a couple of years. Welcome back

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Wow it's been 5 months to the day since I've logged on! I'm alive but have been busy with some other projects which brought me to an internet saturation point. Something had to go and it was haif! Last time i logged on topics were rehashed or just boring for me so i hadnt' been back til now.

Welcome back sir.

I'm i legendary troll, but I respect the members of this board, so I keep my posts here to a minimum.

39 posts. . .no kidding.

5 months, that's it? You may have logged on, but did you even post? Seems like you haven't posted in a couple of years. Welcome back

He posted back in September of this thread actually.

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