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East End Barber At 1606 White Oak Dr.


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The KB closed its doors on Saturday night. The pub was sold to Sarah Fitzgerald (yes, the same one that sold her namesakes live music venue last year) and supposedly she and her son will be reopening it in the near future. No idea what it will look like. Hope they keep the jazz and bluegrass though. Nice place, I liked it. Should be interesting to see what it becomes.

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The Bisquit used to be a great place, but when those guys bought it and added "chef menu" items and repainted it bisque, it went down the tubes. Sure, it looked a little nicer, but it was never worth the prices they were charging. Frankly, I'd like to see it return to its original look and feel.

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Yeah I've been there in the past. It used to be a cool place to hang out. I think the owners name was Marshall or the like. Oh well.`

First bin laden dies, and now we have a multiple sentence post in one day?

Omg. I don't know if my system can handle this!

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I'd probably go more with "that's a lot of lame". Not only is a great location with a lot of good bar and grill/restaurant history being taken out of inventory, but the new business is off the arts track, making it harder for them to succeed. Oh, well, just another one of those businesses that everyone thinks will make the Heights "hip", but that no one will go to.

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Speaking of Heights "hip" I wonder how the vinyl shop and the stationary shop on White Oak are doing. I can't gaze on White Oak while driving anymore for fear of taking out a hipster, but I think they are still open for business.

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maybe the building was so far gone from "code" that no restaurant/bar owner would even touch it.

That is correct. I know of a Heights restaurateur that looked at the place. He said it needed major upgrades. Code enforcement has become more stringent. Then there is the lack of parking. If the neighbors got fed up with a busy restaurant they could petition for resident only parking which would leave the investors up the creek without a paddle.

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It's a cool gallery. It was only in Galveston for about year. That short stint and the offbeat location to which they are moving makes me a bit skeptical about its future fortunes. However, if they rent out for events like many gallleries do, the KB space may be a good choice.

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That is correct. I know of a Heights restaurateur that looked at the place. He said it needed major upgrades. Code enforcement has become more stringent. Then there is the lack of parking. If the neighbors got fed up with a busy restaurant they could petition for resident only parking which would leave the investors up the creek without a paddle.

Off street parking on white oak, bayou side was always available and I wouldn't think could ever be made resident only.

I agree with Red, this location is just too ideal for a bar/restaurant to not be one. I also never saw the biscuit listed on HAR or COMMGATE, I wonder why they weren't trying too hard to sell it?

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Speaking of Heights "hip" I wonder how the vinyl shop and the stationary shop on White Oak are doing.

Doing well and still open. I guess the record store has to be doing very well considering it is about to have some competition on 19th. Another record shop is opening where the bead store (but more likely a fronting operation of some sort) was for the last couple years....

In a related note, the latest issue of Esquire (is that a hipster magazine? I read it on the plane) had an article about the coolest new turntables that seemed to be written without irony. One is almost pocket sized and sort of reminds me of swiping a credit card, except the it holds the card and and spins it around, if you can picture that...

Edited by heights_yankee
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I own the gallery thats going into the building and I live within a half mile of the place. I used to hang out there too. Parking and noise are the reasons it can't be a bar/music venue any more but its not going to be a town home development and it will still be skater and bike friendly. Let me know if you have any questions and if I can answer them, I will be glad to.

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I own the gallery thats going into the building and I live within a half mile of the place. I used to hang out there too. Parking and noise are the reasons it can't be a bar/music venue any more but its not going to be a town home development and it will still be skater and bike friendly. Let me know if you have any questions and if I can answer them, I will be glad to.

Congratulations on your new venture! One question, will the bicyclers have to wear regular clothes or can they wear their costumes?

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Ha! You mean the Lance Armstrong costumes I see all these bikers wearing?

Yeah, it kinda freaks me out on Sundays when they flock together like giant Mexican parrots on some SyFi B movie....thought I was having a flashback last week. I just bought a bike though, but I don't have anything to wear besides jean shorts and a T, hopefully they won't swarm me and peck my eyes out like I'm from the wrong bird gang or something.

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