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fwki last won the day on May 24 2013

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  1. Or maybe a new chiller will fall from the heavens onto the roof
  2. correction, 5am-5pm Sunday May 19, and ALL surrounding streets to be closed to vehicles and pedestrians, fairly extensive area.....Andrews, Shaw, Ruthven, Smith, Louisiana, Pease and Bell Employees will be allowed if work critical, but no exit or entrance 6am-8am and if necessary 5pm-8pm.
  3. Both Chevron buildings are closed to all employees Saturday and today they placed a giant electronic sign stating Smith is closed at Clay 5am-9pm Saturday.
  4. Placing him clearly in the lead of the “Do as I say, not as I Do” category of elitist pigs, HAHC radical hijacker David Bucek demolishes historic bungalow under “renovation” on the Menil campus. From Swamplot: http://swamplot.com/renovation-of-menil-bungalow-into-menil-cafe-will-be-more-extensive-than-originally-planned/2014-04-07/#comments It wouldn’t be so bad if he hadn’t bragged about it on the Stern and Bucek website linking here, here and here. Well, yeah, it would. I watched him lie to the Planning Commission in person as he unsuccessfully tried to block an HAHC appeal trying to force a back-wall starting point for a termite-infested dump renovation. I guess he found a termite or two at Menil….try that excuse when you beg for your CoA to demo a Heights bungalow….Bucek say no way homey, termites are good source of protein for you peons .
  5. Oh yes, in general business travelers are idiots with very poor eyesight, and once on 4th St I don't think they'll stop at Heights, they will likely continue searching for I-10 across Yale and right into the Trammell Crow green space, spinning donuts all over the pristine White Oak Estuary and mosquito factory. Somebody alert the West Heights Coalition about this threat pronto. And in unanimously granting the variance, the Planning Commission did not even mention that if pigs could fly we'd have a Pink Floyd concert. It just goes to show you that the Heights is not well represented on this PC.
  6. I'm not sure why anyone would oppose a new hotel on an interstate feeder surrounded by commercial tracts. One thing for sure, if it is built, I'll use it for friends and family, especially during events and holidays when Sara's is booked.
  7. The agenda is big with all the plats, takes a minute or so to download, be patient and it will complete. The variance is for a typical hotel lobby driveway loop on Columbia since the rules say no hotel driveway on a residential street. They cite safety as a big reason with the highway exit right on top of Oxford St. They also state the main traffic entrance will be behind the hotel into the garage on 4th St. which is not residential. Edit: Here's just Item V attached Item V 2014-07_DraftAgenda.pdf
  8. Hotel tower and parking garage, 148 rooms....I'm guessing 7 total floors including ground level lobby given the small foot print of 8,250 SF. It's on the April 3 PC agenda for a driveway Variance, see Item V: ftp://edrc.houstontx.gov//2014/2014-07_DraftAgenda.pdf
  9. About a year ago Pappas bought the old Glazier warehouse at 2727 Summer behind the Kay Roger....to go along with the entire 20-block parcel they own on the south side of 2400 Summer. I believe the City is to punch Summer St through to Oliver as part of the Kroger deal and turn Summer/Stude into a major intersection for E/W traffic to Houstron Ave. 2727 looks big enough for Pappas and already was used for restaraunt supply.
  10. District Clerk webpage http://www.hcdistrictclerk.com/edocs/Public/Search.aspx and search for Cause# 2012-36113. (leave out dash)
  11. Case dismissed on March 7th, non-suited for trial.
  12. Thanks for the excerpts. I first heard of the murders from neighborhood friends when I moved here in '92 but really didn't grasp the extent until subsequent research. My contemporaries (grad HS in 70's) almost brushed it off as a homosexual thing therefore it hadn't been a real threat to them personally, while my friends of their parents' gen never spoke of it at all. The historical thing I remember having the most impact on the Heightstonians was the riots around Moody Park after that Mexican American kid was killed by HPD and latino integration in general. Olsen's description of the Heights does not correlate with accounts I have from local friends....it was all quite normal here except for gang activity. Maybe on the inside you don't know you're in "appalachia". Sure it was run down like a lot of inner city at that time, but the blessing of no zoning allowed many independent citizens to bootstrap businesses like motorcycle repair or flooring or tile work or a chicken plant, and thus were able to live comfortably and send their kids to good schools....that freedom is far more important to lower/middle class than curbside appearances, thus my view that zoning advocates (and perhaps Olsen) tend to be elitists who never knew poverty.
  13. January 16, 2014 HAHC meeting...http://houstontx.swagit.com/play/01222014-1006...Houston Heights HD's had four Additions presented for CoA and all four were denied by the emboldened HAHC knowing that the newly neutered appeals process is no longer a threat to their power. This meeting alone could make the case to the general public that the Ordinance must go. Watch the applicants, your friends and neighbors, tell their tales of dealing with the unprepared staff and beg for mercy only to be slapped down by the snickering boobs. Listen to the political commentary on zoning by the apartment-finder Chairperson Welsh. Common folk had one measure of revenge when the all-powerful commission was forced to retroactively approve a stucco replacement on a project they had Denied CoA but the Planning Commission overturned on appeal (prior to the Gafrick jury-rigging). Their disdain for the applicant was palpable and the looks on their faces was priceless as they were each forced to bite the turd. The applicant himself gave me a first-hand description of the disrespect he and the others endured at this meeting, and the video doesn't capture all of it, such as the eye-rolls and other condescending behavior by the HAHC. Mr. Bastian (Chicken Plant Project) ended the meeting getting lectured on how "typical" means "average" and other legal opinions from the all-powerful commission. They all wished him well in the end, like a cat lifting its paw off the tail of a mouse while licking its chops in anticipation of his next visit.
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