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Oprah Gives Audience New Cars


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Oprah Winfrey Gives Cars to Audience

9 minutes ago

CHICAGO - Oprah Winfrey celebrated the premiere of her 19th season by surprising each of her 276 audience members with a new car.

AP Photo


Slideshow: Oprah Winfrey

"We're calling this our wildest dream season, because this year on the Oprah show, no dream is too wild, no surprise too impossible to pull off," Winfrey said on the show that aired Monday.

Winfrey said the audience members were chosen because their friends or family had written about their need for a new car. One woman's young son said she drove a car that "looks like she got into a gunfight"; another couple had almost 400,000 miles on their two vehicles.

Making sure the audience was kept in suspense, Winfrey opened the show by calling 11 people onto the stage. She gave each of them a car

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I just saw that as I was in the kitchen fixing something to eat I saw Oprah give all of the new cars. Thats unbelevable!

I saw that too and I was like OMG! okay 11 people was enough! and then all of a sudden she gave it to the ENTIRE Audience!!

But I wrote out my dream on her website where you can write what you really desire and may get it (well my wildest dream is for someone else) :(

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Tickets to her show are going to be even harder to come by. I'd sit through all of that self-help crap for a car.

These are all people who wrote in who NEEDED a car not just anyone. I think they were selected carefully however, one woman from Texas was on the show today! (she is going to be on FOX NEWS AT 9)

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Her theories and methods are kinda twisted, to put it lightly. Well, its a tossup between her and Dr Phil ( no offense to fans of both )

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Well, she personally didn't give it, The car maker donated the cars and the audience members that were there, from what I understand, DID need cars and were put into the audience for various reasons.

I think that some things like this are fairly important, a public benefactor would be awesome to just listen to the stories of people and, not to give them hand outs, but to give them a BOOST to help people out.

Most people are simply stuck in situations in which no matter how hard they try, they can't get out. Sometimes they just need something simple to help them out. It can be groceries for a couple of months for a family. Free electricity for a few months. A free USED car would be a godsend for some other people as well.

It's called Karma and I wish more people would take that into consideration in their lives.


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Also - they were picky about who got to keep the cars....(I live in Chicagoland) yesterday afternoon it was all over the news how this one woman (all they had verified at the time) actually was told she could not keep the car. Apparently, before going to the show you had to fill out paperwork and it asked if you had ever been arrested for a felony etc and this woman said no. Well, they did background checks on every audience member and she had a DUI that she lied about...and my understanding is that her license was suspended....so they did not let her keep the car!!

Iam sketchy on the exact details...heard it on the radio as I was trying to get my two year old twins to stop killing each other in the back seat.

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