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Irish paper's take on Houston


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Ummm, all of Ireland is Irish. You're right that people from north have their own distinctive culture that sets them apart from the rest of Ireland but no more so in my opinion than people from Dublin, Donegal, the West (I lived there as well) and Cork (which humbly refers to itself as the People's Republic of Cork!).

Yeah I grew up reading this paper - hardly the New York Times but you take what you can get. Seems like quite a favourable article, I mean, living here you get to know Houston's good points but selling it as a tourist spot is a tall order.

Understatement of the millenium: I doubt the suggestion that it may as well be a suburb of London, Edinburgh, or anywhere else, would get much traction in Belfast. ;-)

PS I'm Belfast born and bred...

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Your statement's not entirely without merit though - since the fighting stopped it's become a rather more dull spot, much like any other northern industrial town, as Billy Bragg put it. There was something about it during the 80s and early 90s, a notoriety that defined it, perverse as that might seem....

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Your statement's not entirely without merit though - since the fighting stopped it's become a rather more dull spot, much like any other northern industrial town, as Billy Bragg put it. There was something about it during the 80s and early 90s, a notoriety that defined it, perverse as that might seem....

The loss of random gunshots and the latent fear of being blown to bits can dramatically alter the character of a place. Fortunately for those who miss that sort of thing, International flights to Baghdad are still open. Tickets are available at the nearest Marine recruiting station.

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