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Is Dallas Considered A "newer" City Than Houston?

Does it look newer than Houston?  

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  1. 1. Does it look newer than Houston?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Both are same

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This thread started out in good spirits with some decent dialogue and the next thing you know, Houston's getting bashed.

It's funny that Danes75 and 713 to 214 are almost always on the offensive when it comes to there precous BigD. I just got off the "say nice things about DFW" thread and there they are in all there glory bashing on Houston. Danes75 makes remarks constantly that prove he doesn't know the city, or he's so biased he can't see the forest for the trees.

Danes75 also makes statements like "Dallas has concentrations of highrises all the way to Plano, Houstons are only Downtown and in the Galleria. He also states that he has lived in LA, New York, Dallas and Atlanta and that Houston is not in the same league as Atlanta and Dallas.

To make statements like Houston's not in the same league with Dallas and Atlanta is ludicrous at best. In most cases Houston is above both of these cities. You say you've lived in several of the largest cities in the country yet with statements like the above you make me wonder.

I know this is totally off the subject and that i'm going to get slammed for this, but I needed to act like a 10 year old and rant a little. To the moderator, I apologize, I just couldn't help it. To the rest of you that have to endure it I apologize as well.

May I say before closing that I like Dallas and I think they have some great projects going. I was just there last month and absolutely love what there doing with Uptown and the like. So I'm here to say that I'm not anti Dallas at all, I'm just tired of the ignorance and the constant rediculous bias

Now that I've taken a pill I'll shut up.

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Not only are Houston's expensive neighborhoods spread out, but so are many things.  That's one thing I don't like about Houston.  It's too spread out IMO.  But that's just me.  I prefer a more dense urban environment.

What exactly does this mean? Are you saying that Dallas isn't spread out?

Since you can't possibly be insinuating that Dallas is some great urban city, I'm assuming I've misinterpereted your statement.

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Actually my statement was "the remark about highrise buildings doesn't seem to reflect all the billion-dollar condo construction taking place along Turtle Creek. Houston has no comparison when it comes to those." Point out ONE houston highrise that is comparable to the Paris Vendome


or the Mayfair


Now the Orion condos will be, but then we're talking about right now.

If you're talking about the statement "actually think Houston is comparable to any of those cities are the people that actually LIVE in Houston." then you should READ what I ACTUALLY meant.

So where are Houston's highrise concentrations? Downtown, a few in Greenspoint, and the Galleria area. (edit: oh, and Greenway Plaza)Concentrations -- not one or two buildings five miles apart.

My statement was that Dallas' highrises aren't concentrated in two or three areas; they run from Downtown, through Uptown and Turtle Creek, Las Colinas (irving), Addison!, and Richardson. Could you point out where exactly I'm wrong?

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JFC! It doesn't mean anything. I simply said Dallas' highrises are spread out more than Houston. I said Houston feels newer than Dallas because:

Dallas' highrises downtown are older and no new ones have been built since the early 90's. Why? Because there are highrise concentrations in suburbia (Richardson, Plano, Addison!, Las Colinas) that are just as nice and cheaper than being downtown... not to mention easier commute for employees with kids, etc.

No occupancy=No new buildings

People need to back the **ck up and READ...instead of seeing "Dallas has this, Houston doesn't.." as being an instant blow and requiring a retort.

I didn't say anything about urban density.

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Well, I personally don't care if anyone gets their panties in a bunch over my comments. I feel that I am one of VERY FEW people on this board that is uniquely qualified to compare the two cities, as I have lived, worked, and been educated in both cities (I still live and work in both cities -1/3 time in Houston 2/3 time in Dallas).

I don't get all of my information from internet forums (where people make misleading/outright false statements out of ignorance), or newspaper articles, or a friend of a friend. I actually know people (friends, family, business associates) in both cities that I talk to on a regular basis. I visit many of the areas in both cities that are discussed here regulary (except maybe North of Greenspoint, and I 10 corridor, East of 288). I seriously doubt many of the most vocal of you can say the same. The frequency of your posts are proof of that.

So, again, get the chips off of your shoulder. Stop trying to make Houston appear to be this Super Great City that can do no wrong. Houston has plenty of flaws, and if you want it to be the world class city that you incredulously whine about, then expose the bad and DO SOMETHING to make it better, instead of the child-like banter.

Now, I'm sure that rather than read and try to understand this post, one, if not more, of you will isolate 1 or 2 sentences in this post and respond to only that portion rather than the entire sentiment I'm trying to convey. However, I felt it necessarry to comment despite the anticipated "you're just pro-Dallas" response.

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Can someone explain to me why roughly 1/3 of the 24 most recently posted in threads talk about Dallas and or Fort Worth? I guarantee you that Dallasites are not obsessed with Houston like that. If the city is so great, why do the most vocal of you spend so much time and energy (1/3 of your most recently posted in threads) to prove that point, using Dallas, of all places, as your whipping boy. I mean it looks rather pathetic. I realize that most people here don't participate in the above-stated behavior, but it's the few that spoil things for the many.

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Actually my statement was "the remark about highrise buildings doesn't seem to reflect all the billion-dollar condo construction taking place along Turtle Creek. Houston has no comparison when it comes to those."
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Can someone explain to me why roughly 1/3 of the 24 most recently posted in threads talk about Dallas and or Fort Worth?  I guarantee you that Dallasites are not obsessed with Houston like that.  If the city is so great, why do the most vocal of you spend so much time and energy (1/3 of your most recently posted in threads) to prove that point, using Dallas, of all places, as your whipping boy.  I mean it looks rather pathetic.  I realize that most people here don't participate in the above-stated behavior, but it's the few that spoil things for the many.

Maybe you should look at your own posts on other threads before asking this question. I did and you have been at the very least a participant in these flame wars.

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Actually my statement was "the remark about highrise buildings doesn't seem to reflect all the billion-dollar condo construction taking place along Turtle Creek. Houston has no comparison when it comes to those."  Point out ONE houston highrise that is comparable to the Paris Vendome

3333 allen parkway


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^ um, yes, 3333 is nice :-)

oh... and i'm on the dallas site as well. there is RARELY an objectionable comment about Houston. in fact, when the DMN wrote that article about Houston, the boards came out AGAINST DMN for it, saying it was wrong to "sucker punch" Houston.

some people here have an inferiority complex, whether it is justifiable or not.

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Well, I personally don't care if anyone gets their panties in a bunch over my comments.  I feel that I am one of VERY FEW people on this board that is uniquely qualified to compare the two cities, as I have lived, worked, and been educated in both cities (I still live and work in both cities -1/3 time in Houston 2/3 time in Dallas).

i seriously doubt this. just because we don't all post our opinions on a thread like this, doesn't make you the "one of very few people" who are qualified to compare the two cities. i have lived in both, my brother and father have lived and worked, and been educated in both, and we all spend a lot of time in both cities.

i disagree with a lot of things you say about houston, but i find it pointless to argue so i usually just stay away. i can't believe this thread is still open, which is the reason i looked at it at all.

both cities have their flaws, they're both unique, and they both can be great, and i for one am glad for this. that's one of the reasons i like it down here, i have so many options for a cheap weekend getaway and a good change of scenery, whether it be new orleans, austin, san antonio, or dallas.

and since i'm posting, to answer the original question, i think dallas feels "newer" than houston for the most part.

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ugh... let me post this one more time, because I don't think ANYONE reads prior posts.


Maybe I mispoke. My reference to comparable/houston was that out of every city I've ever lived in, Houston is the only place where the first question I was asked was "which do you like better, houston or dallas?" To this day, two years later, when I tell someone I moved here from Dallas, its the immediate response.

The PDiddy thing... yeah, rap/hiphop has ruined Deep Ellum.


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i seriously doubt this. just because we don't all post our opinions on a thread like this, doesn't make you the "one of very few people" who are qualified to compare the two cities. i have lived in both, my brother and father have lived and worked, and been educated in both, and we all spend a lot of time in both cities.

i disagree with a lot of things you say about houston, but i find it pointless to argue so i usually just stay away. i can't believe this thread is still open, which is the reason i looked at it at all.

both cities have their flaws, they're both unique, and they both can be great, and i for one am glad for this. that's one of the reasons i like it down here, i have so many options for a cheap weekend getaway and a good change of scenery, whether it be new orleans, austin, san antonio, or dallas.

and since i'm posting, to answer the original question, i think dallas feels "newer" than houston for the most part.

I accept your post as your opinion. Just do me a favor next time. . .if you're going to quote me, quote me correctly. I said "I feel that I am one of VERY FEW people on this board who is uniquely qualified," as opposed to flat-out qualified, to compare the two cities. That means based upon my unique experience/background, I can bring a different perspective to these conversations than most. Bottom line is you left out a word in order to try and prove something. It was unnecessary, and I hope it doesn't happen again.

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^wow. your quote is in there (see my original post, it's in the QUOTE section), the whole thing. when i restated it, you saying "you feel" means thats what you think. i left nothing out.

i feel you need to calm down.

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^  um, yes, 3333 is nice :-)

oh... and i'm on the dallas site as well.  there is RARELY an objectionable comment about Houston.  in fact, when the DMN wrote that article about Houston, the boards came out AGAINST DMN for it, saying it was wrong to "sucker punch" Houston.

some people here have an inferiority complex, whether it is justifiable or not.

Reread the entire thread on the Dallas site. There are cheap shots taken, just ask 2112 who was engaging in the dialogue.

This is a complete misconception.

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I accept your post as your opinion.  Just do me a favor next time. . .if you're going to quote me, quote me correctly.  I said "I feel that I am one of VERY FEW people on this board who is uniquely qualified," as opposed to flat-out qualified, to compare the two cities.  That means based upon my unique experience/background, I can bring a different perspective to these conversations than most.  Bottom line is you left out a word in order to try and prove something.  It was unnecessary, and I hope it doesn't happen again.

Give me a stinkin break!

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Not only are Houston's expensive neighborhoods spread out, but so are many things.  That's one thing I don't like about Houston.  It's too spread out IMO.  But that's just me.  I prefer a more dense urban environment.

This is an inaccurate assessment.

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