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2012 - Myth, fact, or wait and see


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It didn't.

These predictions don't exist either.

Nostradamus' predictions have been wrong 99.99% of the time, and the .01% of the time they've been right has more to the vagueness of the predictions coupled with the law of limited probabilities. For instance, I can predict there will be a drought in the next century, but that hardly makes me a prophet. And besides, Nostradamus didn't predict the world's end on 2012. A handful of cheesy snake oil salesmen did.

The same could be said for all the predictions of the bible too ...

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While in Tulum a few years ago, the Mayan guide said that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and that's where the speculation that it's the end of the world as we know it. He also mentioned the Mayan calendar has ended several times throughout the course of history and it just starts at day1 all over again.

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While in Tulum a few years ago, the Mayan guide said that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and that's where the speculation that it's the end of the world as we know it. He also mentioned the Mayan calendar has ended several times throughout the course of history and it just starts at day1 all over again.

Exactly. It's as I wrote before. It's no different than Y2K on our calendar. A new millenia begins (though their count has the millenium around 5,000 of our years). It would have been a big deal to them, and it would have represented the beginning of a new age, but it wouldn't have been the end of the world. That's why there doesn't exist a single text that mentions it, not the date nor the end of the world. The date is known because some scholars were savvy enough to piece together the three calendars and understand how they function together. The apocalyptic speculations were started by some off-balanced charlatans who extrapolated the world ended just because there was a final day on the calendar. It's not surprising. Some people predicted the same would happen to us on Dec 31, 1999. The same thing happened a thousand years before, and likely will happen in the year 2999. People are dumb when it comes to believing in superstitions. I really can't wait until the 22nd of December, 2012. These doomsday prophecies really make me wince, especially when they attribute this crap to the "Ancient Mayans." I studied the Maya, their culture, their religion and their iconography for too many years. It simply isn't the case that the Maya predicted anything of the sort according to so many "experts."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't our calendar (based on the Gregorian method) off by about 3-6 years? In other words, aren't we really in the year 2012 right now? i remember reading something about this around the turn of the millenium. So many people were freaking out about the end of the world, etc., (not the Y2K idiots, but other more religious nuts)when 2000 kept getting closer, and so i looked up how our calendar was changed from the Julian method to the Gregorian method. Some dates/years were off around the time of Jesus' birth and death.


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I think there is some truth to the fact that the planet will move through the galactic center on that date. Who knows... I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.

(Not saying I believe any of it, but I do keep an open mind).

Keeping an open mind matters none when we are nowhere near the galactic center. We are nowhere NEAR the galactic center. We are thousands of light-years away from the galactic center.

law of limited probabilities.

What is this law of limited probabilities?

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What is this law of limited probabilities?

It's a biological and anthropological law, curiously that didn't google well, which states there is a limited number of probabilities to achieve a specific result. In other words, for every action, there's a finite number of possible reactions. For example, biologically speaking, flying animals all have wings. Insects have wings. Bats have wings. Birds have wings. In form they all differ, but in function (to fly), they're identical. In a biological sense, on this planet only perhaps, the only way to fly is to have wings. Are there other ways to fly? Of course, but life on this planet has yet to figure out any other organic means of doing so. Flying animals all have wings on Earth. In this limited case, the probability of a flying animal to having wings is 1:1. The ratio of a flying animal to a specific type of wing looks more like 1:5 or 1:6 - not sure about an exact number since I'm no biologist.

In terms of the Nostradomus comment, the law applies in that if he predicts something vague like there will be a flood during the next century, the law of limited probabilities suggests he's probably going to be correct. Somewhere, sometime during the next century, it will flood. There are only so many different forms of weather disasters, so flooding is far too likely to occur for it not to occur. In terms of predicting the end of the world, ancient humankind had a limited toolbox of disasters with which to place a value on destruction. They knew floods, fires, earthquakes, insect infestations, famines and disease. That's about it. So, the law of limited probabilities would suggest the majority of apocalyptic myths would center around one of these forms of destructions, which not coincidentally, they invariably do. Modern man has added a few more, like atomic annihilation or a giant meteor or an alien invasion, but the idea is still the same.

It's strange that doesn't show up with google, but I assure I didn't develop the theory. And, I hope my explanation makes even a semblance of sense.

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Keeping an open mind matters none when we are nowhere near the galactic center. We are nowhere NEAR the galactic center. We are thousands of light-years away from the galactic center.

What is this law of limited probabilities?

I think it's the galactic plane. Not the center.

Actually, I've heard we're already in the zone of the galactic plane.

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Not only is the Mayan calendar in play...but for you Nostradamus fans, he apparently has no more entries after this "significant" date. It is supposedly a sign that THAT is when time stops for all mankind according to Nostradamus. I do have to agree with Attica though. I remember everyone stockpiling water and K-rations for Dec.31,1999. How did that work out for all those "the sky is falling" DOOMSDAYERS ?

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Not only is the Mayan calendar in play...but for you Nostradamus fans, he apparently has no more entries after this "significant" date. It is supposedly a sign that THAT is when time stops for all mankind according to Nostradamus. I do have to agree with Attica though. I remember everyone stockpiling water and K-rations for Dec.31,1999. How did that work out for all those "the sky is falling" DOOMSDAYERS ?

You find me a legitimate (read: not an internet hoax) quatrain that specifically mentions not just this date, but any date, in the copious volumes of toilet paper that Nostradamus wrote, and then, maybe then, and only then, will I even come close to considering any authority given to that Renaissance charlatan. Some people will believe anything if enough other people also believe it. I should become a 2012 doomday preacher to make a few bucks off the world's dopes:

"Yees-a! The world-a's goin' ta end-a! When tha great Flyin' Spaghetta Monstah comes-a down and exacts his-a revenge-ah! Donate now-a! Give me money-ah! You can buy yo way inta his heart-ah!"



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"Yees-a! The world-a's goin' ta end-a! When tha great Flyin' Spaghetta Monstah comes-a down and exacts his-a revenge-ah! Donate now-a! Give me money-ah! You can buy yo way inta his heart-ah!"


You know, when I read this.....all I hear is Robin William's voice as Lovelace in "Happy Feet"! Funny stuff.

Talk about charlatans !!! You couldn't have out a picture of a bigger one up there......well, maybe one.


Edited by TJones
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I use to believe something might happen on Dec. 23rd, 2012. But I just came to realize it's only the end of the Calendar. What do you do when your Calendar runs out of sheets? Buy/Make a new one! But, unfortunately, the Mayans are no longer around to make a new one. If you want something to worry about, worry about Government Control. (Shall I pass the foil hats?).

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I use to believe something might happen on Dec. 23rd, 2012. But I just came to realize it's only the end of the Calendar. What do you do when your Calendar runs out of sheets? Buy/Make a new one! But, unfortunately, the Mayans are no longer around to make a new one. If you want something to worry about, worry about Government Control. (Shall I pass the foil hats?).

Well, I am sure plenty of people will die on that day, but it will have nothing to do with the end or the world.

I plan on sitting on my front porch and watch the rest of the world go into a panic and realize the world did NOT end and explain some of the poor choices they had made in thr days prior.

Hell, I might get a new kitten.

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Well, I am sure plenty of people will die on that day, but it will have nothing to do with the end or the world.

I plan on sitting on my front porch and watch the rest of the world go into a panic and realize the world did NOT end and explain some of the poor choices they had made in thr days prior.

Hell, I might get a new kitten.

I need to start stocking up on ammo.

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