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Willowisp- The floor plan of The Draper's house is a very funny find... lot's of details that are spot on. One aspect of their house that's always struck me is the rather claustrophobic feel to some of the rooms. Especially the den/TV room -- where everyone always seems to be piled-up.

Perhaps there should also be a plan note at the base of the staircase, pointing to the wall: Orange juice spill.

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I guess the person took those pictures down. If someone sees them before I have a chance then maybe host them elsewhere?


Willowisp- The floor plan of The Draper's house is a very funny find... lot's of details that are spot on. One aspect of their house that's always struck me is the rather claustrophobic feel to some of the rooms. Especially the den/TV room -- where everyone always seems to be piled-up.

Perhaps there should also be a plan note at the base of the staircase, pointing to the wall: Orange juice spill.

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Sorry, it must be because I'm at work...

Anyway, Mad Men is my favorite show now that The Shield is gone. It's not only because of the 50s/60s interiors, but that helps. I hope it doesn't go overboard and keeps its slow paced appeal. It's one of the few shows I don't delete after watching the first time. I always want to see the previous episode again before the next one airs.

I did one of those facebook "Which mad men character are you" a few weeks ago and turned out to be Paul Kinsey. I was so happy to find out this week that Kinsey is a preservationist.

My friends have an open invitation to come over to my place to watch the show on Sunday nights. Just give me a little warning so I can make some martinis and mint juleps.


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I just started season one - made it through episode four so far. I don't want to knock it so early on, and the characters and scenes are still developing, but it just leaves me with an icky feeling. In a Revolutionary Road sorta way. I'll keep on, though!

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I'm on the second disc of the Season 2 DVDs. I know what you mean about the ickiness, other people have said pretty much the same thing, but I think they want to keep you just slightly uneasy. I love the pacing. They never seem to be rushing things along just to have a pat ending to every episode. Things just sort of develop over time.

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I'm on the second disc of the Season 2 DVDs. I know what you mean about the ickiness, other people have said pretty much the same thing, but I think they want to keep you just slightly uneasy. I love the pacing. They never seem to be rushing things along just to have a pat ending to every episode. Things just sort of develop over time.

Or it could be getting boring.

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I guess part of it is that it analyzes some themes from that era, things like the casual rampant misogyny that men perpetrated and women tolerated. Maybe that's what people mean when they say it makes them feel awkward, because you don't see many portrayals of this these days, at least not in this manner.

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Yeah, I think when a lot of modern TV shows and movies analyze the 50s and early 60s they like to portray it as a bunch of white knight men and pure women, people who never divorced, the sort of families that were portrayed on 50s television shows like Leave It To Beaver when in actuality it was a time of a good deal of adultery and misogyny and boozing depressed housewives, and backstabbing vindictive little jerks like Pete Campbell. I mean, its not all bad, there are some wholesome sorts like Peggy, despite her flaws. Its funny, because while Peggy is a strong woman willing to stand her ground and maybe take a potshot or two at the misogyny and good-old-boys club, she basically accepts that she works in a place where women are disrespected. I think the reason that makes me feel weird is because a woman would hardly ever have to tolerate such an environment today but back then it was so commonplace.

I mean I'm sure the advertising business is still heavily male-dominated but the type of stuff that goes on in this workplace, hoo-boy!

Edited by kylejack
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What makes me want to watch the show is the capital A angst. Seething, cultural watershed angst. People make a lot of the Woodstock generation, but I've always felt like the postwar, psychological shift in the country was going on earlier, '59 through the JFK assassination. You see it in Don's character this season. He's getting angrier.

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Roger Sterling is my hero. Cat keeps me laughing.

Long before this series came out, I have had the chance to hang out with some old school Houston oilmen over the years. Hearing their stories from the sixties and into the seventies and judging by their many divorces, multiple layers of step children, poorly performing livers, crazed office days and deranged sex lives this show does nothing but remind me of the way it once was. Sure the series may embellish to a degree but its probably not by much. That was a far different day back then. Women were relatively new to the workforce (especially women in positions equal or approaching equal to men), booze (Old Fashioned's...gotta love it), cigaretttes, steady diets of rich foods, staying out late to "entertain" were the order of the day for those that could afford it.

Its a great series that my wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed. Watching the era slowly change with the introduction of women to higher levels of authority, interracial relationships, the "new" generations, civil rights, homosexuality, mergers & acquistions, TV advertising and the more outwardly "free" living of the rich California set to name a few have been really fascinating... and Kennedy hasn't even been shot yet. Good stuff.

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