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Heights High School At 413 E. 13th St.


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Why are people so obsessed with talking on phones ALL the damn time? You hear these conversations everywhere. Just babbling on about nothing. Or the self important blowhards who are 'doing business' for the whole world to hear. <_< I value phone time with people I care about, and I do business over the phone as is reasonably necessary, but for the most part I consider a ringing phone to be an imposition. In the car, I prefer to minimize distraction so I can drive defensively, and save my hide from all the drivers who think they're so skilled the laws of physics and basic principles of cognition don't apply to them.

I'm beginning to believe we have raised an entire generation who's self worth is measured in cell phone minutes, and who are emotionally incapable of just being quiet and alone with their thoughts.... but that's too far OT. Oops, almost forgot: You kids get off my lawn.

I would answer your question, but I am too busy talking on my cell phone. :P:lol:

I don't understand how someone could possibly TEXT anyone and concentrate on the road ? Maybe that is how "txt messgng vocab" came about. So many people hitting the wrong keys while driving that it just became the norm ?

Edited by TJones
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I would answer your question, but I am too busy talking on my cell phone. :P:lol:

I don't understand how someone could possibly TEXT anyone and concentrate on the road ? Maybe that is how "txt messgng vocab" came about. So many people hitting the wrong keys while driving that it just became the norm ?

Nice try.

It was a way to shorten the amount of keys to type out the words.

The whole "word shortening" thing drives me a bit crazy. I just hope the kids outgrow it. It's more shameful if adults use it because they should be on a full keyboard.

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I have found that I am able to drive drunk just as well as I can sober.  I know this for a fact.  The studies are wrong.

That's it in a nutshell RedScare. People think they are not to drunk to drive just like people think the cell phone is not a distraction and it doesn't affect their driving. Fact is more accidents are caused by cell phone use than by drunk drivers these days. I'm in favor of a complete ban of cell phone use, even hands free while driving.  One of the worst accidents I ever made when I was with the fire department was not caused by a drunk driver but a man that was so preoccupied with talking on his cell phone he rear ended a car on 610 killing two 16 year old twin daughters that were in the backseat of the car their mother was driving. Took us over 30 minutes just to cut them out. I'll bet you that guy would have told you that a cell phone was not a distraction before the accident, just like every drunk driver will tell you they didn't know they were that drunk.  

If you cannot get by without talking to somebody on the phone while driving than you need serious psychological help.

Here's a great article on cell phone use:

NY Times article

Edited by LunaticFringe
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  • The title was changed to Cellphone Laws In School Zones
  • The title was changed to Heights High School At 413 E. 13th St.

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