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John H. Reagan High School/Heights High School At 413 E. 13th St.


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Now they're completing the track field next door.. Ought to be nice once finally done.. We like taking the path through the school following beverly to walk to berryhill.. ;)

Iron fence going around the track and gates at the sidewalk this morning. We too like to use the path and I was hoping that we'd have access to the nice rubberized track (my poor, old knees) for jogging. I sure hope they're not going to lock the place up.

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Iron fence going around the track and gates at the sidewalk this morning. We too like to use the path and I was hoping that we'd have access to the nice rubberized track (my poor, old knees) for jogging. I sure hope they're not going to lock the place up.

If it was in Sienna Plantation, it wouldn't be locked. ;)

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Good Afternoon All,

Does anyone have any news if the track around the football field will be closed after school hours ?

Also what about the tennis courts next to the student parking lot ? Wait is that going to be a basketball court ?

I thought I over heard someone stating that the track and field would be closed to avoid pets damaging the turf ?

thoughts ?

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Iron fence going around the track and gates at the sidewalk this morning. We too like to use the path and I was hoping that we'd have access to the nice rubberized track (my poor, old knees) for jogging. I sure hope they're not going to lock the place up.

Yeah.. I saw that yesterday while walking to Onion Creek.. I sure hope they'll leave it open to pedestrian traffic.. Maybe the fence is to keep kids with cars out so they're not muddin' in the track..

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah.. I saw that yesterday while walking to Onion Creek.. I sure hope they'll leave it open to pedestrian traffic.. Maybe the fence is to keep kids with cars out so they're not muddin' in the track..

Gates are completed and it's locked up. I guess we're not going to be able to use the track or the sidewalk.

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I agree. It's a shame that they can't at least leave open during certain hours for the neighborhood to use. I know the other schools in the area lock their gates as well. Is that an HISD deal?

Some of them, such as Fields Elementary, are SPARK parks and stay open. Perhaps the athletic programs and inherent vandalism bred in high schools ;) prevent that from being an option.

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So the neighborhood residents who pay for the taxes will not have access to the track nor tennis courts

yet we can send our kids to Reagan ?

We can't go get a cheap meal in their cafeteria either. These facilities are to improve the school for the kids that go there. With every well intentioned tax payer from the 'hood, there is a not-well intentioned vandal with spray paint, vagrant with an empty 40 oz and irresponsible pet owner with a crapping Great Dane. Then additional tax dollars go to fix all this stuff so the school can stay nice for the kids that go there.

EDIT: Additionally, my husband just pointed out that what we definitely do not want is adults who don't belong around a high school having open access to a high school. He said "If someone doesn't work at a school or have a kid at a school, they don't need to be on the grounds of a school."

Edited by heights_yankee
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  • 5 weeks later...

Last night we were out walking in the neighborhood and the gates were open. One of the staff came out and we chatted. He said that they're going to have the gates open from after school until sunset and the track would be available.

Of course, within five minutes some thugs were on the track with bikes and a lady was walking her dog on the field. Odds are that this will be a short-lived experiment, so use it while you can.

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  • 1 month later...
Last night we were out walking in the neighborhood and the gates were open. One of the staff came out and we chatted. He said that they're going to have the gates open from after school until sunset and the track would be available.

From the HHA Newsletter:

During the summer months, the custodial staff works Monday through Fridays and will open both 14th and 13th Street gates to the track and field from 7 a.m. until dusk, or approximately 8:30 p.m. On holidays, weekends and during staff vacation periods, volunteers from the community will assist the Reagan staff by unlocking the gates twice a day from 7-10 a.m. and again from 5:30-dusk.

Of course, within five minutes some thugs were on the track with bikes and a lady was walking her dog on the field. Odds are that this will be a short-lived experiment, so use it while you can.

[Head Athletic] Coach [Harry] Colon asks that the community observe a few rules while using the Reagan facilities. "Please keep all equipment with wheels off of the synthetic track surface including bicycles, skateboards, roller blades and jogging strollers. Also, no pets are allowed or any activities that will cause any damage. We are extremely proud of our new sports complex and look forward to another successful Bulldog football season."

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Good Afternoon,

hope your day goes well!

Just a question ? How would a jogging stroller ruin the track ?

Keep your fat kid off the track, buddy ;)

Totally kidding - your kid may be very svelte. I usually run with spiked tires on my stroller, though.

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  • 1 year later...


There is now a ban on Texas drivers from calling, using or texting on a cell

phone in school crossing zones (effective 09/01/09). I am sure more

publicity will be coming soon.


Texas - House Bill 55 - Provides that an operator may not use a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle within a school crossing zone unless the wireless communication device is used with a hands-free device.

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A total ban on cell phone use while driving would be better, with massive prison time for anyone who causes an accident while using one (maybe not prison, but some major penalty). The bad driving caused by phone use is getting ridiculous. Hang up and watch the road!

I'm getting tired of

a) Near misses caused by drivers gabbing away on some inconsequential matter

B) Drivers gently weaving between several lanes while talking on the phone

c) Drivers going 30mph one minute on the freeway, then speeding up to 65 then back to 35, all while having a phone stuck to their ear

Kind of a pet peeve of mine...

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A total ban on cell phone use while driving would be better, with massive prison time for anyone who causes an accident while using one (maybe not prison, but some major penalty). The bad driving caused by phone use is getting ridiculous. Hang up and watch the road!

I'm getting tired of

a) Near misses caused by drivers gabbing away on some inconsequential matter

B) Drivers gently weaving between several lanes while talking on the phone

c) Drivers going 30mph one minute on the freeway, then speeding up to 65 then back to 35, all while having a phone stuck to their ear

Kind of a pet peeve of mine...

Agreed. What is the sense in saying it is illegal to use a mobile in a school zone, but it is OK anywhere else? :wacko:

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Agreed. What is the sense in saying it is illegal to use a mobile in a school zone, but it is OK anywhere else? :wacko:

Also, I doubt a driver who is busy gabbing away on his phone would notice that he's in a school zone, anyhow.

I kind of hate these "illegal in a school zone" things -- it's like a lawmaker doesn't have the balls to make an outright ban, but thinks he might get it passed if children are involved.

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Also, I doubt a driver who is busy gabbing away on his phone would notice that he's in a school zone, anyhow.

I kind of hate these "illegal in a school zone" things -- it's like a lawmaker doesn't have the balls to make an outright ban, but thinks he might get it passed if children are involved.

I actually feel sorry for people who are too stupid to both drive and talk on a phone at the same time. I see plenty of them, but I for one, and am 100% certain that I can accomplish both, safely, and in a school zone...I have been doing it for years, without an accident, and without even so much as a ticket, or being pulled over. I use my hands free blue tooth device, and my phone stays in my pocket. I use voice dialing, to call and receive calls. I absolutely can not stand the blanket bans on everything in the name of our "safety" its ridiculous....its only a matter of time before they make it a total ban instead of just a hands free ban.... Sure, some people are incapable of doing both, but I would even go so far as to say more can do both, than cant. Before cell phones it was radios, then passengers, etc, etc...I mean you dont see people banning bill boards b/c they are distracting because of the revenue. This is another money grab.

I am so sick of people deciding for me what I can and cant do - I will not give away any more liberties for safety. And spare me the old argument that driving is a privilege, and you abide by the laws if you want to keep on doing it blah blah blah....I will keep on talking on my hands free bluetooth even in a school zone....I would love to see a cop pull me over b/c it looks like I am talking to someone....how can he tell the difference between talking and singing to the radio? He cant...its a stupid law, being passed, not out of safety, but to give cops another reason to pull people over and write tickets for more money b/c the city governments are strapped.

People today are all too willing to give away all their liberty in the name of safety....which reminds me yet again, of the old saying, those who so easily give away liberty for safety, deserve neither, or something like that.

Quit being total idiots, learn to drive, and stop trying to tell me what to do. There were idiot drivers long before there were cell phones. There will be idiot drivers long after they ban cell phones.

Edited by Marksmu
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Whenever there's a passenger in the car and my cell phone rings, I make the passenger answer the call. I agree with Redscare. The driver needs to focus on driving the car, just like the pilot of the airplane needs to fly the airplane.

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I am 100% certain that you are not as good at it as you think you are. This is the most common argument by those opposed to limiting cell phone use while driving. Every study shows that they are wrong.

I dont disagree that it is safer to not talk on the phone, but I also think its much safer to talk on the phone than it is to have a passenger in the car...any passenger, any age, any level of driver. A person with their talking and body movements is much more distracting than a person on a hands free phone. Let alone a parent with a kid they are trying to get safely out of the car to school with all the things they are supposed to remember to take with them that day.

So I guess we should ban passengers in cars too...or better yet, force each individual passenger into a sound proof containers, so the driver is completely isolated from any distraction they may encounter. Banning a cell phone is that ridiculous.

And I am absolutely as safe as I think I am. I am a slow driver around town b/c I drive a big truck, which gets bad city fuel economy and cannot zip and weave, and cut through traffic even if I wanted too...I have not been pulled over, or received a ticket since I was 20 years, old - 9.5 years ago.

Doesnt matter anyway, I wont stop talking on the cell phone, same as the bad drivers wont stop speeding...its just a money grab.

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I dont disagree that it is safer to not talk on the phone, but I also think its much safer to talk on the phone than it is to have a passenger in the car...any passenger, any age, any level of driver. A person with their talking and body movements is much more distracting than a person on a hands free phone. Let alone a parent with a kid they are trying to get safely out of the car to school with all the things they are supposed to remember to take with them that day.

So I guess we should ban passengers in cars too...or better yet, force each individual passenger into a sound proof containers, so the driver is completely isolated from any distraction they may encounter. Banning a cell phone is that ridiculous.

And I am absolutely as safe as I think I am. I am a slow driver around town b/c I drive a big truck, which gets bad city fuel economy and cannot zip and weave, and cut through traffic even if I wanted too...I have not been pulled over, or received a ticket since I was 20 years, old - 9.5 years ago.

Doesnt matter anyway, I wont stop talking on the cell phone, same as the bad drivers wont stop speeding...its just a money grab.

Your beliefs go against all fo the studies on the topic, which indicate that talking on a cellphone while driving is as dangerous as drinking and driving. This doesn't mean that everyone is going to be equally affected, any more than everyone who blows 0.08 is equally affected. It does mean, in general, that we're all safer if we don't allow the use of cellphones at all while driving. You may consider that an infringement on your liberties. I don't, because you can still pull to the side of the road and talk. As for passengers in the car, the studies show that while they are a distraction, the impact is small compared to cellphones.

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Marksmu: In many cases the point of driving is to transport your passenger from place to place.

You said: "I also think its much safer to talk on the phone than it is to have a passenger in the car...any passenger, any age, any level of driver"

That doesn't make any sense. A driver can carry a passenger and still put his or her full concentration on the road. You do have to watch out for whether a discussion with a passenger takes too much of your attention (which is why the State of Texas limits the number of passengers certain teenagers can carry), but that is not something inherent in carrying a passenger. However talking on a cell phone or texting while driving inherently takes attention away from driving.

Please do not be overconfident in your own skills. Remember that you need to drive the car, and answering a cell phone will impede your ability to drive a car. If you have a passenger, let him or her answer.

I dont disagree that it is safer to not talk on the phone, but I also think its much safer to talk on the phone than it is to have a passenger in the car...any passenger, any age, any level of driver. A person with their talking and body movements is much more distracting than a person on a hands free phone. Let alone a parent with a kid they are trying to get safely out of the car to school with all the things they are supposed to remember to take with them that day.

So I guess we should ban passengers in cars too...or better yet, force each individual passenger into a sound proof containers, so the driver is completely isolated from any distraction they may encounter. Banning a cell phone is that ridiculous.

And I am absolutely as safe as I think I am. I am a slow driver around town b/c I drive a big truck, which gets bad city fuel economy and cannot zip and weave, and cut through traffic even if I wanted too...I have not been pulled over, or received a ticket since I was 20 years, old - 9.5 years ago.

Doesnt matter anyway, I wont stop talking on the cell phone, same as the bad drivers wont stop speeding...its just a money grab.

Edited by VicMan
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I dont disagree that it is safer to not talk on the phone, but I also think its much safer to talk on the phone than it is to have a passenger in the car...any passenger, any age, any level of driver. A person with their talking and body movements is much more distracting than a person on a hands free phone. Let alone a parent with a kid they are trying to get safely out of the car to school with all the things they are supposed to remember to take with them that day.

So I guess we should ban passengers in cars too...or better yet, force each individual passenger into a sound proof containers, so the driver is completely isolated from any distraction they may encounter. Banning a cell phone is that ridiculous.

And I am absolutely as safe as I think I am. I am a slow driver around town b/c I drive a big truck, which gets bad city fuel economy and cannot zip and weave, and cut through traffic even if I wanted too...I have not been pulled over, or received a ticket since I was 20 years, old - 9.5 years ago.

Doesnt matter anyway, I wont stop talking on the cell phone, same as the bad drivers wont stop speeding...its just a money grab.

ANY distraction in a car affects the way you drive.

When I have a passenger in the car, we just chill out to music, chit chat about nothing (i'm not that guy that has to LOOK at a person they're talking to), or they talk on THEIR phone (while I get annoyed).

Usually when I get a call while driving, I usually make it short, particularly if I'm on a city street. I might talk a bit longer on a freeway, but that involves someone I'm dating; and even then, that's why I spent the extra money for my bluetooth. I don't get the idiots that insist on putting the damned thing up against their head, limiting their vision.

I've gotten quite attached to just listening to music and having quiet time in my car, while I look out for the other idiots that weave in their lane or not paying attention to what they're doing.

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Marksmu: In many cases the point of driving is to transport your passenger from place to place.

You said: "I also think its much safer to talk on the phone than it is to have a passenger in the car...any passenger, any age, any level of driver"

That doesn't make any sense. A driver can carry a passenger and still put his or her full concentration on the road. You do have to watch out for whether a discussion with a passenger takes too much of your attention (which is why the State of Texas limits the number of passengers certain teenagers can carry), but that is not something inherent in carrying a passenger. However talking on a cell phone or texting while driving inherently takes attention away from driving.

Please do not be overconfident in your own skills. Remember that you need to drive the car, and answering a cell phone will impede your ability to drive a car. If you have a passenger, let him or her answer.

Yall must have some kind of attention deficit problem...I can talk on a phone, and drive, in exactly the same manner and fashion as if I were not on it at all. If Im not on the phone Im listening to the radio, paying the same amount of attention to it, as I would be a person on the phone. It does not take one single bit more of concentration (for me) to be on the phone than it does to talk to a person in the car, which I also do when I have a passenger. As I said in the first 2 responses, I use my hands free blue tooth - and I never text, or dial the phone while driving....heck I dont even dial when Im not using the bluetooth...its just easier to say, call (insert name here) than it is to look the number up and dial it. I have seen the studies, they all show that texting is the same as drinking and driving, not talking with a blue tooth device, and I don't disagree with that - its almost impossible to text and drive...heck its difficult to just text with how small the keys on the phones have gotten. But if your not holding the phone, which I dont, I do not see at all, how your driving is effected unless your just old and slow. Like it or not, I am confident in my ability to drive while I talk on the phone - your opinion, or a stupid law to grab money is not going to change that.

And study or no study, I still think a person in the car is a larger distraction than a hands free phone ever could be. A baby is constantly requiring attention, a toddler is worse, a young child is screaming, spilling, unbuckling, fighting,etc... teenagers do whatever it is that they do now, and normal adults talk - they talk about the same things they would talk about if they were on the phone, so there is no difference there. The difference between having a passenger and being on the phone is that you have the added distraction of the persons movements, and emotions, but a slight advantage in a second set of eyes.

To me all the studies show is that some people cant do both safely - I know I can. I can also handle a gun safely - Im sure its the same groups of people who are out to save us from ourselves that dont want cell phone in cars, also dont want people to have guns. Its all a money grab in the name of safety - and its very difficult for a politician to stand up and say he is not for safety, let alone the extra money it brings. It may sound like Im some cocky punk kid who thinks the rules dont apply to him, but thats not the case - I know my driving abilities, I don't speed, I don't drive aggressively, and I do a whole lot of coasting... for me (maybe not you) its not distracting or difficult to talk and drive, and I suspect its not for a huge problem for alot of folks. Its just the politicians out to govern all us to protect us from those who probably should not be driving anyway.

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Why are people so obsessed with talking on phones ALL the damn time? You hear these conversations everywhere. Just babbling on about nothing. Or the self important blowhards who are 'doing business' for the whole world to hear. <_< I value phone time with people I care about, and I do business over the phone as is reasonably necessary, but for the most part I consider a ringing phone to be an imposition. In the car, I prefer to minimize distraction so I can drive defensively, and save my hide from all the drivers who think they're so skilled the laws of physics and basic principles of cognition don't apply to them.

I'm beginning to believe we have raised an entire generation who's self worth is measured in cell phone minutes, and who are emotionally incapable of just being quiet and alone with their thoughts.... but that's too far OT. Oops, almost forgot: You kids get off my lawn. :D

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I play the music too loud in my car to talk on the phone. Seriously though, I typically answer and say "I'll call you back" or I'll let it go to voicemail and answer when it's safe to talk on the phone.

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Why are people so obsessed with talking on phones ALL the damn time? You hear these conversations everywhere. Just babbling on about nothing. Or the self important blowhards who are 'doing business' for the whole world to hear. <_< I value phone time with people I care about, and I do business over the phone as is reasonably necessary, but for the most part I consider a ringing phone to be an imposition. In the car, I prefer to minimize distraction so I can drive defensively, and save my hide from all the drivers who think they're so skilled the laws of physics and basic principles of cognition don't apply to them.

I'm beginning to believe we have raised an entire generation who's self worth is measured in cell phone minutes, and who are emotionally incapable of just being quiet and alone with their thoughts.... but that's too far OT. Oops, almost forgot: You kids get off my lawn. :D

Im not disagreeing with you one bit! I cant stand people who talk on their phone in public, or those folks who let their phone ring, look to see who it is, then let it keep ringing....mute it for the love of god....But, I talk on my phone only in the car, and pretty much only on my way home from work, and I make 2 calls - one to the wife Im on the way, and then to my mom - she waits for my call every day about the same time, I would much rather talk on the phone in the car on the way home, then have to set aside time to ignore my family at home, when I could have had that conversation earlier instead of doing nothing. I enjoy talking to my mom, and it makes her day.

I actually ride my wife's rear end daily about her dang blackberry - she cant put it down - in fact, almost everyone I know always has it on the table, texting, checking email, and responding to work things all the time...it drives me crazy - but talking on it in the car when your by yourself - that doesnt bother me.

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