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Bad rep blues


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Exactly. Personal relationships are what's important, not silly numbers.

Looking at your personal profile just now shows that your fellow HAIFers have already rated you four out of five stars. They like you as a person. That doesn't mean that friends can't disagree about things.

I just realized I'm one out of five stars. None of the HAIFers really are my "friends", but what does that matter? I highly doubt that anyone on the HAIF knows anyone in the "real life".

If I really cared what the HAIF thought about me, I wouldn't even be at HAIF anymore.

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I highly doubt that anyone on the HAIF knows anyone in the "real life".


People have "HAIF" meet ups all the time. Personally, I went to high school with a HAIFer. Bought items from a HAIFer. Adopted out my house cat to a HAIFer's girlfriend. And met "Editor" in Chicago a few weeks ago.

A bunch of my HAIF friends are also my facebook friends.

I am sure I am not alone on this either.

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I just realized I'm one out of five stars. None of the HAIFers really are my "friends", but what does that matter? I highly doubt that anyone on the HAIF knows anyone in the "real life".

If I really cared what the HAIF thought about me, I wouldn't even be at HAIF anymore.


We have HAIF happy hours about once a quarter.

Niche, the last one was fun. Is the place leased out yet?

Edited by rsb320
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Wow, didn't know HAIF was such an exclusive group! :o

Also note that my last post wasn't meant to be a "screw all y'all" post, but it might've seemed that way. Sorry. :(

You're gonna be my favorite bi-polar HAIFer, I can tell! :D

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We have HAIF happy hours about once a quarter.

Niche, the last one was fun. Is the place leased out yet?

Well, those are just the ones you are aware of. . . you know, just saying! :P

Edited by Pumapayam
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I think I see the trend here, the younger HAIFers are really caught up in the ratings and the rest of us don't care. Probably because we didn't spend out youths living out our lives on facebook and twitter and other online social whatever. The trick is to acquire brown liquor and drink it.

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I just realized I'm one out of five stars. None of the HAIFers really are my "friends", but what does that matter? I highly doubt that anyone on the HAIF knows anyone in the "real life".

If I really cared what the HAIF thought about me, I wouldn't even be at HAIF anymore.

Paper Tiger???sad.gif

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  • 1 month later...

The damage has been done...but now I can claim that I was the lowest-ranking HAIFer ever, at a grand total of -204...

...and I wasn't even a troll! :lol:

Nope. You were no better (or worse) than TIED with spiderroller, and he did it in a FAR shorter time span.

It could be said that you even suck at sucking...

...but I won't say that, since it might get me in trouble.

PS - I gave you a +1 so that now you have a higher rep than spiderroller. :)

Edited by RedScare
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Goes to show that we are turning into a nation of wimps if we can't handle it if some gets a little too critical.

The problem wasn't so much that people couldn't handle having negative reputation so much as it was that some people abused the power to give negative reputation.

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The problem wasn't so much that people couldn't handle having negative reputation so much as it was that some people abused the power to give negative reputation.

If that is the case, long term would have simply sorted itself out.

Rarely do I disagree with any decisions you make, since it is YOUR system, however I think this is one of those decisions that simply could have waited awhile longer.

That person would have eventually have found a new hobby or gotten himself banned (eventually).

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If that is the case, long term would have simply sorted itself out.

Rarely do I disagree with any decisions you make, since it is YOUR system, however I think this is one of those decisions that simply could have waited awhile longer.

That person would have eventually have found a new hobby or gotten himself banned (eventually).

I wouldn't assume they were all newbies.

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I wouldn't assume they were all newbies.

Very astute. A few minutes ago I discovered a function in the forum software which allows me to see who's been ranking whom over what. I checked on a couple of people who were unhappy with the system as it was, and I really think people would be very surprised if they knew who was voting them down and up.

Of course, if I released that sort of information it would be chaos around here, so I think I'll disable the function.

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Very astute. A few minutes ago I discovered a function in the forum software which allows me to see who's been ranking whom over what. I checked on a couple of people who were unhappy with the system as it was, and I really think people would be very surprised if they knew who was voting them down and up.

Of course, if I released that sort of information it would be chaos around here, so I think I'll disable the function.

I would have that that feater was there somewhere, Ed.

Oh, I don't know. I think a riot would be kinda fun. I was too young to appreciate the moody park riots.


Giving myself a -3 to save some people some frustration. :)

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Very astute. A few minutes ago I discovered a function in the forum software which allows me to see who's been ranking whom over what. I checked on a couple of people who were unhappy with the system as it was, and I really think people would be very surprised if they knew who was voting them down and up.

I probably would....but now I'll never know! :ph34r:

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  • 1 year later...

Well, there was another site with a "thumbs up/thumbs down" system:

DO downvote someone:

If the post breaks rules

If the post is generally not well thought-out

If the post is overly mean or inconsiderate

DON’T downvote someone:

If you have a personal grudge against the person who made the post

If you think it would be amusing to do so

In controversial topics (politics and religion, etc): if a person makes a post that is a reasonable post with nothing wrong with it, but it expresses views that you don’t like, don’t downvote it. That’s just petty.

Sounds fair.

Perhaps this topic needs to be revived.

I think Iron Tiger's take on voting up or down is spot on. Yet, this post had been given a -3 before I'd revisited it. I don't understand what objection anyone would have to (his) post.

Maybe Facebook's got it right - they register only positive votes. There's some controversy there, too; IMO negative statements ought to recognized as such. It might be helpful if there was an alert given to the person who originated the post whenever someone votes on it, whether positive or negative. The up/down vote feature's advantage is that it gives the poster feedback.

The Forum is cluttered with "Me, too" and "Nope" remarks. Unless there's a pressing, specific comment to be made in response, a thumbs up (or down) should suffice - and encourage people to make thoughtful posts.

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Perhaps this topic needs to be revived.

I think Iron Tiger's take on voting up or down is spot on. Yet, this post had been given a -3 before I'd revisited it. I don't understand what objection anyone would have to (his) post.

Maybe Facebook's got it right - they register only positive votes. There's some controversy there, too; IMO negative statements ought to recognized as such. It might be helpful if there was an alert given to the person who originated the post whenever someone votes on it, whether positive or negative. The up/down vote feature's advantage is that it gives the poster feedback.

The Forum is cluttered with "Me, too" and "Nope" remarks. Unless there's a pressing, specific comment to be made in response, a thumbs up (or down) should suffice - and encourage people to make thoughtful posts.

I agree, and for the most part, if there is something that I am particularly for or against, I use the button. I don't like typing one or two word sentences for a post and the like and dislike buttons is a lazy man's (me) way of doing a post, but showing where I stand.

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