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HAIF sister site for Dallas

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Dallas has: http://forum.dallasmetropolis.com/

It's a little archaic. Just sayin' (trying not to flame, as prohibited in this forum sectionbiggrin.gif ). They get angry with HAIF. (See this thread http://forum.dallasmetropolis.com/showthread.php?t=6809 ... You go, totheskies!).

It's also my impression that Dallas posters are pretty active on http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?cityID=92. Don't mention HAIF there, though. They're...um...apparently uptight about that.

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Maybe it's time to start one. "DAIF" sounds kind of strange, though. Kind of like


I took a little look around that Dallas forum. There's a lot of anger there. It doesn't seem to be aimed in any particular direction. You can post just about anything and someone will jump ugly with you. And every person defends his/her suburb as if it's the best place in the world and everywhere else is worthless. It's a very strange fortress mentality.

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Maybe it's time to start one. "DAIF" sounds kind of strange, though. Kind of like


I took a little look around that Dallas forum. There's a lot of anger there. It doesn't seem to be aimed in any particular direction. You can post just about anything and someone will jump ugly with you. And every person defends his/her suburb as if it's the best place in the world and everywhere else is worthless. It's a very strange fortress mentality.

That is a microcosm of the DFW area in real life. Having spent almost 9 years in Dallas, Irving, Fort Worth, and Plano, I felt and heard the territorial atmosphere, though admittedly it is much more stark seeing it all together in a forum. And it is far more pronounced in local politics.

There is a bit of that in Houston as well, notably The Woodlands and Katy and to a lesser extent, some of the other towns, but it seems to be more of a pride in one's location, as opposed to denigrating another. I suspect it has a lot to do with the way the areas incorporated. If The Woodlands incorporation spurred a flurry of incorporations, I think we'd hear a lot more of that stuff.

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That is a microcosm of the DFW area in real life. Having spent almost 9 years in Dallas, Irving, Fort Worth, and Plano, I felt and heard the territorial atmosphere, though admittedly it is much more stark seeing it all together in a forum. And it is far more pronounced in local politics.

There is a bit of that in Houston as well, notably The Woodlands and Katy and to a lesser extent, some of the other towns, but it seems to be more of a pride in one's location, as opposed to denigrating another. I suspect it has a lot to do with the way the areas incorporated. If The Woodlands incorporation spurred a flurry of incorporations, I think we'd hear a lot more of that stuff.

100% agree

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So I might have a free flight to Dallas available to me in the fall. Is it worth heading down there to take some pictures, get a feel for the area, and put together a Dallas web site?

There are some nice buildings up there, so I can't see why not. I'm not from the region, so I don't know anything other than the downtown area.

Gonna throw up a DAIF? :)

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There are some nice buildings up there, so I can't see why not. I'm not from the region, so I don't know anything other than the downtown area.

Gonna throw up a DAIF? :)

Maybe. I'd like to get more feedback on it first, though.

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Ouch! You ain't kidding. I clicked on your link and I was the only person there. Even YOU weren't online. :mellow:

I wasn't kidding when I said it's pretty slow...

I would be online all the time but my algebra and sociology classes wont take themselves! (well they kinda will, but my grade won't)

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Maybe. I'd like to get more feedback on it first, though.

It'd be nice. Dallas Metropolis is in a big slump and the site is so hostile at times. Not to mention the forum design is outdated. If you started one up, would it have the same design as HAIF?

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It'd be nice. Dallas Metropolis is in a big slump and the site is so hostile at times. Not to mention the forum design is outdated. If you started one up, would it have the same design as HAIF?

I'm not sure what I'd do in terms of design. I think it would be similar, simply because it would have my touch.

This isn't official; I just like to be prepared:


Just sayin' 'sall.

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So I might have a free flight to Dallas available to me in the fall. Is it worth heading down there to take some pictures, get a feel for the area, and put together a Dallas web site?

If you visit, try to do it Oct. 12-18 or soon after MORE INFO. That's the grand opening of the Dallas Center for Performing Arts, which will definitely be worth a visit.

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If you visit, try to do it Oct. 12-18 or soon after MORE INFO. That's the grand opening of the Dallas Center for Performing Arts, which will definitely be worth a visit.

I'm tied up this month and next and next, so it would probably be late October at the earliest. I'd probably either fly into Houston and drive to Dallas or the other way around. Too bad there isn't a train between the two.

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I'm more of a fan of Fort Worth than Dallas. I always found people from Dallas to be way to uptight. Fort Worth has great museums, food and entertainment places and a way better zoo.  I just feel more relaxed when I visit FW. 

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I'm more of a fan of Fort Worth than Dallas. I always found people from Dallas to be way to uptight. Fort Worth has great museums, food and entertainment places and a way better zoo.  I just feel more relaxed when I visit FW. 

I've been to Dallas about five times, but Fort Worth only once. I agree with you, though. Fort Worth is way more my style than Dallas.

That said, if a site is created, all of the North Texas communities will be represented and respected. Those who don't will be sanctioned. There will be no inter-suburb feuds on DSFWA.com.

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I think its a great idea, my only conscern, not that it matters, but you asked for an opinion,

is about site activity, specifically forum activity. Most of your sites, although informative, lack active forum activity.

At least last time i checked.

Take for example Southland Arch. , isnt this the newest site? Yet things haven't picked up...

Would a dallas site be a waste? Over time i think it will be a mini-HAIF, the question is how long..

Good luck in your future endeavors, Editor...

Edited by citizen4rmptown
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I think its a great idea, my only conscern, not that it matters, but you asked for an opinion,

is about site activity, specifically forum activity. Most of your sites, although informative, lack active forum activity.

At least last time i checked.

Take for example Southland Arch. , isnt this the newest site? Yet things haven't picked up...

Would a dallas site be a waste? Over time i think it will be a mini-HAIF, the question is how long..

Good luck in your future endeavors, Editor...

You're right that the other sites' fora haven't taken off. That's the reason they all redirect to the Agoraphoria site. It's a catch-all for my non-HAIF forum needs.

The reason I think a DSFWA forum might have a shot is because there are a number of North Texans who are active on HAIF. If I can convince those people to contribute to the new forum, they could be the seed of something great. With the other city fora I've started from scratch. I hope that if I pursue this plan, HAIFers will help kick start the Dallas/Fort Worth site.

Starting a forum properly (instead of just piggybacking on an existing site like Agoraphoria or going with some lame free hosting service) is something that takes time and money. I wouldn't launch until November at the earliest, in part because I have to put together $200 to license new forum software and I have a lot of other expenses coming up this fall.


As an aside, since you brought up the other web sites -- you're entirely right -- the forum sections of those web sites have failed to thrive. The Chicago site did pretty well for about a year, but died when I merged it into Agoraphoria. Starting, running, and maintaining a forum isn't easy as evidenced by the former HAIF competitors that have gone out of business.

But interestingly, other forms of interaction are doing surprisingly well. For example, I don't promote any of the sites' Flickr groups, yet the London site has 89 members who contribute photos -- more than even the HAIF Flickr group, which does get some limited promotion. The London Flickr group has only been around for a few months.

Also, the Twitter feeds are remarkably popular for features that are not promoted.

And the Chicago Facebook page has 53 fans in three months, again with zero promotion; and the Chicago Blog has several thousand unique visitors each week, still with zero promotion.

I'm not sure what the lesson is here. Well, aside from the fact that I have far more properties than I have time to promote them.

Maybe the lesson is that the new forms of social media (Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, blogs) are more popular than the old forms (forums, etc...). I don't know.

Again, I'm still only just considering the North Texas site (trying hard not to call it a "Dallas" site). But if there are enough HAIFers who think it's a good idea, I might go for it.

How about it? Would any of you HAIFers participate in a Dallas/Fort Worth/North Texas forum?

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I'd help out with that North Texas site. I started a forum a while ago (for Atlanta), but school and other things got in the way. We were doing pretty good at one time. But yeah, I'd definitely help out with a North Texas site.

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I think you'd have better luck marketing it as a North Texas site. Not that there's a lot of development outside of DFW, but it'd help attract more potential posters. I've been thinking I might have gotten more posters if it was named Central Texas instead of Austin. Just a suggestion.

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I think you'd have better luck marketing it as a North Texas site. Not that there's a lot of development outside of DFW, but it'd help attract more potential posters. I've been thinking I might have gotten more posters if it was named Central Texas instead of Austin. Just a suggestion.

Thanks for the thoughts. I've been trying to get in the habit of writing "North Texas" because there's a trademark issue with "Metroplex."

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Thanks for the thoughts. I've been trying to get in the habit of writing "North Texas" because there's a trademark issue with "Metroplex."

"Metroplex" is trademarked? Who'd have thunk it? Maybe you can try one of those marketing-type names, like "NoTex". ^_^

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Thanks for the thoughts. I've been trying to get in the habit of writing "North Texas" because there's a trademark issue with "Metroplex."

You could give a nod to the Arlington marketing campaign of the 1990s, where they attempted to become relevant by pushing the 'DAFW' acronym (pronounced Daf-Wa). It failed miserably, and they returned to their practice of funding sports stadiums to draw attention.

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