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Pride Houston 2009

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Good point. Maybe they need to move the Pride Parade to downtown and have just a Montrose Weird Parade. Not just gays but the whole tattooed, gay, hippie, homeless, eccentric Montrose persona. Kind of like
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That would have been the Westheimer Art Festival when they closed the streets. They killed the funk-factor when they moved it and renamed it the Bayou City Art Festival.

Sure, they still do the Westheimer Street Fest, I suppose, but it's not the same with the streets open to traffic.

Oh, the days of freak watching. :( Gone.

I miss the art fest. That was insane fun at the time.

I'd hate to see the parade move downtown. The downtown parades are so sterile. I like that the pride parade takes place where people actually live and can walk from their homes to go see. I walk to the parade every year. I can't see driving downtown to stand at the corner of Rusk and Fannin to watch the BP float go by. And I bet the cops wouldn't turn a blind eye to the open container law downtown either....

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i'll take that bet. they are getting complaints about the downtown clubs again.

OT, but was listening to local news on KUHF today and they were interviewing someone from County, who said explicitly that for 4th of July weekend, the new DWI snares with blood draw warrants would be out in downtown/midtown, westheimer/hillcroft area, washington ave, and clear lake. And somewhere on highway 6 but I didn't catch what part.

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We had a blast. My friends (a gay fella, a lesbian, and a straight woman all in med school) that came down from Boston had a great time.

We started the day with 4-5 hours in my sister's pool drinking and playing water basketball. Then we hit up some tex-mex and margaritas. Spent two hours walking the curve area and checking out the shops. Decided to stop at Poison Girl for some good beer and pinball. Loved the place and the great tunes being played. We all agreed that the parade here is 1,000,000 times better than Boston's. Boston has about 3 floats. That's it. We have it good here with the street party, street vendors, tailgating, and outdoor venues along the route. By the time the parade was over, we were beat and just went home so that we could wake up early and hit the pool again before heading to Asiatown for a nice dim-son lunch.

Also, did anyone else find Peter Brown's group hilarious? I swear to God it looked like he hired street tranies to carry his banner. At first we thought he wasn't even there... and then we realized he was dancing on a float full of trannies and go-go boys passing out flowers while bouncing around to Lady GaGa! Annise was TOTALLY outdone by Peter.

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I completely forgot about the parade and ended up in the middle of it as it was ending!!! I was so mad I could have spit bullets. What a mess down Westheimer! It took me over an hour to get from Studemont to SOBE! Needless to say, I drank a lot when I finally got inside! It was worth it....got a number! LOL

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How was the street after? Or in the morning? This was from a couple years ago, and it took a while for it to be tidied up:



pride does not extend to cleanlines.

it is absolutely disgusting that people cannot clean up after themselves. I guess we can blame this stuff on attendees who drive back out to suburbia after they are done?

Edited by samagon
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