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Taste of Texas... Spicy Mexican


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Try as we might, Texans are not an ethnicity unlike Mexicans.

I've got family that goes all the way back to when Texas was part of Mexico, thereafter including the period when Texas was its own nation. Given its political history and its unique regional culture and subcultures, I must respectfully disagree.

EDIT: Btw, I still don't see what's racist about the commercial. I see two caricatured people of different backgrounds living together and getting along flawlessly, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or culture. What's wrong with that?

Edited by TheNiche
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EDIT: Btw, I still don't see what's racist about the commercial. I see two caricatured people of different backgrounds living together and getting along flawlessly, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or culture. What's wrong with that?

Word. I really don't see the issue with the commercial. People who take things that seriously should be sent to live on their own miserable little ultra-serious island with a bunch of other P.C. creeps. I'll take a sense of humor instead, please.

ETA: Well, that was quick:


They already pulled the ad. Lame. <_<

Edited by sheeats
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Ummm, Mexican isn't an ethnicity, it's a nationality, just like American. Hispanic is an ethnicity. Some might even call Texan a nationality :)

Agreed. It can't be racist since Mexican isn't a race.

It promulgates stereotypes. But in this case, I think it reinforces a Texas stereotype far more than a Mexican one.

I wonder if the people who are upset about this commercial got their undies in a bundle over the Nacho Libre movie, too.

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They already pulled the ad. Lame. <_<

I made a post replying to sheeats' statement, here, last night that isn't here this morning. I would presume that it has been deleted by a moderator, however there is no indication of it ever having been here and I also have not received a PM from them.

I made a point that I believed to be relevant to the discussion, pointing out that apparently houstonmacbro's sense of 'racism', or whatever this was, was good instinct, and I questioned whether he believed that an ambassador of Mexico making an especially big fuss about this ad could support a stereotype of Mexicans as being hypersensitive. Granted, I did not use the most formal or diplomatic language, opting instead for multiple rhetorical devices which I believe focused the point even though some people may have viewed them as insensitive--which was sort of the idea.

Apparently my post was itself deemed inappropriate for HAIF, and has been yanked.

This isn't my forum. I don't own it. I don't set the rules. But I do try to follow the Guidelines and I certainly do not believe that I violated them last night. As as a matter of courtesy, I would ask that moderators please indicate within the thread whether they have modified or deleted a post, and provide a brief explanation that can easily be referenced in the Guidelines. Some of you do this already and it is appreciated. Furthermore, I would request that if you are deleting content for reasons other than are codified in the Guidelines, that you update the Guidelines so that in the future, I and others can either use more ascetic language or opt not to participate, rather than wasting our time providing content that nobody will ever see. Courtesy is a two-way street.

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I deleted the post. You made a good point in what your wrote, but you wrote it poorly. I request that you be more tactful and respectful of your fellow HAIFers in your approach in the future.

As for the courtesy of notifying users when their posts are deleted -- it's hit and miss. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. Believe it or not, I have far more important things to do in my life than babysit a bunch of supposed adults who can't behave civilly toward each other.

I'm sorry if you were offended that I didn't take time out of my day to personally let you know that you behaved badly. If you're unhappy with the customer service on HAIF, I'm more than happy to refund the $0 you pay each day for this free service.

Or you could just think before you post and save us both a lot of time.

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I deleted the post. You made a good point in what your wrote, but you wrote it poorly. I request that you be more tactful and respectful of your fellow HAIFers in your approach in the future.

As for the courtesy of notifying users when their posts are deleted -- it's hit and miss. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. Believe it or not, I have far more important things to do in my life than babysit a bunch of supposed adults who can't behave civilly toward each other.

I'm sorry if you were offended that I didn't take time out of my day to personally let you know that you behaved badly. If you're unhappy with the customer service on HAIF, I'm more than happy to refund the $0 you pay each day for this free service.

You've been asking for ways recently to improve HAIF and have especially been grappling with the issue of civility, and here I've courteously and respectfully provided some suggestions. I don't think that they're unreasonable suggestions; improving HAIF certainly cannot occur without effort. ...yet I'm greeted with a dismissive and unappreciative attitude, the tone of which (very ironically) ignites so many of the flame wars on HAIF that take time out of your day to extinguish.

If the kids are breaking the rules, promptly correct them and explain why. If they break an unwritten rule, then write the rule. If you've got too many kids, hire more babysitters (which cost you $0 each day).

And as for the free service you hold over my head, do bear in mind that not only do I have the ads unblocked (I use Firefox, too, and I could disable them if I wanted to), but that I'm one of your largest content providers. There's no telling how many people have joined HAIF in part as a result of my posts, nor how many more search engine hits my content yields you, nor how much additional discussion has been spurred as a consequence of my being here and providing posts to which people respond...all of which feeds back into even more registered HAIFers, more content, more search engine hits, and ultimately more revenue for you. I suspect that I provide more value to you than you provide to me, and don't you forget it.

Or you could just think before you post and save us both a lot of time.

I did think. However, I am not telepathic; I cannot read yours or others' minds. And thank goodness, for your sake, because if I were, I wouldn't need HAIF as a medium of communication.

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This is The Editor's sandbox. If you want to play here, you have to obey him. If you don't want to obey him, or if you get tired of his antics, you can always leave.

I wholeheartedly concur. And as I've pointed out, I'd readily submit to His rules (or opt not to play) if only I understood what they all were.

Editor can correct me if he believes I'm wrong (he's within his right to), but I don't think I'm being unreasonable here.

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The ad is cute enough. The cowboy and wrestler costumes are funny. I haven't had the 'Texican' burger itself though - you just know it would never live up to real Tex-Mex! Has anyone had it?

Last time I had a BK lunch, it almost came up afterwards. Not sure what they use for beef, but real cow it ain't.

Or maybe it is real cow, just now the part that is usually made for burgers...

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WTF is that second patty made from? :o

One has to wonder. This morning I passed the Burger King on the way to work and tried to figure it out. It says something about tacos, so my guess is deep fried crumbled up taco shells. Not something I am going to want to explore further.

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Last time I had a BK lunch, it almost came up afterwards. Not sure what they use for beef, but real cow it ain't.

Or maybe it is real cow, just now the part that is usually made for burgers...

It's cow. It used to be Australian and New Zealand cow, but in the 80's when the nation went through one of its "Buy American" fits, Burger King started promoting "100% American Beef" and put my father out of business.

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Try as we might, Texans are not an ethnicity unlike Mexicans.

Should Texas cowboys be offended for using that butt-ugly representation ? How do you know the shorter guy is Mexican? He's wearing a mask ! For that matter, how do we know that 6'6" anorexic guy is a cowboy, just because he is wearing a hat ? That doesn't make him a cowboy, or a Texan ?

They didn't say it was a Spicy Mexican Midget. They used the appropriate "Little" to describe his stature. Are you saying that Luchadors aren't "spicy", how do you know ?

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