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North Korea: Kim Jong-Il Sobbed During Rocket Launch


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Ok, I know North Korea is a crazy place and their leader, Kim Jong-Il is a nutcase and everyone is brainwashed and all of that stuff. Even knowing all of that, I couldn't help but crack up reading this story. Are you kidding me? I realize the entire Nation is brainwashed, but are people there actually stupid enough to believe this? I mean, they are still humans with brains!

North Korea Article

From the article...

North Korea's state-run media reported Tuesday that Kim Jong-Il shed tears of regret during the country's controversial rocket launch because he could not use the launch funds to provide aid to his people, the AFP reported. :huh:

Someone tell Mr. Jong-Il that he actually could have spent the money on food and aid... guess he wasn't aware of that. :wacko:

... and yes, I know those poor people couldn't speak up even if they wanted to... I know it's an entire nation of propaganda... I have actually done a lot of research on North Korea. I just thought the article was funny in a sick, sad way.

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Kim Jong-Il shed tears of regret during the country's controversial rocket launch because he could not use the launch funds to provide aid to his people

Actually, he WILL use those funds to feed his people, in an indirect way.

Here's the scam that worked on Bill Clinton: He threatens to build nuclear weapons, and Clinton promises him that if he abandons those efforts, that he'll provide billions in aid to N. Korea. Kim says; "Okay", and takes the money. Then he goes ahead and builds his nuclear weapons anyway, while Bill Clinton declares "Peace in our time".

So what will happen next is this: Kim will tell Obama that if America will send him a trillion in aid, that he'll abandon his long range missiles. Obama will fall for it, and Kim will get the money. Maybe a few percentage points will actually go to food for his people. Then Kim will go ahead and build his missiles anyway, and sell them to Iran, Syria and any other evil tyrant that wants one.

So you see, these rockets are just Kim's way of blackmailing the Western world. And our leaders keep falling for it, every time.

Edited by John Rich
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Actually, he WILL use those funds to feed his people, in an indirect way.

Here's the scam that worked on Bill Clinton: He threatens to build nuclear weapons, and Clinton promises him that if he abandons those efforts, that he'll provide billions in aid to N. Korea. Kim says; "Okay", and takes the money. Then he goes ahead and builds his nuclear weapons anyway, while Bill Clinton declares "Peace in our time".

So what will happen next is this: Kim will tell Obama that if America will send him a trillion in aid, that he'll abandon his long range missiles. Obama will fall for it, and Kim will get the money. Maybe a few percentage points will actually go to food for his people. Then Kim will go ahead and build his missiles anyway, and sell them to Iran, Syria and any other evil tyrant that wants one.

So you see, these rockets are just Kim's way of blackmailing the Western world. And our leaders keep falling for it, every time.

You forgot to mention George W. Bush... he also gave food / aid to North Korea for those same reasons and the same thing happened. Not sure if you meant to leave out G.W..... just seemed odd you jumped from Clinton right to Obama. :rolleyes:

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You forgot to mention George W. Bush... he also gave food / aid to North Korea for those same reasons and the same thing happened. Not sure if you meant to leave out G.W..... just seemed odd you jumped from Clinton right to Obama. :rolleyes:

He also forgot to mention that the presidents are not "falling for it every time", as much as taking what they can get. It is a diplomatic cat and mouse game, and both sides know what they are doing. Both sides also know that it is preferable to the alternative of military action. Presumably, John Rich also believes this.

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We need to get Kim to do what we want, not vice versa.

If he doesn't do what we want, we pour propaganda leaflets into his country and/or make annoying radio broadcasts. If he does what we want, the propaganda stops coming into North Korea.

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We need to get Kim to do what we want, not vice versa.

If he doesn't do what we want, we pour propaganda leaflets into his country and/or make annoying radio broadcasts. If he does what we want, the propaganda stops coming into North Korea.

Rush Limbaugh... in fact let's send him over there... when the North Koreans see how fat he is living in America they will know there's lots of food out there and they will overthrow the government for lying to them. ^_^

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We need to just send in black ops to kidnap him, and substitute him with that guy from MadTV. His impression is spot on. Or, we could kill him and substitute the puppet from Team America and have him only appear on TV broadcasts. This little dude is seems to be way more trouble than he's really worth.

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Edited by LunaticFringe
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