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The Old 'dallas' Image Is Back

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Here ya go, y'all. A basic summary in one paragraph:

Since the 1980s heyday of the prime-time soap named after the city, the idea of Dallas as a capital of conspicuous consumption has resonated around the world. And because the city has not spent the money to effectively promote a broader image, marketing and media experts say, this old view of Dallas not only hangs on, it's also ripe for exploitation.

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I think this is a very interesting topic. Dallas is getting more unsolicited publicity, although it does reinforce many stereotypes that many Dallasites would like to forget or eliminate.

At the same time, Houston is starving for recognition (which it deserves! the Superbowl never did pay off as expected).

The stereotypes being applied to Dallas (lots of plastic surgery, high dollar engagement rings, etc.) do apply to Houston as well (i.e. River Oaks or Memorial society). Dallas is kind of taking the heat for the current "Texas consumption" culture.

Depending on each individual's personal view of this kind of flagrant consumption, this exposure may be good for Dallas or bad for Dallas, but Houston generally escapes the superficial scrutiny - generally a smart, risk-averse position.

I think Houston comes out best in the end... The Dallas name gets associated (once again) with this kind of extravagant pretense for those who don't like it;

the people who do like it know that they can get the exact same treatment somewhere in Houston;

and the people who don't care either way really don't differentiate between Dallas or Houston in the first place -- both are down there in Texas -- the same place as far as they are concerned.

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I think Houston comes out best in the end...

I would have to disagree. Although this is just an hour long program on Cable TV, the amount of publicity the city of Dallas receives outweighs the potentially negative reinforced reality of how pretentious that city can be. additional caricatures of big spending Dallas will increase the likelihood for the eventual emergence of a well known high dollar shopping district along the lines of Rodeo Drive, 5th Ave, and Michigan Ave.

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Did any of you see the first episode of Sheer Dallas, It was kind of crazy. One girl was getting married and her mother married her and her husband, and one girl moved to Dallas from New York ten years ago to start a salon, then got ingaged and her boyfriend is now moving to Dallas from New York.

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