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Obama Orders Guantanamo Bay Prison Closed


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The closing of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp raises a host of issues, but most of them can be boiled down to the problem of individual vs national rights. Do individuals have the right to try to overthrow or change governments through violence? For example, we're having a hard time releasing Uighurs who were training to fight for independence from China because we know the Chinese will probably just kill them. They are (under the Bush administration's doctrines) terrorists, but they're the sort of terrorists we've traditionally been fond of. The US was created by individuals willing to use violence to change how and by whom they were ruled.

So do we, as a nation, support the right of nations to preserve themselves, no matter how corrupt or harmful they are to their citizens and neighbors? Clearly not, since we invaded Iraq to topple its government. Then do we support the right of individuals to overthrow governments when they are unwilling to tolerate them? Sometimes, but generally only when it benefits our interests in some way.

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Wikipedia has a detailed list.

No, it doesn't.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Guant...o_Bay_detainees

Not all of these names have been copied to this page yet.

From the information on that page it appears that at one time (early 2006) there were 558 prisoners. We've heard of a number of releases in the almost three years since then, so I wonder how many are actually left.

Either way, it casts doubt on the claims I've heard that there are "thousands" of prisoners down there. According to the DoD, the most ever held was 759, if Wikipedia is to be believed.

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No, it doesn't.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Guant...o_Bay_detainees

From the information on that page it appears that at one time (early 2006) there were 558 prisoners. We've heard of a number of releases in the almost three years since then, so I wonder how many are actually left.

Either way, it casts doubt on the claims I've heard that there are "thousands" of prisoners down there. According to the DoD, the most ever held was 759, if Wikipedia is to be believed.

The most recent information I have heard from news sources is that there are about 240. The Army believes there's enough information to proceed to trial against about a third of these. Sorry, no source, just something I picked up following recent news stories. Anyway, nobody in this thread is claiming that we are holding thousands, so its moot.

Edited by kylejack
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According to the DoD, the most ever held was 759, if Wikipedia is to be believed.

Slightly off-topic, but did anyone see "30 Rock" last night?

An actress was using 'The Method' in preparation to play Janis Joplin in an upcoming film. A coworker suggests that she do her research on Wikipedia, which he hastily edited to show that Janis speedwalked everywhere, was deathly afraid of toilets and constantly drank a mixture of buttermilk and tequila. Hijinks ensued.

That being said, does "the most" mean the most at one time, or the total ever held there?

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Slightly off-topic, but did anyone see "30 Rock" last night?

An actress was using 'The Method' in preparation to play Janis Joplin in an upcoming film. A coworker suggests that she do her research on Wikipedia, which he hastily edited to show that Janis speedwalked everywhere, was deathly afraid of toilets and constantly drank a mixture of buttermilk and tequila. Hijinks ensued.

That being said, does "the most" mean the most at one time, or the total ever held there?

All persons ever held at Guantanamo at any time.

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kyle, that number is most at one time, at any given time that Gitmo has been open for terrorist detainees.

No it isn't, its all 759 that were held for any period of time from January 2002 until May 15, 2006. They were not all there at the same time.

Edited by kylejack
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1 out of 759? Not a bad recidivism rate.

I guess you didn't read the whole article.

"According to the Pentagon at least 18 former Guantanamo detainees have "returned to the fight" and another 43 are suspected of resuming terrorist activities. "

and it has just started.

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No it isn't, its all 759 that were held for any period of time from January 2002 until May 15, 2006. They were not all there at the same time.

Nope, you're right, approximately 760 from 2002 to 2006. Who knows what the greatest number at one time was. It may be in these documents somewhere.


Red, the actual number would be approximately 60 out of the 180 released. So, a THIRD of those released have joined the fight, apparently those 60 didn't get waterboarded.

Edited by TJones
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