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Why are Republicans so obsessed with celebrities? I don't know a single Democrat who listens to their crap, yet every Republican blows a gasket over it. I don't get it. Seriously, who cares?

FWIW, I make no apologies for my positions and views of the last administration, and do not preach what others should think of this new administration. If President Obama earns your respect, goodwill and public service, then good for you and good for him. If he does not, you are free to campaign for his ouster in 4 years...with or without the blessing of celebrities.

Really, give it a rest.

Edited by RedScare
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Why are Republicans so obsessed with celebrities? I don't know a single Democrat who listens to their crap, yet every Republican blows a gasket over it. I don't get it. Seriously, who cares?

FWIW, I make no apologies for my positions and views of the last administration, and do not preach what others should think of this new administration. If President Obama earns your respect, goodwill and public service, then good for you and good for him. If he does not, you are free to campaign for his ouster in 4 years...with or without the blessing of celebrities.

Really, give it a rest.

Lots of people, for some reason mysterious to me, care more about what Demi and Whoopi think than you would believe. I can't understand why anyone listens to them, or that anyone would give them a forum to spread their crap en masse. Besides it creating more headlines for me to ignore, it does actually comes up in casual conversation at work or with people I don't know that well. It's annoying more than anything, but in the end it is just another point of observation that I use to determine who is completely useless.

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Why are Republicans so obsessed with celebrities? I don't know a single Democrat who listens to their crap, yet every Republican blows a gasket over it. I don't get it. Seriously, who cares?

I wish it was true that neither side listens to the celebrities, but it's simply not true.

I know about eight 20-year-olds who voted for Obama not because they like his policies, or didn't like Bush's policies, or even knew what either policies were. They voted for Obama because they saw some celebrity (in at least one case on MTV) tell them to.

I know a woman in her 50's whom I suspect did the same thing for the same reason.

For better or worse, celebrities are role models for the weak minded, and we have a lot of weak minded people in America.

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I will reiterate what Red said. WHY LISTEN TO CELEBRITIES ? After all, the Dems never take to heart what Rush or Hannity say, do they ? They NEVER get their collective panties in a bunch over some truth that the Talk Radio heads might "conjure" up.

The truth here is that because none of these celebs liked Bush they bit their tongues, and sat on their thumbs instead of taking action to help their country. Damn who the friggin' President is, help the country.

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"prayer" given today by Rev. Lowery

"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right," Lowery said.

Was this an appropriate type of "prayer" to be given at a presidential inauguration? I'm thinking, um, nope.

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"prayer" given today by Rev. Lowery

"We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right," Lowery said.

Was this an appropriate type of "prayer" to be given at a presidential inauguration? I'm thinking, um, nope.

The speech proves what a relic he is. He might as well have encouraged everyone to "keep on truckin'" and wrapped it up with, "Sock it to me!"

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I actually heard a pretty good explanation of why "we" (include yourself in that or not, I don't care) are obsessed with celebrities. It was an argument based on our evolution. Basically, the modern human brain evolved in the Upper Paleolithic, AKA the ice age. Small bands of humans, moving around, hunting, gathering, making art on cave walls. Your "community" was small; we are social animals, we care about what the people in our community think and feel. It's how we keep our communities intact. Fast forward to today. The internet/media has created an environment in which people you don't know, and will never know, seem nevertheless familiar to us. We know what they eat and don't eat, with whom they are having sex, and if they are pregnant or in jail or whatever. To our ice age brains, they feel like part of our community. They are mentally processed AS IF they were friends/family. So we almost can't help caring about them.

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Why are Republicans so obsessed with celebrities? I don't know a single Democrat who listens to their crap, yet every Republican blows a gasket over it. I don't get it. Seriously, who cares?

While I agree most celebrities have the intellect of a turnip and should NEVER be listened to, this whole past election was more like voting for an American Idol contestant than for a President and you can't deny celebrities had some impact on the election just like you can't deny people voted for Obama because he was much more charismatic than McCain.

I truly wish Obama the best because I want what’s best for our country. I just hope those same celebrities and liberals that ripped Bush will not hold double standards for Obama.

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While I agree most celebrities have the intellect of a turnip and should NEVER be listened to, this whole past election was more like voting for an American Idol contestant than for a President and you can't deny celebrities had some impact on the election just like you can't deny people voted for Obama because he was much more charismatic than McCain.

I truly wish Obama the best because I want what

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Well, some of the global news services have an interesting take on it.

Al Jazeera

The messages to Pres. Obama is interesting. One that made me laugh is how they think WE control the U.N!

Another interesting piece that is on the website is an article (edited) from saying He's no MLK from the Black Agenda Report.

I'm going to have to go to that website to see how heavily edited that story was.

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Actually, I CAN deny that celebrities had an impact on the election. For all the talk of young people swinging the election Obama's way, studies of the vote show that Obama would have won virtually every state that he did without counting the young vote. The fact is, Blacks and college educated whites carried the election...two groups least affected by celebrity worship. I recognize that there are Republicans searching for a reason that their guy (and gal) did not win. Well, "it's the economy, stupid." Obama was actually slightly behind McCain prior to the financial implosion in September, and McCain stumbled while Obama sprinted. To suggest that celebrities delivered the election is to have sleepwalked through September, October and November.

In October, no one was listening to celebrities.

Sorry but I believe your wrong. But that's just my opinion.

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