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They are blowing this up at Midnight Jan.1st


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A bunch of local Austin artist are camping out at Auditorium Shores to build this wonderful working clock tower, called The Resolution Clock. They will ceremoniously destroy it at the stroke of Midnight for New Year's Eve along wiht a brilliant fireworks display. The family and I went today to take photos and write our resolutions on the clock.gallery_1279_118_1400598.jpg


Should be a pretty nice view for those downtown.


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A bunch of local Austin artist are camping out at Auditorium Shores to build this wonderful working clock tower, called The Resolution Clock. They will ceremoniously destroy it at the stroke of Midnight for New Year's Eve along wiht a brilliant fireworks display. The family and I went today to take photos and write our resolutions on the clock.gallery_1279_118_1400598.jpg

Wow, someone went INSANE with a jigsaw on some plywood. Prolly a router too. I want to play. We were lazier in college, did something just as big but it was made by fastening pallets together. Those things are easy to build stuff with (stuff worth burning down, that is), they leave lots of air flow for flaming. Did you mean burn or blow up? I think this would be far better burned than blown up. Too many splinters for exploding.

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We were lazier in college, did something just as big but it was made by fastening pallets together. Those things are easy to build stuff with (stuff worth burning down, that is), they leave lots of air flow for flaming. Did you mean burn or blow up? I think this would be far better burned than blown up. Too many splinters for exploding.

Yeah, we did, too...


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Wow, someone went INSANE with a jigsaw on some plywood. Prolly a router too. I want to play. We were lazier in college, did something just as big but it was made by fastening pallets together. Those things are easy to build stuff with (stuff worth burning down, that is), they leave lots of air flow for flaming. Did you mean burn or blow up? I think this would be far better burned than blown up. Too many splinters for exploding.

From what they are saying, it will be blown up with fireworks shooting out of it and whatever is left will be left to burn.

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What is it about young, unsuccessful artists that makes them always think that destroying something is a better expression of "art" than creating something?

Well, I think that is the whole point of this clockwork. A "beautiful disaster" if you will. They are letting everyone write resolutions on it, and it will all be destroyed just minutes after midnight, so perhaps it is an attempt at art imitating life ?

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Well, I think that is the whole point of this clockwork. A "beautiful disaster" if you will. They are letting everyone write resolutions on it, and it will all be destroyed just minutes after midnight, so perhaps it is an attempt at art imitating life ?

But a new day is going to dawn upon us early next year. Jan. 20th to be specific.

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What is it about young, unsuccessful artists that makes them always think that destroying something is a better expression of "art" than creating something?

Well 100K people are expected at this and the surrounding First Night festivities, so it doesn't seem to me like they are all that unsuccessful. The event is free, but its run from donations and advertising and etc.

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But a new day is going to dawn upon us early next year. Jan. 20th to be specific.

Right, I wonder how many minutes that will take for it to be destroyed ? B)

BTW, the Arsonis.....I mean Artists couldn't wait 'til midnight, and they lit that Roman Candle at 10:30pm. I think there will be a couple of lawsuits involved, because apparently the Artists didn't take the wind factor into account and the burning embers were falling onto the crowd and singed a few partygoers. :blush::wacko:

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Well 100K people are expected at this and the surrounding First Night festivities, so it doesn't seem to me like they are all that unsuccessful. The event is free, but its run from donations and advertising and etc.

I think you proved my point there. Getting 100k people to show up to a free event on New Year's Eve is one thing. When they get 100k people to pay to see it on an ordinary day I'll be impressed.

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Well, I think that is the whole point of this clockwork. A "beautiful disaster" if you will. They are letting everyone write resolutions on it, and it will all be destroyed just minutes after midnight, so perhaps it is an attempt at art imitating life ?

To me it is kind of a cool New Years gesture. Is this a one-time-only thing, or will they try to make it into a local tradition.

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Ephemeral art isn't the domain of young and/or unsuccessful artists. Anyone who has built a sandcastle or decorated a Christmas tree has made ephemeral art.

Sure, but most take the ornaments off the tree everytime before hauling it to the recycling center. I could see the comparison if I burned my tree ,with all the fixin's, in effigy every year and was forced to buy new ornaments.

Sandcastle, I totally agree. Although I don't recall of any published historical records of Pollock or Warhol building sandcastles after they hit the big time. ;):D

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