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Somali pirates transform villages into boomtowns


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It looks like tomorrow is the deadline to hand over $25 million to these pirates for that Saudi tanker($100 million) they have as hostage. Interesting to see what happens if the Saudis don't give in.

Well, the pirates have no clue what to do Sifu. They started out at $10mil, then went to $25mil after they found out it had $100million of crude on board. Now they are back down to $15mil.

I heard the Saudis are actually looking for Mercs or help from the U.S., to go steal the ship back, most likely be cheaper than paying a ransom.

Edited by TJones
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Well, the pirates have no clue what to do Sifu. They started out at $10mil, then went to $25mil after they found out it had $100million of crude on board. Now they are back down to $15mil.

I heard the Saudis are actually looking for Mercs or help from the U.S., to go steal the ship back, most likely be cheaper than paying a ransom.

A military response is the appropriate response. A clear message must be sent that there is no profit in pirating supertankers...only death.

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Well, the pirates have no clue what to do Sifu. They started out at $10mil, then went to $25mil after they found out it had $100million of crude on board. Now they are back down to $15mil.

I heard the Saudis are actually looking for Mercs or help from the U.S., to go steal the ship back, most likely be cheaper than paying a ransom.

Yeah, it could be Blackwater that they're looking to get help from. Blackwater was in negotiating with some country or company about providing security a few weeks ago.

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Interesting responses, considering it's not a ship that has anything to do with the US. How would nuking it salvage the $100 million of oil on board? Or are people proposing this as a way to get back at the Saudis?

Piracy has a lot to do with the US. It's driving up the cost of shipping by raising insurance rates. I think the sentiments expressed here are directed at ending the piracy.

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I think we found a use for our post cold war nuclear arsenal. Pirates? In 2008? You have to be kidding. Nuke'm.

Piracy never went away. As long as there have been boats there have been pirates.

Today most pirate activity is in the area off East Africa, in the Philippines, and in the South China Sea. My father was in the import business for a long while and had more than a few of his shipments hijacked by pirates in the 70's and 80's.

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Interesting responses, considering it's not a ship that has anything to do with the US. How would nuking it salvage the $100 million of oil on board? Or are people proposing this as a way to get back at the Saudis?

I think the other guys meant bombing the coastal villages where the pirates' ships are based out of.

Piracy never went away. As long as there have been boats there have been pirates.

Today most pirate activity is in the area off East Africa, in the Philippines, and in the South China Sea. My father was in the import business for a long while and had more than a few of his shipments hijacked by pirates in the 70's and 80's.

In the South China Sea back in the 70's and 80's, the pirates were after whatever they could find valuable on the ships they hijacked as well as raping women, children during the exodus of Vietnamese refugees. Most of the pirates back then were Thai, which ironically, the Somalian pirates hijacked a Thai vessel last week.They didn't demand millions of $$, so a different situation.

Edited by sifuwong
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Actually, nuking people is serious beeswax.

It is. And in this case, it would "send a message" to those wishing to engage in such activity. I would also go for the nuclear option, for those who attempt to steal my personal property or invade my home or worse. Our world should have zero tolerance for any of this criminal activity... enough is enough.

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It is. And in this case, it would "send a message" to those wishing to engage in such activity. I would also go for the nuclear option, for those who attempt to steal my personal property or invade my home or worse. Our world should have zero tolerance for any of this criminal activity... enough is enough.

Yeah, thank God we aren't a Christian nation. Otherwise we'd have to obey this crap:

"You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. Give to those who ask, and don

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It is. And in this case, it would "send a message" to those wishing to engage in such activity. I would also go for the nuclear option, for those who attempt to steal my personal property or invade my home or worse. Our world should have zero tolerance for any of this criminal activity... enough is enough.


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Yeah, thank God we aren't a Christian nation. Otherwise we'd have to obey this crap:

"You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. Give to those who ask, and don

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It does rather sound like schoolyard bulllying, doesn't it?

Let me go on record as not being down with using nukes on thieves.

Please. Just hire some 'tactical' killers and be done with it.

Ummm, didn't you say you had a "real problem" with the Joe Horn types ? :huh:;)

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