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Quantum of Solace review


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Just saw the new Bond picture tonight. Very good stuff. Better than the Brosnan ones, but I'd have to say it really isn't up to the level of Casino Royale. It has just a bit too much of a feel of ticking the Bond boxes. Not that that's a bad thing, but you keep getting the feeling you have seen it all before. One scene was taken right out of Goldfinger. The title theme is rubbish but the credits have returned to the traditional silhouettes of naked girls. All in all I would recommend checking it out!

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Just saw the new Bond picture tonight. Very good stuff. Better than the Brosnan ones, but I'd have to say it really isn't up to the level of Casino Royale. It has just a bit too much of a feel of ticking the Bond boxes. Not that that's a bad thing, but you keep getting the feeling you have seen it all before. One scene was taken right out of Goldfinger. The title theme is rubbish but the credits have returned to the traditional silhouettes of naked girls. All in all I would recommend checking it out!

This is the same Bond guy from Casino right? I never was much into these films but I did buy that last one and expected much more action? It was more just about his gambling habit, just kidding. :lol: Its kind of sad how he always gets the most gorgeous broads in the joint and they end up getting killed. Major depressing. This should be worth watching, I trust your good judgment in films.

We only live twice right!

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I re-watched Golden Eye the other day. It was Pierce Brosnan's first Bond movie, but what I noticed was that it was the last to film in that original Bond style.

All since have been overly focused on sci-fi gadgetry, it seems.

Edited by Jeebus
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And the award for The Most Absurd 007 Flick goes to...


No contest. Hmm, I'm a bad guy planning to wipe out the earth's population with a poison gas and then start over with my chosen people. Do I

a ) build an airtight bunker in a mountain to ride it out, or

b ) steal multiple space shuttles while secretly building multiple launch facilities in the deep Amazon jungle as well as a space station?

Yeah, ( b ) definitely seems like the practical choice...


Edited by ToryGattis
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And the award for The Most Absurd 007 Flick goes to...


No contest. Hmm, I'm a bad guy planning to wipe out the earth's population with a poison gas and then start over with my chosen people. Do I

a ) build an airtight bunker in a mountain to ride it out, or

b ) steal multiple space shuttles while secretly building multiple launch facilities in the deep Amazon jungle as well as a space station?

Yeah, ( b ) definitely seems like the practical choice...


Agreed. Moonraker is just embarrassing. Especially the space battle scene toward the end when all the floating space marines go *pew* *pew* *pew* with their little laser guns.

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Moonraker was the first Bond film I ever saw. It sort of poisoned the franchise for me. I could see that earlier ones were better, but the taint of Moonraker spread back to every plot point that required even a modicum of suspension of disbelief.

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Moonraker was cringe-worthy (scenes with `Jaws`) but it was actually a huge hit at the time. In many respects The Man With the Golden Gun was just as awful, only it is bad enough to be fun to watch, unlike Moonraker which just gets painful.

OHMSS I have a hard time warming up to. The biggest problem imo was George Lazenby, who simply couldn't act. Not a bit. When he steals a Playboy magazine you just want to groan. That said, overall it is enjoyable.

On the Bond boards, another one they love to hate is Die Another Day. It's the invisible car that pushes people over the edge, along with all the CGI. A weak script exposed Brosnan's limited acting range.

I have to admit I kind of like the two Dalton Bonds. They were the first effort to make the series more serious, and it is kind of fun to watch Dalton grimacing his way through.

Best overall? My vote goes to Goldfinger - the definitive Bond.

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Best overall? My vote goes to Goldfinger - the definitive Bond.

Thunderball. Unlike the laser-pewing space marines, the scuba combat was actually pretty believable and cool.

Wow, after checking Wikipedia, it also looks like Thunderball was the highest-grossing of all the films on an inflation-adjusted basis - almost $1 billion in today's dollars.

The Spy Who Loved Me is a close runner-up. Cool car, cool underwater bad-guy base, and cool combat on the submarine-eating supertanker, although Roger Moore is no Sean Connery. B)

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Just saw the new Bond picture tonight. Very good stuff. Better than the Brosnan ones, but I'd have to say it really isn't up to the level of Casino Royale. It has just a bit too much of a feel of ticking the Bond boxes. Not that that's a bad thing, but you keep getting the feeling you have seen it all before. One scene was taken right out of Goldfinger. The title theme is rubbish but the credits have returned to the traditional silhouettes of naked girls. All in all I would recommend checking it out!

I tend to like Bond movies ... even if they're pretty cheesy. They're good filler movies mainly.

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Thunderball. Unlike the laser-pewing space marines, the scuba combat was actually pretty believable and cool.

Wow, after checking Wikipedia, it also looks like Thunderball was the highest-grossing of all the films on an inflation-adjusted basis - almost $1 billion in today's dollars.

The Spy Who Loved Me is a close runner-up. Cool car, cool underwater bad-guy base, and cool combat on the submarine-eating supertanker, although Roger Moore is no Sean Connery. B)

If I'm not mistaken Thunderball was the biggest Bond grosser in constant dollar terms. The scuba fight scene was way too long however. On the DVD you can see the title sequence with the original "Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" theme song by Dionne Warwick (the Tom Jones song was much better).

I would agree that Spy Who Loved Me is one of the better ones. The "walking through the desert in formal wear" sequence shows up in Quantum of Solace as well, as you might have gathered from the promo posters.

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I liked the most recent James Bond a lot. I'm not sure if I've seen all the others.

So is the newest Bond straight-up action or are we treated to another 30-minute sequence of card-playing in the middle? :)

Straight up action, my friend.

Actually that was my complaint. There was enough action that the underlying plot was fairly scrimpy, so even though it was certainly exciting, it wasn't really as engaging as Casino Royale. Point taken about the long card game though. And I'm the first to confess it may be a bit much to be asking for subtle, engaging plots from Bond movies. :lol:

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Straight up action, my friend.

Actually that was my complaint. There was enough action that the underlying plot was fairly scrimpy, so even though it was certainly exciting, it wasn't really as engaging as Casino Royale. Point taken about the long card game though. And I'm the first to confess it may be a bit much to be asking for subtle, engaging plots from Bond movies. :lol:

Yeah, I think you have to take Bond movies at face value. They are generally a little cheesy, action oriented, and the plots are thin (at best). They are just fun movies that you can watch with little emotional involvement ... like when you want to escape the family for the holidays.

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Rotten Tomatoes has a countdown of all the 007 movies from worst to best reviewed, including short plot summaries and YouTube videos of their trailers:


Overall I don't have any problems with the ranking, except for them putting Dr No at #1. Note that all the Brosnan movies except Goldeneye come in near the bottom. Also, I wouldn't put View To a Kill & Octopussy at the bottom. They both have their truly awful moments, but they are good lightweight entertainment.

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