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Playoff System in College Football


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16 team playoff.

11 conference champs

5 at large

Play each playoff game at the different traditional bowl sites. you could even call that particular playoff game, the "whatever bowl" to make it seem less just like a playoff game and more like its own event, only, the winner would keep playing.

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16 waters it down, I am for an 8 team playoff. It would not even make the season longer for some teams if they go back to an 11 game regular season. Only the top would play 3 extra games, the other 2 in the top 4 play 2 extra. Not a big deal. That also leaves a lot of teams leftover for traditional bowls, most of which will be just as interesting and relevant as they are now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love the BCS because it makes every game that more important. Thats why the Texas-OU game was even more amazing this year. I have only one problem and that is why do the voters love USC and the SEC so much to over rank them? Texas and Penn State will have to win out to play for the title. They way the Gators beat down LSU there back in the Hunt. If LSU tears through the rest of their schedule then there going to say well there only loss was to Florida. Missouri and KU wont be able to play for any title now with there one loss. But the Big 12 is the toughest leauge in NCAA Football (I thought it was the thoughest last year) and the Tigers might have three losses befor its all over and I do think the Jayhawks were overated at the start of the season. USC lost to a team with a losing recored. LSU got blown out by Florida which lost to Ole Miss. I dont like the polls except the top three from both polls and the top five from the AP. USC has to show me they belong in the top five with a big win and they just dont have a team left to show me that so they must destroy every team they play and they did not do that when they played Arizona St. I saw that game and the 28-0 win was not very impressive. BYU should not be in the top 10 unless they beat TCU. When the BCS polls come out USC should not be above the Sooners or in he top five! Sooners played like they were the number one team but number FIVE ranked Texas was Highly underated and I dont know why. There were the number five team in the Nation playing a rivalry game, they wrent going to let OU push them around like so many thought was going to happen. Cowboys were underated so I dont think the Tigers should have been bumbed out the top 10 tell next week when they play the Longhorns! :D Auburn should not have been ranked in the top 10 after that 3-2 win over Mississippi St. Still ranked pretty high after their lost to LSU and still ranked after their loss to Vandy. Please, that is a bias for the SEC that they thought Auburn was that good they just lost to Arkansas! Dont get me wrong the SEC is a though conference but it is 2nd only to the Big 12. USC back in the top five in the USA today polls ranked four? No, their not a top five team yet!!! I just had to get that off my chest. Sorry for the long rant but I have a problem with the over love of USC and the SEC.

Edited by Deut28Thirteen
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I agree that Auburn shouldn't have been ranked this week after 2 losses, but it wasn't SEC bias keeping them there. It was a 1 point loss on the road to a team who everyone wants to be good, Vandy. It's also all these journalists that do preseason picks, the majority of whom picked Auburn to win the SEC west and were still hanging on to that. Auburn sucks, I hope they lose the rest of their games.

The big 12 is a great conference this year, but come on, when Kansas and Missouri roll like they did last year, it is not a "tough" conference, top to bottom. There is no defense. Even the team historically known for its defense, Nebraska, has a joke of a defense. The big 12 is basically what the PAC 10 wishes it was, a high-flying high-powered offensive show conference. But the PAC 10 isn't close to being that this year. I think OU and UT are legit, but the Missouri, Ok St, and TT bandwagons will be much lighter at the end of the year, after they each garner at least a couple losses because their defenses can't keep teams under 30 points. Eventually that wears on even the best offenses.

Edited by 20thStDad
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If the BCS asked me to to rank top 25 this how I would rank them.



3-Penn St.



6-Texas Tech







13-Ohio St.


15-Boise St.


17-Virgina Tech


19-Michigan St.

20-South Florida

21-Wake Forest





TCU, Tulsa, Florida St. & Ball St. in that order are some other teams that could make the TOP 25 If they keep winning.

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  • 1 month later...
If the BCS asked me to to rank top 25 this how I would rank them.



3-Penn St.



6-Texas Tech







13-Ohio St.


15-Boise St.


17-Virgina Tech


19-Michigan St.

20-South Florida

21-Wake Forest





TCU, Tulsa, Florida St. & Ball St. in that order are some other teams that could make the TOP 25 If they keep winning.

you would rank a team #1 and another 5 places lower than a team that beat them :lol:

and as for a playoff no way it should include all the conference champs........most if not all the teams in the sunbelt alone have no business in D-1A football and there are several other conferences that have horrible "champions" that are not near as good as the second or third place team in other conferences

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REAL college football already has a playoff system. D III colleges play in a 32 team NCAA field. These players are ALL student-athletes and represent some of the nation's finest colleges like Case Western Reserve, Muhlenberg, Hobart, Occidental, Willamette, and Millsaps.

D I should just own up to the fact that the major universities are essentially the minor league for the NFL and be down with the pretense that their best players are anything other than free agents with plenty of perks.

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You mean EVERYONE in the country is NOT on board with this idea ? I mean C'MON, the friggin' Messiah said it was a good idea and he was gonna "throw his weight around" to get it done. That being the case, it will prbably be implemented by next Tuesday.

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I agree that Auburn shouldn't have been ranked this week after 2 losses, but it wasn't SEC bias keeping them there. It was a 1 point loss on the road to a team who everyone wants to be good, Vandy. It's also all these journalists that do preseason picks, the majority of whom picked Auburn to win the SEC west and were still hanging on to that. Auburn sucks, I hope they lose the rest of their games.

The big 12 is a great conference this year, but come on, when Kansas and Missouri roll like they did last year, it is not a "tough" conference, top to bottom. There is no defense. Even the team historically known for its defense, Nebraska, has a joke of a defense. The big 12 is basically what the PAC 10 wishes it was, a high-flying high-powered offensive show conference. But the PAC 10 isn't close to being that this year. I think OU and UT are legit, but the Missouri, Ok St, and TT bandwagons will be much lighter at the end of the year, after they each garner at least a couple losses because their defenses can't keep teams under 30 points. Eventually that wears on even the best offenses.

They'll still be bigger than the LSU bandwagon, won't they?

Oh, I forgot to add my brother's alma mater threepeat national champs like their playoff. :)


(Home of Miss Teen South Carolina...yeah, THAT Miss Teen South Carolina!)

Edited by RedScare
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16 team playoff.

11 conference champs

5 at large

Play each playoff game at the different traditional bowl sites. you could even call that particular playoff game, the "whatever bowl" to make it seem less just like a playoff game and more like its own event, only, the winner would keep playing.

I like something similar to this idea best. One, possibly mandate that all conferences have a conference championship (especially in case of a tie). However, there are 12 FBS conferences, not just 11.

I'm not sure I like the idea of the conference champs getting an automatic bid, although I guess that would make sense. It's not like they can help what conference they're in.

The one thing I don't like about all the conference champs getting automatic bids is what happens when a handful of teams from one conference, a la Big 12 and SEC, have multiple teams ranked higher than the weaker/non-bcs conferences?

In the end, maybe only the topped ranked teams should get in, not all the conf. champs.

I would also limit non-conference games to 2.

Hmmm...maybe this is why they haven't done it yet. Very complicated and lot's of things to make it "fair" and still get their money.

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I'm 100% for the idea of a playoff system. The BCS is ridiculous. It's all based on how difficult critics think teams had beating opponents they think are capable of beating them, which undermines the concept that anybody can beat anyone at anytime.

Perfect example: Hawaii last year. They went undefeated. That deserves to be rewarded with a title shot. They still didn't earn that spot because the other two schools in the final game were deemed better than Hawaii because of the teams they beat. If there were at least an 8-team playoff though, Hawaii would have probably went in with a chance to prove people wrong (sure they got beat by Georgia handedly, but still).

The college football championship should be based off of who's won, not who people THINK are the best. Playoffs are a must. And if they want, call all seven playoff games bowl games, and have them played on bowl sites if they need the money that badly.

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You mean EVERYONE in the country is NOT on board with this idea ? I mean C'MON, the friggin' Messiah said it was a good idea and he was gonna "throw his weight around" to get it done. That being the case, it will prbably be implemented by next Tuesday.

I don't think it should be his concern. This may not seem like a big deal, but I think it reflects his ideas of how the government should be run. A little scarey if you ask me; and not necessarily b/c I oppose what he wants to do, just that govt needs to stay of people's business as long as their not breaking the law.

edit: i've only heard his opinion on this in passing. Not sure if he truly intends to do something about it or if it was just his opinion.

Edited by lockmat
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I think it should be top 8, not 16.. soley because of the number of games you'd be adding.

Round 1 - 8 teams, 4 games ( Cotton, Gator, plus round robin 2 of the 4 BCS bowls ) - Christmas day ( 1 week prior to Jan 1st)

Round 2 - 4 teams, 2 games ( the other 2 of 4 BCS bowls ) - new years day

Championship game - the following weekend ( just like now ), played round robin at 1 of the big 4 ( just like now)

The season wouldn't stretch beyond what it does now.

IT would have a lengthened season for only 4 teams.. 2 of which would play 1 extra game beyond season+bowl.. 2 would play 2 extra games beyond season+bowl.

If at the same time we reduced the regular season by 1 non-conference game to an 11 game season.. then the worst extension of season would be 1 game played by 2 teams as compared to now.

Meanwhile.. you can keep all the consolation bowls (The Tidy Bowl) playing throughout Dec like normal.

Finals are early to mid dec.. and bowlgames are happening late-mid dec regardless.

The only change is for the big games.. you get 2 weeks to prepare instead of a month.. which shouldnt be an issue.

BCS money-wise.. losers would be the 2 non-BCS, yet prestigious bowls, that becasue they are part of the 1st round of playoffs, no longer would be played Jan 1st.

the BCS bowls shouldnt complain too much.. 2 out of every 4 years they still play Jan 1st, 1 every 4 years they get 2 games played.

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I'm 100% for the idea of a playoff system. The BCS is ridiculous. It's all based on how difficult critics think teams had beating opponents they think are capable of beating them, which undermines the concept that anybody can beat anyone at anytime.

Perfect example: Hawaii last year. They went undefeated. That deserves to be rewarded with a title shot. They still didn't earn that spot because the other two schools in the final game were deemed better than Hawaii because of the teams they beat. If there were at least an 8-team playoff though, Hawaii would have probably went in with a chance to prove people wrong (sure they got beat by Georgia handedly, but still).

The college football championship should be based off of who's won, not who people THINK are the best. Playoffs are a must. And if they want, call all seven playoff games bowl games, and have them played on bowl sites if they need the money that badly.

actually the BCS has worked out better than most thought when it comes to the little guys getting a chance....it is not all that hard by the end of the season to look and see who has beat what teams and make a decision.....Hawaii last year is hardly a team I would as an example of the little guy getting screwed precisely because Georgia stomped them......Boise would be a better example and even then they needed a last second play to beat blOwU

if any is getting screwed year in and out it is probably top tier teams like Auburn....and even then teams like Cal cried about where they should play and go and get stomped by Texas Tech while Texas takes care of Meatchicken

for all those that say "what about the little guy" my question would be when all the BCS teams (most all of them) were out there for decades investing in their program and building a fan base and facilities and getting the networks and ESPNs ect. to take notice where were the little guys......they were sitting back tossing scraps at their programs and doing nothing to build fan bases and facilities so now that all the money is out there my answer to them is go out there and earn it don't just poke your hand out and say "where is my share" because in the past "where was your investment and your hard work to build what exist today"

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