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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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He just said we are blessed to live in a country with rights...did he not listen to Palin's speech last night and her views of rights?

Ya know, we don't have the rights to do whatever we want. The law sets boundries. It's just something pro-life people believe should be restricted.


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Ya know, we don't have the rights to do whatever we want. The law sets boundries. It's just something pro-life people believe should be restricted.


I was referring to her habeas corpus comment and her view on gay marriage, not just abortion.

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McCain will work to NOT keep sending money to those countries that "Don't like us so much." Now THAT is "Change I can believe in."

You mean he won't give money to terrorist states, unlike Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush?

By the way TJones, you should fairly represent your picture of Obama captioned with higher taxes, since it's only true for those making over $250,000 a year. For 98% of Americans, they will see LOWER taxes under Obama.

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You mean he won't give money to terrorist states, unlike Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush?

Yep, it looks like we'll quit pumping money into Iraq after all. Good News for you, huh 'Cuda ?

We'll stop trying to help Palestine and Syria become civilized nations, sure, I don't see a problem with this one.

Edited by TJones
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You mean he won't give money to terrorist states, unlike Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush?

By the way TJones, you should fairly represent your picture of Obama captioned with higher taxes, since it's only true for those making over $250,000 a year. For 98% of Americans, they will see LOWER taxes under Obama.

lol..just as I was reading your post barracuda they started playing Barracuda by Heart on the convention floor.

Edited by jayshoota
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By the way TJones, you should fairly represent your picture of Obama captioned with higher taxes, since it's only true for those making over $250,000 a year. For 98% of Americans, they will see LOWER taxes under Obama.

But some large percentage of those Americans who make less than $250k/year are living on hope. They hope they will be making over $250k/year during the term of the next president, so just to be safe, they want to keep their potential taxes low. Never mind that Obama's tax plan would let them keep more of their current salary, these people are chock full of HOPE!

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But some large percentage of those Americans who make less than $250k/year are living on hope. They hope they will be making over $250k/year during the term of the next president, so just to be safe, they want to keep their potential taxes low. Never mind that Obama's tax plan would let them keep more of their current salary, these people are chock full of HOPE!

Lol, you're not too far off. People repeatedly vote against their own interests because they get caught up in hot-button topics like abortion, or because they fail to actually investigate any of the issues on which that the political machine misled them.

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lol..just as I was reading your post barracuda they started playing Barracuda by Heart on the convention floor.

Just one more reason to hate this ticket. :angry2:

But some large percentage of those Americans who make less than $250k/year are living on hope. They hope they will be making over $250k/year during the term of the next president, so just to be safe, they want to keep their potential taxes low. Never mind that Obama's tax plan would let them keep more of their current salary, these people are chock full of HOPE!

One of our very own posters stated he was supporting McCain because he hoped to be a millionaire one day.

Some people should learn how compounding works.

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OK, now that I'm awake again after his speech:Demographics!

I watched the live feed and I counted:

2 Asian people (a couple)

7 black people

1 white male protester with sign (vets against the war)

1 white female protester being removed

3 hispanic young women with tears in their eyes

Mitt Romney

Other assorted white ladies, some swaying to the tunes

Other assorted white men, not swaying

A number of teenagers who looked like they were trying very hard to stay awake

What did everyone else see?

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OK, now that I'm awake again after his speech:Demographics!

I watched the live feed and I counted:

2 Asian people (a couple)

7 black people

1 white male protester with sign (vets against the war)

1 white female protester being removed

3 hispanic young women with tears in their eyes

Mitt Romney

Other assorted white ladies, some swaying to the tunes

Other assorted white men, not swaying

A number of teenagers who looked like they were trying very hard to stay awake

What did everyone else see?

I stayed awake too, and I'm feeling pretty proud of that. Of course, I have worn out the "previous" button on my t.v. remote this week switching between convention coverage and Comedy Central. Thank God for Comedy Central. I am so grateful that when He's not busy providing Sarah Palin with the pipeline she prayed for, He created the Daily Show.

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lol..just as I was reading your post barracuda they started playing Barracuda by Heart on the convention floor.

Hah, kudos to you for being able to stand the convention. I trudged through the Guiliani and Palin speeches last night, but I can't stands no more.

So, 'Cuda, you saying I should make the banner BIGGER so people can see it better to remind them ?

You should make it MUCH bigger. Then it will stand out as a monumental example of the typical lies and ignorance perpetrated by Republican political campaigns.

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Hah, kudos to you for being able to stand the convention. I trudged through the Guiliani and Palin speeches last night, but I can't stands no more.

'Cuda, when is the DNC gonna have their convention ? Haven't heard anything about it in 4 or 5 days.

You should make it MUCH bigger. Then it will stand out as a monumental example of the typical lies and ignorance perpetrated by Republican political campaigns.

So, it is a lie that Obama is gonna raise taxes ? Well, I will take down the banner immediately then......or not.

Edited by TJones
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The lady with the campaign sticker that reads, "READ MY LIPSTICK"

CLASSIC!!! A reminder of perhaps the worst slogan statement in Republican history! Democrats should be wearing that! :lol:

I wonder if she gets the irony of that slogan. I guess what comes after that slogan is the opposite of what will actually happen.

So, it is a lie that Obama is gonna raise taxes ? Well, I will take down the banner immediately then......or not.

It relies on the ignorance of the uninformed masses who believe it applies to them. So it's a gross distortion of the fact and you know it.

Looked like 4 day long infomercial for depends.

LOL, but only for rich old white folks.

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It relies on the ignorance of the uninformed masses who believe it applies to them. So it's a gross distortion of the fact and you know it.

No, it's a gross distortion of the lie Obama is telling you now, in order to try and get into office. The real irony here is that Red's observation speaks volumes of what is gonna come if Obama is elected. Avert your eyes all you like.

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No, it's a gross distortion of the lie Obama is telling you now, in order to try and get into office. The real irony here is that Red's observation speaks volumes of what is gonna come if Obama is elected. Avert your eyes all you like.

Wait, you know Obama is lying and you know McCain is telling the truth? What secret channel do you use for this information? Oh wait, it's Fox News, right?

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I feel guilty. I changed the channel after the McCain intro movie. I just couldn't watch anymore.

That said, once again I have to praise Sarahiki. Comedy Central has been nothing short of brilliant this week. I've said it hundreds of times over, but it is really sad when a comedy channel brings the truth more than the so-called legitimate news stations. Oh, and the silly stuff is funny too. I LOVED the live feed from the men's room in Terminal C at the Minneapolis/St Paul Airport! The real reason the Repubs chose MSP, glory hole action by closeted men!

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Yeah, protest is really immature. </sarcasm>

Dissent is democratic.

It's immature when you have to resort to the level of crashing the other party's convention over and over in desperate attempts to be heard. Did you not just have a whole week to speak your mind? Now you want to take the Republicans' week too?

Greedy AND immature.

Not as immature as 50 year olds runnin around calling Barack Obama "B.O."

Care to provide the source for your example? Or is this another anecdotal case in point?

OK, now that I'm awake again after his speech:Demographics!

I watched the live feed and I counted:

2 Asian people (a couple)

7 black people

1 white male protester with sign (vets against the war)

1 white female protester being removed

3 hispanic young women with tears in their eyes

Mitt Romney

Other assorted white ladies, some swaying to the tunes

Other assorted white men, not swaying

A number of teenagers who looked like they were trying very hard to stay awake

What did everyone else see?

I see someone trying to keep score right now. Racist much?

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This post by crunch on Wednesday night amused me...

Not a single bleat about issues. And her attempt at Obama jabs sounded like she was more interested in getting to the punchline than anything else. I think her talents would be better utilized doing something like ........fundraising.

However, little did we know, crunch was foretelling the future...

Obama raises $10 million after Palin speech.

The GOP by contrast, raised $1 million.

The GOP predicted that Palin would energize the base. None of us knew the base she would energize would be the Dems.

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