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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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Trae, 200k may have heard Obama give a speech, 200k didn't come out SOLELY to listen to Obama. Like I said, Free beer and a Free concert to make it more bearable to listen to Obama spew for 30 minutes? SURE, after I've been drinking for 3 to 4 hours, I'll go as far as to listen to Red and you try to convince me about how apple pie and hot dog Obama is.

The point was, our media made it look like everyone was there waiting for the supposed "headliner" Obama, with absolutely NO MENTION of a free concert by popular German bands, and you along with 1000s of diluted others have bought into it. I am sure the exits were being flooded as soon as the beer and bratwurst ran out.

Acts that played the "warm up" were the Reggae artist: Patrice, and the German Rock Band: Reamonn. The lead singer for Reamonn also is feat. on a track from one of my favorite DJs, Paul Van Dyk. Raemonn is very popular throughout Europe.

This is really killing you, isn't it? I haven't seen anyone try this hard to deny the obvious since McCain was in the dairy section trying to convince us the surge started in 2006.

Right, thanks for the 3rd Reich Germany. Yes, VERY progressive indeed !!! Ooops, almost forgot The Berlin Wall, good job again Germany. I thought it was a nice touch to have the words "Seig Heil" behind Obama as he made his speech, might be a precursor of whats to come with the dawning of Obama's NEW FASCISM, but I digress.

Is a guy from Baytown who went to Southern Miss REALLY dissing Berlin's progressive credentials? :blink:

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Now TJ, I know you are better educated in your world history that to ascribe to a entire city the ____tard crazy antics of a power hungry Bavarian.


Hitler was Austrian, and although power hungry, he had the city of Berlin just as sociological as himself back in the 30's and 40's. No, of course I don't believe they are by any means that way today, so I won't hold today's Berlin accountable for something their forefathers were responsible for.

Is it irony that a man who gives a speech about peace, gives it in front of a memorial that celebrates blood and war ?

Here's a little history for you. The French wanted that statue torn down after WW2, as the statue commorates the victory against France in 1871, we said no. Apparently, so Obama could throw a free concert with beer that the media seemed to forget happened, oh, and Obama could give his speech in front of it.

This is really killing you, isn't it? I haven't seen anyone try this hard to deny the obvious since McCain was in the dairy section trying to convince us the surge started in 2006.

Is a guy from Baytown who went to Southern Miss REALLY dissing Berlin's progressive credentials? :blink:

Just because you got your law degree from the University of Phoenix, doesn't make you better than me. :rolleyes:

Edited by TJones
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Trae, 200k may have heard Obama give a speech, 200k didn't come out SOLELY to listen to Obama. Like I said, Free beer and a Free concert to make it more bearable to listen to Obama spew for 30 minutes? SURE, after I've been drinking for 3 to 4 hours, I'll go as far as to listen to Red and you try to convince me about how apple pie and hot dog Obama is.

The point was, our media made it look like everyone was there waiting for the supposed "headliner" Obama, with absolutely NO MENTION of a free concert by popular German bands, and you along with 1000s of diluted others have bought into it. I am sure the exits were being flooded as soon as the beer and bratwurst ran out.

Acts that played the "warm up" were the Reggae artist: Patrice, and the German Rock Band: Reamonn. The lead singer for Reamonn also is feat. on a track from one of my favorite DJs, Paul Van Dyk. Raemonn is very popular throughout Europe.

You are really trying hard at this. Don't you think they would have left before Obama spoke? Everything stopped a little over 30 minutes before Obama was scheduled to speak, and people still kept filling in.

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You are really trying hard at this. Don't you think they would have left before Obama spoke? Everything stopped a little over 30 minutes before Obama was scheduled to speak, and people still kept filling in.

Trae, are you gonna leave a party when the Keg is half full ? I would wager their were alot more people there to see the 2 free acts playing than to come and see the Obama show. It worked in Portland for the Obama train, so why shouldn't it work for people who love Hasselhoff. I can see it, though, I know you got Hasselhoff in your CD collection, don't you Trae? You little closet Baywatch fan you.

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Trae, are you gonna leave a party when the Keg is half full ? I would wager their were alot more people there to see the 2 free acts playing than to come and see the Obama show. It worked in Portland for the Obama train, so why shouldn't it work for people who love Hasselhoff. I can see it, though, I know you got Hasselhoff in your CD collection, don't you Trae? You little closet Baywatch fan you.

You can't deny that people were enthusiastic to see Obama, free beer or not. But I can understand being disappointed in your candidate, what with his photo stints in a cheese aisle and a German restaurant in Ohio. The McCain campaign should think a little harder about how to express their jealousy over Obama's stardom.


Lol! I'm glad you posted that video. So creepy yet hilarious. I remember seeing it awhile back on TV.

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I'm not going to bother deciding who's the better candidate until after I watch the conventions and at least two debates. That being said, I think this election is much more productive and more on topic than the last two. Bush vs. Kerry was especially ugly, and it was hard to pick out the mud-slinging from the actual issues.

Quick question to everyone: Do you think whoever Obama and McCain choose as vice-presidential candidates will have any effect on the outcome of the election, or do you all just consider it just something to keep the media hyped up?

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Cuda, McCain is NOT my candidate, as I have stated several times on here. The men who should be up for candidacy are far too radical to be accepted by the general public as they make far too much sense for the general public to understand them.

DJ, you have to get Obama to agree to a debate first, before you can have one. He won't accept McCain's challenge. Vice President thing is just a, " You show me your's and I'll show you mine." sort of thing. Strictly a game of chicken between them.

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Cuda, McCain is NOT my candidate, as I have stated several times on here. The men who should be up for candidacy are far too radical to be accepted by the general public as they make far too much sense for the general public to understand them.

DJ, you have to get Obama to agree to a debate first, before you can have one. He won't accept McCain's challenge. Vice President thing is just a, " You show me your's and I'll show you mine." sort of thing. Strictly a game of chicken between them.

I enjoy political discussions :)

Yo TJones, I'm not sure I understand your first two sentences. If someone were considered far too radical to be accepted by the general public, how would they be a better candidate than the two that won their parties? The primaries seem to do a good job of weeding out the far-left and far-right out of the presidential race. How much would it suck if we ended up seeing something stupid like Howard Dean vs. Mitt Romney for America's choices? We'd be screwed like a Swisha House mix-tape. Who are the radicals that you are referring to?

Also, I'm not buying the Obama thing where he's not accepting the "McCain debate" challenge. The debates will come when they normally come (September/October), and that's all I need. Besides, if Obama were to have taken McCain's challenge, that would have meant that the debates would have started already, also meaning that there would have been very little chance for Obama to go to the Middle East and Europe after his primary the way McCain had the luxury of going on his trips after his primary. I feel that McCain's idea to have any of the debates within a couple weeks after Obama's nomination was actually a political trap that Obama didn't take. No biggie; all I care about from both sides are the issue.

As for the VP, it does make sense as you put it (a game of chicken).

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Not surprising. McCain has been remaking himself into a traditional republican, so becoming a tool of the oil industry is expected. How else can he compete with the grass roots donations to Obama? John McCain's turn to the dark side is now complete.

Sadly, there goes any hope for better environmental policies if McCain wins. His corporate lobbyists will never stand for it.

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DJ, you have to get Obama to agree to a debate first, before you can have one. He won't accept McCain's challenge. Vice President thing is just a, " You show me your's and I'll show you mine." sort of thing. Strictly a game of chicken between them.

McCain proposed townhall debates and Obama and his campaign said it sounded like a great idea. McCain proposed one in New York. Mayor Bloomberg set a date and time, and both McCain and Obama rejected it the times. And that was the very last time we heard about these townhall debates.


So did Obama really reject the idea? No.

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Lot of "feelings" in this thread. A flood of feelings and emotions...we like, we love, we hate and of course the ick factor of bracelets.

What happened to ideology and 'thinking'? We don't care who you like. This isn't a celebutante vying for Miss Congeniality. Whether or not a candidate wears a bracelet doesn't matter--though apparently in Houston it does, God save us all.

Does this candidate intend to take 40% of your hard-earned money rather than 25%?

Will this guy make you support even more people who don't own alarm clocks?

How many more illegal aliens will now be squeezed into your son's classroom because of this candidate's policies?

Will Iran bomb Israel when your guy is elected?

Enough with the hysterical he-is-just-so-cute or he-is-such-a-hero gushing. Each guy may be The One--but which has the best ideology?

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Does this candidate intend to take 40% of your hard-earned money rather than 25%?

-Wasn't McCain against the Bush tax cuts before he was for them?

Will this guy make you support even more people who don't own alarm clocks?

-Don't know either candidate is for this, just a parroted right wing talking point.

How many more illegal aliens will now be squeezed into your son's classroom because of this candidate's policies?

-Wasn't McCain for "amnesty" before he was against it? Or is he for it again? Hard to keep up with this guy.

Will Iran bomb Israel when your guy is elected?

-No, we will bomb Iran and our president will joke about it. Very presidential and ready to lead don't you think? Israel will take care of Iran themselves when they feel they have to.

Enough with the hysterical he-is-just-so-cute or he-is-such-a-hero gushing. Each guy may be The One--but which has the best ideology?

So based on the above questions you are going to vote for Obama? Or maybe Bob Barr? Certainly McCain doesn't fit your criteria.

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Enough with the hysterical he-is-just-so-cute or he-is-such-a-hero gushing. Each guy may be The One--but which has the best ideology?

Eight years ago McCain had an admirable ideology. Now he just wants to be president. I'm not sure why.

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Um, yeah, he DID reject it. He says he is only up to 4 or 5 possible debates. Only the normal 3 have been agreed to. Obviously Obama doesn't care to, or possibly risk, answering any pointed questions.


Both McCain and Obama rejected because Bloomberg wanted the debates on July 4th. Why oversaturate the debates now anyway?

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Both McCain and Obama rejected because Bloomberg wanted the debates on July 4th. Why oversaturate the debates now anyway?

Sure your right, don't want to get "oversaturated" with too much Obama, the American people might accidentally find out what he actually "stands for", and ruin any REAL chance he has at the White House.

Here's some light reading for you.


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Sure your right, don't want to get "oversaturated" with too much Obama, the American people might accidentally find out what he actually "stands for", and ruin any REAL chance he has at the White House.

Here's some light reading for you.


I really hope you are not talking about flip-flopping. McCain just did another major one today with his new ad.

But hey, you can join McCain in watching his wife try out for Ms Buffalo Chips. He volunteered her

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I really hope you are not talking about flip-flopping. McCain just did another major one today with his new ad.

But hey, you can join McCain in watching his wife try out for Ms Buffalo Chips. He volunteered her

I can't wait to see how she handles the banana.

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The funny thing about that is, it was prepared. He was reading from a music stand. He said some other things, too (about inflated tires, etc.), and Obama had a good response to that.

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I am curious if anyone has changed their minds about their candidates or if their chosen candidates said something to give them second thoughts about them.

No. The problem with a two-party system is that you don't really have a real choice. If you get fed up with the candidate that best represents your views, it's not like you're going to vote for the other party's candidate. That means the candidates can go soft on some issues b/c they know you won't vote for the other guy, who has an even worse stance on the issue. That said, there are still enough major differences between the two to justify one over the other IMO.

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I am curious if anyone has changed their minds about their candidates or if their chosen candidates said something to give them second thoughts about them.

My candidates never stood a chance of winning a primary. These guys we're going to vote for can't say anything that would cause second thoughts, since I'm not that enamored of either of them. All they can do is surprise me. Neither can disappoint me. My expectations are just that low.

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I am curious if anyone has changed their minds about their candidates or if their chosen candidates said something to give them second thoughts about them.

I just want to know who the VP's are. . . dammit!

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