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Madonna - Coming to Houston Nov. 16th


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I don't understand the Madonna fetish that so many gay men have with her... I will pass. Personally, I like Stevie Nicks better. And she just turned 60. Saw her in the Woodlands last year...

Well, I can't speak for all gay men who like Madonna, but I just love her music... it's great to dance to and I LOVE to dance... I grew up listening to her older stuff and still enjoy listening to it. I also love her b/c she is not afraid to be herself even though it may cause controversy... if there is one thing gay men are good at its ticking off the "socially conservative, family values preaching, moral police" types. Hopefully something in this upcoming tour will cause an uproar w/ the far-right Christians... I know that happened on her last tour. :ph34r:

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Well, I can't speak for all gay men who like Madonna, but I just love her music... it's great to dance to and I LOVE to dance... I grew up listening to her older stuff and still enjoy listening to it. I also love her b/c she is not afraid to be herself even though it may cause controversy... if there is one thing gay men are good at its ticking off the "socially conservative, family values preaching, moral police" types. Hopefully something in this upcoming tour will cause an uproar w/ the far-right Christians... I know that happened on her last tour. :ph34r:

I leave that to Michael Moore (he should run for President). God Bless that man.

Regarding dancing... been there, done that. I look back... and realize now... the whole concept is really quite foolish, when you think about it. I much rather enjoy a drink and conversation with someone vs. the mindless, goofy quasi-sexual contact on the dance floor. It lead to many trite and hollow flings... and that was fun... but there is just so much more to life now. Once you hit 30... priorities change - so live it up! =)

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I leave that to Michael Moore (he should run for President). God Bless that man.

Regarding dancing... been there, done that. I look back... and realize now... the whole concept is really quite foolish, when you think about it. I much rather enjoy a drink and conversation with someone vs. the mindless, goofy quasi-sexual contact on the dance floor. It lead to many trite and hollow flings... and that was fun... but there is just so much more to life now. Once you hit 30... priorities change - so live it up! =)

Well, I enjoy things other than dancing... that's just one thing I love to do. Plus, I don't find dancing foolish... I love dancing... love all that quasi-sexual contact or just love dancing around the house by myself. he he he I also enjoy things like quiet evenings with friends... nice quiet dinners... stuff like that. And as for hitting 30... when that happens I'll still dance if I love it... I have plenty of friends over 30 who still love to dance and have fun... my top priority is to enjoy life. :D

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I got my tickets too and am really looking forward to the concert. (Even though I am not crazy about her latest album)

Somebody told me she had not been to TX in 15 or so years. So hopefully, as the only venue in TX for her on this tour, H-town will do her proud.

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Hopefully something in this upcoming tour will cause an uproar w/ the far-right Christians... I know that happened on her last tour.

What happened last tour?

I leave that to Michael Moore (he should run for President). God Bless that man.

Really? You should start a thread so we can discuss this and you provide some insight to your reasoning.

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How the hell does Madonna have a British accent if she is from Detroit?

Uhhh... that's what I (and many others) want to know... you should listen to some of her interviews over the past few years...

EDIT: Here you go: Link. 2003! but...

Why do so many Americans adopt British accents after crossing the Atlantic?

Mr Grossman, an American who grew up in Massachusetts, has, to many British ears, a fake British accent. He's not the only one, either. After buying a home in London and marrying the British film director Guy Ritchie, Madonna went British, too, at least over here. So have many less notable Americans. Some attempt a complete linguistic makeover. Others merely start saying "bloody", "cheers" and "indeed" a lot - often to the amusement of Britons. "Sometimes an American will be speaking completely in an American accent and they'll say 'when I went and had a bahth '," says Ms Levy. "What?"

Edited by BryanS
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Well, I can't speak for all gay men who like Madonna, but I just love her music... it's great to dance to and I LOVE to dance... I grew up listening to her older stuff and still enjoy listening to it. I also love her b/c she is not afraid to be herself even though it may cause controversy... if there is one thing gay men are good at its ticking off the "socially conservative, family values preaching, moral police" types. Hopefully something in this upcoming tour will cause an uproar w/ the far-right Christians... I know that happened on her last tour. :ph34r:

I'm not sure why you feel joy from inciting others. Far-right Christians have a right to their opinion as do all others. Do you enjoy it when "radical" Christians incite gay people? I consider myself a right leaning Christian, but I'm also a Madonna fan. I have tickets as well, got them in the presale :)

FWIW, true Christians who understand why Jesus died on the cross are very tolerant and accepting of all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. There are radicals in every group. You shouldn't assume they are representative of the whole. Please be as open minded about Christians as you would want others to be concerning sexual orientation.

Sorry for the soapbox, I'll step down now.

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I don't understand the Madonna fetish that so many gay men have with her... I will pass. Personally, I like Stevie Nicks better. And she just turned 60. Saw her in the Woodlands last year...

I am going too! I like Stevie Nicks too! Madonna is iconic, and she has not been in Houston in 15 years. She may not be the best singer, but she is an amazing artist and entertainer. I am glad as an adult I have a chance to see her in person. I think she appeals to gay men the same way Cher, Cyndi, Bette, Whitney etc. They just have been imbedded in our culture as icons.

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I'm not sure why you feel joy from inciting others. Far-right Christians have a right to their opinion as do all others. Do you enjoy it when "radical" Christians incite gay people? I consider myself a right leaning Christian, but I'm also a Madonna fan. I have tickets as well, got them in the presale :)

FWIW, true Christians who understand why Jesus died on the cross are very tolerant and accepting of all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. There are radicals in every group. You shouldn't assume they are representative of the whole. Please be as open minded about Christians as you would want others to be concerning sexual orientation.

Sorry for the soapbox, I'll step down now.

When I say "far right Christians" I am talking about the ones who first, choose to be a Christian, and then second, put time and effort into doing things like, well, making sure people who are born gay aren't given the same rights as others. These people choose to do these things... I never got a choice to be gay or straight. I don't care what people believe in... this God, that God, no God, lots of Gods... but when they use what they believe in to hurt others in any way... well, that's not right. I do not put all Christians into this group... never have... that's why I made sure to say "far right".

I am going too! I like Stevie Nicks too! Madonna is iconic, and she has not been in Houston in 15 years. She may not be the best singer, but she is an amazing artist and entertainer. I am glad as an adult I have a chance to see her in person. I think she appeals to gay men the same way Cher, Cyndi, Bette, Whitney etc. They just have been imbedded in our culture as icons.

That's another reason I am so excited to go to the concert... b/c she is such an icon... who knows if I will ever get a chance to see her again. I didn't need to get the best seats (though I still like where we are sitting... 200 level)... just to be able to go is going to be an awsome experience. :D

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I am going too! I like Stevie Nicks too! Madonna is iconic, and she has not been in Houston in 15 years. She may not be the best singer, but she is an amazing artist and entertainer. I am glad as an adult I have a chance to see her in person. I think she appeals to gay men the same way Cher, Cyndi, Bette, Whitney etc. They just have been imbedded in our culture as icons.

The knot in my stomach gets a little tighter, after reading each of these names... They're all OK... I don't know what Cher does, but she just looks better with age... The gay community should just adopt chocolate Easter bunnies as icons, too. Because like many of these women (and a few gay men - NOT ALL) - they are sweet and pretty on the outside, but hollow in the inside (I say this tongue in cheek.)

None of them compare to this woman. Listen to the first 10 seconds of this video:

Maybe that is why I favor Stevie a little more than the others... she has that unique, raspy, smoker's voice... with just a tinsy hint of Janis - although no one can compare to her. I must be turning into a hippie or something because my musical tastes have changed over the years...

P.S. I would have loved to have left a comment in the Michael Moore thread, but it was closed before I got a chance. Oh well.

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The knot in my stomach gets a little tighter, after reading each of these names... They're all OK... I don't know what Cher does, but she just looks better with age... The gay community should just adopt chocolate Easter bunnies as icons, too. Because like many of these women (and a few gay men - NOT ALL) - they are sweet and pretty on the outside, but hollow in the inside (I say this tongue in cheek.)

<_< I am going to be a nice lil' homo and keep my mouth shut. <_<

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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$400 to see that tired old hag? Count this homo out. Her new song with Timberland has ruined all my respect for her music. She use to be an artist, and she has changed with the times. I guess she's staying true to that by being a sell out.

Wow I didn't pay $400... I got $100 tickets which is well worth it to me. And I love her new song (I guess you are talking about "4 minutes"?)!! :wub:

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We used AMEX points for our tickets...the ONLY way to get me into MMP to see her , is if it is free, LOL. Of course my friends all paid top dollar for their tickets. Should be fun, but I treat it more as a fun venue to hang out with friends than anything else.

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Me and the lady picked up two tickets to one of the suites. Probably not the best view out there, but comfy seats and elevated above the masses. I'm not a huge fan of Madonna, but its one of those rare events I think I'll look back years from now and say I'm glad I got to see her at least once.

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I heard that she was going to do a second show in Houston.

Now THAT would be interesting news. Considering she doesn't have Dallas on the tour, to have two Houston dates would be very strange, indeed!

Two or more scheduled appearances:








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We used AMEX points for our tickets...the ONLY way to get me into MMP to see her , is if it is free, LOL. Of course my friends all paid top dollar for their tickets. Should be fun, but I treat it more as a fun venue to hang out with friends than anything else.

Yea everyone is different... i have no problem paying to see Madonna but probably wouldn't pay over $25 to see a group like the Rolling Stones or some other person or group that is huge... it's all personal preference.

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Paid $300 for center floor seats (face value) to her last tour in NY - it was WELL worth it. Whatever you may think of this woman she is the consummate entertainer and definitely knows how to put on a show. Lucked out with the presale and got $180 floor seats for the Houston show. Looking forward to it! And yes, I'm over 30. (Just barely, though. :D )

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