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Yeah, that's probably it. Thanks!

I don't understand the extent of the fingernail portion of the dream. Why the gray and tan ooz? I have had fingernail problems with four of my nails in the past several months. They were growing in bumpy with part of the cutical tucked under. Three have grown out and cleared up but one is still on the mend. The left index finger (the one in the dream). I've woken up a couple of mornings to have the cutical swolen and when I sqeezed it a litte puss came out, but I've been putting antibiotic cream on it and it's doing better. But there were moments when I thought that my messed up nails could have been an indication of something more serious. I did a little research online, but the photos I came across were gross so I quit. Since they've been looking better I haven't given it a lot of thought until someone asked about them yesterday. Where the president comes in, I have no idea.

The woman and kids in the restroom eating, who knows. Possibly from that hand washing thread that you, lockmat, started on this here board?

The dude with the knife: I often have nightmares of violence after watching the local news at night. I was also thinking about that loser who murdered that college student in North Corolina and was caught on surveillance. It made me so angry and sad for her family that this selfish loser took her life so carelessly for nothing. I go to bed thinking about that type of thing a lot. How easy it could happen to any of us and how dangerous things are. I'm sick of it.

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What would you make out of that?

Reoccuring dreams or nightmares.

The one that seems to play again and again weeks apart is I am hurrying to catch a bus or train in a very large city. I am anxious to get on my way as the sun is setting and dark is very near. I realize I am very far from where I want to go to. Worse will have to go through some of the worse areas of the city.

I used to ride the bus all the time when I lived in LA and was so paranoid about getting lost in some of the gang infested areas late at night. I suppose it's just from memory and the brain keeps the thought alive even after all these years. :blink:

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Reoccuring dreams or nightmares.

The one that seems to play again and again weeks apart is I am hurrying to catch a bus or train in a very large city. I am anxious to get on my way as the sun is setting and dark is very near. I realize I am very far from where I want to go to. Worse will have to go through some of the worse areas of the city.

I used to ride the bus all the time when I lived in LA and was so paranoid about getting lost in some of the gang infested areas late at night. I suppose it's just from memory and the brain keeps the thought alive even after all these years. :blink:

Has anyone ever had a dream where they are in their house (or apartment) and the house mysteriously has another door leading to another part of the house that doesn't exist. I have had that dream over and over and not sure why ...

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Has anyone ever had a dream where they are in their house (or apartment) and the house mysteriously has another door leading to another part of the house that doesn't exist. I have had that dream over and over and not sure why ...

Yes! I on occasion am walking up a flight of stairs and notice another door I open and it is a huge other part of the house I never realized was there. Even more bizarre is I hear other people living on this newly discovered side!

Sometimes the rooms are all in Gilded Age decor and Victorian style furniture as if I went back in time to 1912 or so! That's what I get for worshipping that era and studying photos too much! Freaky!


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Has anyone ever had a dream where they are in their house (or apartment) and the house mysteriously has another door leading to another part of the house that doesn't exist. I have had that dream over and over and not sure why ...

That sounds like your subconscious wanting to do more exploration into your psyche's deep dark secrets. In your dream, have you ever opened the doors?

I just have all the routine trapped/stressed dreams. Running, but body won't move. Even the school exam one. I swear, 20 years out of college and I still have that one. Or the variation, where I can't find my locker. But that's all probably because in my job, I work on deadline. Not as bad as when I was younger, when they would take the form of a killer relentlessly pursuing me on foot, always just an arm's length away with a big knife or a gun or something.

Now that I'm older, my 2 best friends, who died in their 20s, come to visit me all the time in my dreams. Often very mundane stuff where they're just taking part in my day or helping me sort through problems. And I dream more about my childhood home.

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That sounds like your subconscious wanting to do more exploration into your psyche's deep dark secrets. In your dream, have you ever opened the doors?

I just have all the routine trapped/stressed dreams. Running, but body won't move. Even the school exam one. I swear, 20 years out of college and I still have that one. Or the variation, where I can't find my locker. But that's all probably because in my job, I work on deadline. Not as bad as when I was younger, when they would take the form of a killer relentlessly pursuing me on foot, always just an arm's length away with a big knife or a gun or something.

Now that I'm older, my 2 best friends, who died in their 20s, come to visit me all the time in my dreams. Often very mundane stuff where they're just taking part in my day or helping me sort through problems. And I dream more about my childhood home.

Yes, I open the doors and walk into the other room and I'm like "Damn, I got all this space I never even knew about ..." In my dream I've even walked outside from the other front door and come out on a totally different street than my front door.

How weird is that!

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I just have all the routine trapped/stressed dreams. Running, but body won't move. Even the school exam one. I swear, 20 years out of college and I still have that one. Or the variation, where I can't find my locker. But that's all probably because in my job, I work on deadline.

And I dream more about my childhood home.

That one does come back from time to time for me too. I wake and think I have to hurry to my high school homeroom class to be counted for or they will think I am skipping school. I hurry and dress and get there and realize I am way too grown up to be there and wonder if the other kids notice me? I try to find my locker and start trying to remember my pad lock numbers (which I do) 14-36-26 and gym locker 36-10-5 to my amazement! Then I hear the bell ring for 3rd or 4th period so I run to get to class on time but get lost in dead end halls that go nowhere and I get frustrated and start to panic, then awaken!

and I do always dream of our old house on Easy Street. Most of the mental picture is a hazy bright white illuminated surround picture of the house clean and neatly kept with a light breeze of wind passing through as the curtains move so slightly. Its still like 1966! and I see all of the family as they looked then. A real trip! :blush:

Edited by Vertigo58
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At the risk of TMI.............I have an interesting dream story that is truly bizarre on a number of levels. I have spent the last hour wondering whether I should post this, but what the hell. With a Happy Days run coming up it will encourage conversation.

Yesterday I got involved in a conversation with a eco-freak about sustainable farming. This is a person I barely know but got sucked into her weird little world by chance while at the salad bar. I didn't think anything of it, but in the dream I was coming out of this morning when I woke up, I was looking through the front page of the Chronicle and turn the page to see a half-page, full color ad for "Niche's Own" 'sustainably farmed" canned and frozen veggie products. There was a huge picture of Niche grinning, and holding two cans of something. The cans had cute 50s retro-style labels on them, FWIW. There were other very bizarre details in the ad: tiny but detailed little figurines that were fantasy-sci-fi charcters, arranged in a tableaux all around the smiling Niche photo and the cans. If you looked really closely, the figurines were posed in strange ways that were not exactly family-friendly. But they were tiny, maybe an inch tall. Fast forward to me walking down a street next to a warehouse and a train track and Niche comes walking up, and I asked him how he got the editors to buy off on the ad. End of dream.


Clearly I spend too much time on this forum. Perhaps I have a deep seated interest in canned goods and wizard figures, and I just need to find a good therapist. I wasn't even drinking last night. I did, however, make a baked ziti for dinner with Newman's Own marinara. And, I have print ad deadlines looming. Still. Creepy.

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This is a person I barely know but got sucked into her weird little world by chance while at the salad bar.

See? This is the reason why I usually skip the salad.

Clearly I spend too much time on this forum. Perhaps I have a deep seated interest in canned goods and wizard figures, and I just need to find a good therapist. I wasn't even drinking last night. I did, however, make a baked ziti for dinner with Newman's Own marinara. And, I have print ad deadlines looming. Still. Creepy.

A friend of mine was watching the helicopters land downtown and he noticed a bunch of people taking photographs and he commented "Helicopter geeks. Probably talk about it all day on the 'net."

His comment caught me off guard and I said, "Like people on HAIF?" I blinked and laughed hysterically. My friend doesn't know about HAIF, so he didn't get it, but I swore his hand was reaching the phone to call for the straight-jacket people as he looked at me in confusion. Laughing fit = 15 minutes.

A group therapy is in order?

Oh that's right...we have an appointment...the 15th.

EDIT: Baked Ziti....yum.

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...and no sausage crunchtastic? if i hear "did i do that?" i'm leaving.

So many lines:

"Crunch has no sausage, silly. She's a girl."

"Are you offering?"

"She wants sausage, not cocktail weenies."

"Weenies into sausage? that's how it works?"

Behave MM or else she won't tell us the milk maid story.

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There was a huge picture of Niche grinning,

You know what Niche looks like? Or where you just guessing? When I read posts by people, I associate a face with them, usually from what they post. If I read a post from Lockmat, I picture that guy from American Idol who said he slept with Paula Abdul, I'm pretty sure his name is Cory Clark, I think maybe because of the hair. When I read a KimberlySayWhat post, I picture her as the character "Rose" from Lost, even though I have no idea if she's a strong confident black woman. Niche I picture as that guy from Seinfeld, can't remember his name, Elaine used to work for him (Mr Peterson maybe?) and he was on the first season of Dancing with the Stars also. RedScare I get the dad from That 70's Show. I don't do it on purpose, but I guess my mind has to associate a face with a post.

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You know what Niche looks like? Or where you just guessing? When I read posts by people, I associate a face with them, usually from what they post. If I read a post from Lockmat, I picture that guy from American Idol who said he slept with Paula Abdul, I'm pretty sure his name is Cory Clark, I think maybe because of the hair. When I read a KimberlySayWhat post, I picture her as the character "Rose" from Lost, even though I have no idea if she's a strong confident black woman. Niche I picture as that guy from Seinfeld, can't remember his name, Elaine used to work for him (Mr Peterson maybe?) and he was on the first season of Dancing with the Stars also. RedScare I get the dad from That 70's Show. I don't do it on purpose, but I guess my mind has to associate a face with a post.

That's funny -- I know what you mean about putting putting faces to anonymous folks whom you only have writing style to go on--they just sort of pop up in your mind after a while. It took me a while to suss out that a number of folks on this board are far younger than I originally thought, so that changed my perception somewhat.

Yea, I do know what Niche looks like, actually. I do not know what RedScare looks like, other than a couple of descriptive comments he has made, ("stunningly good looking" comes to mind) but I am fairly certain it's not dad from That 70s Show. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it, though. :P

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Have you ever gotten the same email over and over. It's like a hiccup of some weird mail server. In the past hour, I have gotten the same email (Kroger coupons) about 5 times.

Most companies now have Spam blockers or Firewalls. I dont know if you are at work or at home. I monitor all incoming email here at work and when I see obvious Spam or junk I copy all of them and drag to a "missed spam" file whereupon our IT group is supposed to mark so that we dont get the same trash again. Here is the weird part, I still see some of the same junk come by again a day or 2 or week later?

Try to stick to the sme advice they said before if the subject or sender is strange sounding or looking do not even open it! If you do that is acknowledging the sender or sneak that your an actual good email recipient. Sometime I still fall for it and open in haste and curse under my breath for being too fast.

Take a look way at the bottom of the email. There may be a simple notice like "click here if you do not want to receive further electronic notices like this". No gaurantee but its worth a try. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure where else to put this and I don't think it merits its own thread, but I thought some of you might like to know...

The Web Marketing Company Helps Houston Downtown Alliance Upgrade Web Site


What they basically did was give the alliance more power to change the website themselves and updated the website.


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