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Embassy Suites Hilton Houston Downtown Hotel At 1515 Dallas St.


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Excellent news, especially in this economy.

We still need about 5,000 more rooms downtown though. Here's to hoping the La Quinta breaks ground soon too as well as the other larger convention center hotel project.

If I'm not mistaken, didn't the original image of La Quinta's design have a bit of a Mediterranean theme to it? It was actually more impressive than anyone expected when the news first came out.

Of course, I might be confusing projects.

Edited by The Great Hizzy!
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I was at the ceremony today and took tons of photos. Ill post em tomorrow after my battery recharges. The head of the project said actual construction will start on thursday or friday this week.

I'm looking forward to the photos of this event. :)

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Photos from the ceremony yesterday. It was pretty cool getting to meet all of the head honchos for the project and the mayor.


Some of the guys that were spear heading this hotel. The head of the project is the guy 2nd from the left.


mmm, cheese. You see the good thing with having a nice camera is that nobody asks you any questions. I had no press passes but I had a big camera so I got instant access. No but seriously, having a nice camera really works well when getting into VIP events. I can usually just show up and just walk in pretty much anywhere. Sports events, press conferences, stuff like this and get free food. Everyone just automatically thinks I am with the Houston Chronicle or something.




The mayor and some hot reporter girl asking him questions. He was talking about how when he first moved here and he parked in this parking lot and remembers nothing but parking lots for many blocks around. He commented on how much the area has changed and how much more it will change in the future for the better. He also was talking about how this hotel will be the first full service hotel in downtown since the Four Seasons opened in the mid 80's.


Bu buy parking lot! This may be the last photo you will ever see of this parking lot. ;)

Correct me if Im wrong but I believe this is the location of the Embassy Suites Hotel. This photo is form around 1970. Its amazing how much its changed.


Edited by photolitherland
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those are some really good pictures, thanks to your "big camera" getting you as close as you did :)

is it just me or is it a little odd that the only pictures really surfacing on the embassy suites are the same hand drawn rendering? wouldnt you think they would have a computer generated rendering instead at the groundbreaking?

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Correct me if Im wrong but I believe this is the location of the Embassy Suites Hotel. This photo is form around 1970. Its amazing how much its changed.


Off topic, but is that Pennzoil Tower going up at the top left. If so, construction began in 1972 and was finished in 1976.

Your placement of Embassy Suites looks pretty accurate... over in that baron wasteland.

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I still want to know some details that keep being left out.

1. Who is the Architect?

2. Who is the Builder?

Don't know who the architect is. Here is the builder, and they updated their website finally after a million years. I guess they figured they might want to put on a good face since they'll be getting some pub.

http://www.amliberty.com/Projects/tabid/74/Default.aspx (got it from the wiki)

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Thanks for sharing the photos photolitherland.

Did they say what the floor count was going to be. I thought there was some issues with it being 19 or 22 stories.

The link above says 22 stories with about 262 "luxury suites" and some odd amount of conference space.

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I still want to know some details that keep being left out.

1. Who is the Architect?

2. Who is the Builder?

pfht! thats not important right now. what is important, on the other hand, is all of the excitement and buzz this is generating.

always trying to buzz kill with this technicality stuff. give me a napkin and some steel; ill build and design this sucker myself.


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Don't know who the architect is. Here is the builder, and they updated their website finally after a million years. I guess they figured they might want to put on a good face since they'll be getting some pub.

http://www.amliberty.com/Projects/tabid/74/Default.aspx (got it from the wiki)

check that...

I just got the fastest response ever, like 4 minutes, and this is their answer...."Keith Carlson with Mitchell Carlson Stone is the architect "

edit: found their website. I've been there before so I guess we have known that. I didn't see a rendering or even a listing of the hotel on the site.

Edited by lockmat
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From this image, which lot will this be built on? The one to the right of the electrical thing that is sort of curved??


the curved lot is the lot i always assumed it would be.

at the beginning of this thread someone posted this from the chron. even though HP is in the wrong place i believe the embassy suites is correct


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