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2007 Hurricane Season


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Is the season almost over? The U.S. got a big break this yearh, huh?

The hurricane season officially ends on November 30th... that doesn't mean you can't have a storm after that day... it's just very rare. As someone who is in the weather business, I would say that the season is over... I don't think we will see any additional storms form.

The U.S. did catch a break this year... a fairly good number of storms did form, but many stayed out to sea which is always good.

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And we had a big break last year as well.

Yup... but it really only takes one storm to hit the U.S. to make the season memorable. If only three storms form next year and two become major hurricanes and one hits Miami and one hits Galveston / Houston... people will be talking about how bad of a season it was even though only 3 storms formed. If 25 storms form and none hit the U.S... people will talk about how quiet of a season it was.

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Yup... but it really only takes one storm to hit the U.S. to make the season memorable. If only three storms form next year and two become major hurricanes and one hits Miami and one hits Galveston / Houston... people will be talking about how bad of a season it was even though only 3 storms formed. If 25 storms form and none hit the U.S... people will talk about how quiet of a season it was.

I'm predicting that, due to our good karma created by the Katrina rescue caper, we will not suffer damage from a hurricane for a long time. Rita skating through gently was the first sign of that (sorry Beaumont). B)

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My Rita Story:

My friends at work got stuck in traffic for many hours trying to evacuate. My immediate family came to my house and hunkered. My mom went to Woodville to escape the storm.

I stayed up watching the weather the night it was supposed to hit us. Dr. Neil Frank (that hurricane junky) looked absolutely crushed when it was clear Rita wasn't going to slam into Houston with the force of an atomic bomb. "Near miss" was all he could croak out.

The next morning, for the first time in my life, I heard the town of Woodville mentioned on the local news. Rita was stalled over it, dumping all her wind and rain right on my mom.

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My Rita Story:

My friends at work got stuck in traffic for many hours trying to evacuate. My immediate family came to my house and hunkered. My mom went to Woodville to escape the storm.

I stayed up watching the weather the night it was supposed to hit us. Dr. Neil Frank (that hurricane junky) looked absolutely crushed when it was clear Rita wasn't going to slam into Houston with the force of an atomic bomb. "Near miss" was all he could croak out.

The next morning, for the first time in my life, I heard the town of Woodville mentioned on the local news. Rita was stalled over it, dumping all her wind and rain right on my mom.

My mother's family is East Texas. I know Woodville, and never heard it on the news until then, either.

Yeah, my aunt left Orange to go stay with her daughter in Jasper. House in Orange had the roof ripped off. House in Jasper had two pine trees fall on it.

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