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It's Official: Diversity Causes Misery


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I can take alot of insults, but if someone wants to bring my children into it, Lord help you. You will get some 5th ward beads thrown on you ! Then, after my wife gets done with them, I will start. You know what I'm sayin' musicman.

my mom would be there too, minus the 5th ward beads. LOL

my friend is a very quiet, shy, religious person and doesn't like to stir the pot. i know that she didn't mean it exactly like it came out regarding her husband but it definitely has caused her some unneeded stress.

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Any wife who says she shouldn't have married her husband most likely has more problems with him as a person than with any racial issues. I could care less what people in a mall say to me. If the mall thing got to her so easily than I am guessing the marriage has some other issues she probably didn't tell you about.

Jax, are you and Niche married ? LOL! WAIT, that came out wrong. Are you married Jax ? Are you married Niche ? ........and not to each other .

Edited by TJones
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Are you married Niche ?

No, but I have had to make the choice.

Call me a helpless romantic, but the only real consideration should be love. Whether anyone else approves or not in a mall is entirely irrelevant. I would pity the person that did that, not because they were about to get their ass handed to them or for their racism, but for their ignorance of love. If it were so bad that home schooling was required to ensure the child's safety, that'd be fine.

Any expense in the world. Any inconvenience. Name it. It's worth it. ...well actually it wasn't--that's why I made the choice I did. But the idea is that it should've been worth it.

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No, but I have had to make the choice.

Call me a helpless romantic, but the only real consideration should be love. Whether anyone else approves or not in a mall is entirely irrelevant. I would pity the person that did that, not because they were about to get their ass handed to them or for their racism, but for their ignorance of love. If it were so bad that home schooling was required to ensure the child's safety, that'd be fine.

Any expense in the world. Any inconvenience. Name it. It's worth it. ...well actually it wasn't--that's why I made the choice I did. But the idea is that it should've been worth it.

Unfortunately people marry for all sorts of reasons. Convenience, Money, Love, Station, Arranged, Dowries, a drunken stupor in Vegas. But, it looks like you chose the right reason NOT to get married.

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This is exactly what I meant earlier.

Those who claim to "value diversity" can't handle a little diversity of opinion on the very subject of diversity.

The above post is a prime example of that.

That, or maybe they just know the difference between right and wrong.

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You know, this makes perfect sense to me, because people of different cultures have different ways of life that are not always compatible with other cultures' way of life. For example, my neighborhood is well represented with white people, Asian people and latino people, and we all get along and talk to each other, but the things each of us does can drive the others crazy. Hence the misery factor. If I lived in a neighborhood full of white people, I'd probably be less stressed, not because they're all the same color as me, but because they likely come from the same background and have a similar way of life. But, other factors keep me where I am. Long story short, just because people of other cultures stress you out doesn't make you a bigot or a racist or intolerant. You are who you are and your natural reaction to the BEHAVIOR (not skin color) of others that you share close quarters with is just that, natural.

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Just to be clear:

So questioning the benefits of diversity is wrong? And it's right for academics to stifle debate?

I don't think you have given us your perspective on the benefits of segregation. Possibly you could enlighten us.

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I don't think you have given us your perspective on the benefits of segregation. Possibly you could enlighten us.


So now, if I don't buy into all the happy-shiny-people-holding-hands diversity mentality, I am a segregationist?

Like I said, no diversity of opinion allowed on the very subject of diversity.

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So now, if I don't buy into all the happy-shiny-people-holding-hands diversity mentality, I am a segregationist?

Like I said, no diversity of opinion allowed on the very subject of diversity.

Then what do you buy into on the subject?

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No, it is not. It is merely a post that points out flaws in the previous statement. The fact that Kinkaid and Toggle's posts exist on the same thread is proof that diversity of opinion DOES exist...and can coexist.

If you call one labeling the other as a fan of Jim Crow coexisting, sure.

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Like I said, no diversity of opinion allowed on the very subject of diversity.

You keep saying that. Who's stopping you? Lay it out and stop hiding behind that. We really want to know more about the other side, it's just not coming out very well on that end.

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You keep saying that. Who's stopping you? Lay it out and stop hiding behind that. We really want to know more about the other side, it's just not coming out very well on that end.

Nobody is physically restraining it, per se. However, branding someone as a segregationist and using that brand to dismiss their arguments and opinions isn't very intellectually honest, and that is often the tactic used to try and shut down such opinions. Indeed, how many times was it used in this thread?

You want it laid out? Fine, here it is:

We should spend more time worried about what comes after the hyphen rather than before it. Content of our character rather than the color of our skin and all that. I believe one of the greatest people to walk the earth used those terms at one time.

I work with a fairly diverse group of people. We all get along just fine and it's a great group because the people are competent at their jobs, not because they have varying degrees of melanin in their skin. We function well not because of people bring "varied backgrounds" or "different experiences or perspectives" (to use the diversity buzzwords), but because they bring the technical skills that we need.

So there are plenty of us who walk the diversity walk every day but are tired of the feel good talk being shoved down our throats. I strive to be as color-blind as I can when dealing with my fellow human beings and I think that's all that should be asked of us.

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So there are plenty of us who walk the diversity walk every day but are tired of the feel good talk being shoved down our throats. I strive to be as color-blind as I can when dealing with my fellow human beings and I think that's all that should be asked of us.

I'm not sure what you mean. What exactly is being shoved down your throat? Who is doing the shoving? Specific examples please. Do the "diversity police" harass you saying you must do A,B and C. Is someone forcing you to do anything or think a certain way? This diversity thing is something I just can't get my head around. Diversity is just a concept, accept it or not, that is your choice.

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He is a paranoid cry baby. But he is right on many issues.

He only cries because he wishes his audience was as big as Rush's or Hannity's. He cracks me up when he tries to bring them into his discussions by calling them names, thinking they will quote him or something. I have never heard Savage's name leave the lips of Rush or Sean ONCE. Savage brings them up in every show. I don't know why I listen to his whiny rants, Savage is a poodle lovin , Mama's boy. I agree with him on a couple of his issues, but he is just a big ol' tittybaby.

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You listen to those no talent arse clowns?

No wonder you want red light cameras.


:lol: Michael Bolton ? HAVE YOU NO SHAME ?!?!?

At least you don't deny that Savage is a Mama's Boy. I just can't stand how he thinks it should be the 1960's all over again, he is just unable to progress.

I suffer through Savage, he is a weigh station on the way to Mark Levin. Mark and Savage BOTH have a face for radio and a voice for Newspapers though.

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You want it laid out? Fine, here it is:...

See that was good. I'm not sure about the shoving diversity down throats on my part, but I can certainly say many of us disliked the line of thought of people like Toggle, who practically posted an article of how it's ok to be miserable about diversity and dislike it because it's been proven to be true to all. What was the intention behind it? Are we supposed to suddenly gather and force people out of the country who are not like Toggle, because we should strive to cause less misery to people who can't accept diversity? Perhaps segregate neighborhoods, schools, cities? Who's to say anything belongs to anyone's culture or practices, when the country was founded by immigrants and is composed of immigrants from all around? Naturally, we have all assimilated into whatever the hell it is we are.

I guess you weren't really on the other side as I mentioned eh? ha. x_x

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