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Kemah Boardwalk At 215 Kipp Ave.

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organization would be:

1) topic for dino park

2) topic for astroworld memories

3) topic for kemah project

Than I guess we just leave it as is, hopefully no more Kemah related coaster stuff will show up in the dino park and the astroworld thread anymore.

I'd like to have some of the posts relocated to this one at least, since it had good photos.

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Jason Knutson is posting weekly construction updates here:



Finally, for those of you with a registered copy of No Limits coaster simulation software (http://www.nolimitscoaster.com), someone with a lot of spare time put together this rather faithful animation: http://www.inverter.btinternet.co.uk/TexasGGWoodie.nltrack

Edited by Fierce Pancake
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I looks like a generic design, but I'm not ungrateful.

Not that I'm a rollercoaster expert, but I don't think you can make a wooden rollercoaster that diverse. Metal is a different story, but wood? I think they have to stay kind of basic

I read some link in this thread though that said it was very well done considering the amount of space they have to build it on.

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The Kemah Coaster looks like a completely original, custom designed, one of a kind (or at least first of it's kind) roller coaster to me - the first one built anywhere near Houston in 22 years! Every coaster built at AstroWorld after XLR-8 in 1984 was either used or a replica of an existing coaster. Even the beloved Texas Cyclone wasn't completely original, it was a copy (albeit a mirror image) of the Coney Island Cyclone. The Kemah coaster is not what I would call generic. Having a 96 ft. high wooden coaster with 3236 ft of track built on less than an acre is revolutionary. I could see this coaster setting a trend in large, ultra compact coaster designs. This concept would be especially attractive in parks with little room for expansion.

Imagine what these designers could have done if they had two acres to work with instead of one. I am damn impressed with this design.

Edited by Coaster
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One thing that I read within the article that sounds like a fun addition is the "themed" tunnels, which I assume is the tracks that weave within the wooden pillar structures.

I guess they are planning on sprucing it up a bit with some personality. ^_^

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I am so very excited about this coaster. I say it should be named the "Kemah Kurl", or the "Fertitta Pita" or the "GB Express" (Galveston Bay). Just as long as it's not something like "The landrys.com Coaster".

I can't wait.

Or how about Crabby Coaster, Maybe even like Junior Cyclone.

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Or how about Crabby Coaster, Maybe even like Junior Cyclone.

Well, I just read it will have a Western Theme so something more in the lines of "The Shootout" or something will more than likely be chosen.

A interesting note about this is this thing will sit on a little less than an acre of land but will be taller and longer than the Texas Cyclone. That is amazing.

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A interesting note about this is this thing will sit on a little less than an acre of land but will be taller and longer than the Texas Cyclone. That is amazing.

I can see, it looks like it completes 4 or 5 rounds in a "mickey mouse" head shaped track, where the cyclone did a "figure 8" only 2.5 times.

Edited by Pumapayam
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I suppose you just like to find flaws in things for some kind of entertainment. But this coaster is really pretty incredible (at least the models and drawings I've seen are). Of course, it has to be put into perspective. This is not going to break any records and I personally wish they would have designed some more high drops. But for the type of coaster that it is (in the medium to large range) and the type of park that it is being built in (a relatively unknown, tiny little boardwalk with about 10 other rides), it would be unrealistist to have hoped for anything much better. I haven't heard any negitive comments with any validity about this coaster so far.

Of course, they still need to build it so we can see if it actually delivers, but I have little doubt that it will. The first drop will be flawless. My guess is that although there are not many high drops after that (maybe 3 or 4 depending on one's interpretation of 'high'), the small drops (at least a dozen) will be hit with a constant and relentless high speed. People will be flying out of their seats a lot and it will feel like the train is moving faster than it really is. That's what will make this a top 10 coaster in 2007.

I thought that if a coaster was ever built at Kemah, it would be a small, transportable, carnival type coaster. Maybe a wild mouse or something. I never expected anything so significant or exquisite as a custom designed, permanent, well thought out wooden coaster like this.

Edited by Coaster
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Re-read Post #36. (second part).

You can remark that it looks generic, but that's pretty relative. By and large wooden rollercoasters have a sameness about them. They go up and down, they dont do loops (barring one in Ohio), they make a lot of noise, and they're made of wood. Yeah, it's a classicly styled attraction that to someone without an eye to appreciate nuance could easily think they all seem the same. Kemah's ride lacks a world-record height or speed and it doesn't have anything particularly gimmicky about it, so perhaps that constitues a generic attraction to you.

Most wooden rollercoasters fall into two basic categories: out and back rides or twisters, with this a shining example of the latter. So was the Texas Cyclone for that matter. It's going to have a lot in common with other twisters, but from the design it appears it will still have a lot of character and I can't think of another current wooden coaster that's going to offer a nearly identical riding experience. The most similiar ride I've come across was demolished in the 1950s.

An analogy I could make is a display of apples in a supermarket. Despite different sizes and colors, they all have generic traits in common that account for their categorization as apples. Yet they have different tastes, which is the most important factor. The ride experience on this Kemah coaster is its taste, and we'll know how good it tastes in about six months hopefully.

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The ride experience on this Kemah coaster is its taste, and we'll know how good it tastes in about six months hopefully.

Speaking of that, a "wooden" rollercoaster within such proximity of the ocean is just asking for it to get nailed by a hurricane. Maybe a steel coaster would have been a better choice to avoid all the potential projectiles this thing may create.

I am guessing this structure is going to be rated to withstand a major hurricane.

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You can remark that it looks generic, but that's pretty relative. By and large wooden rollercoasters have a sameness about them. They go up and down, they dont do loops (barring one in Ohio), they make a lot of noise, and they're made of wood. Yeah, it's a classicly styled attraction that to someone without an eye to appreciate nuance could easily think they all seem the same. Kemah's ride lacks a world-record height or speed and it doesn't have anything particularly gimmicky about it, so perhaps that constitues a generic attraction to you.

Most wooden rollercoasters fall into two basic categories: out and back rides or twisters, with this a shining example of the latter. So was the Texas Cyclone for that matter. It's going to have a lot in common with other twisters, but from the design it appears it will still have a lot of character and I can't think of another current wooden coaster that's going to offer a nearly identical riding experience. The most similiar ride I've come across was demolished in the 1950s.

An analogy I could make is a display of apples in a supermarket. Despite different sizes and colors, they all have generic traits in common that account for their categorization as apples. Yet they have different tastes, which is the most important factor. The ride experience on this Kemah coaster is its taste, and we'll know how good it tastes in about six months hopefully.

Again... read the SECOND PART. Sheesh.

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So why did a topic about a new structure being built get moved from "Going Up" to the misc. forum? From what I've heard this thing is going to start going vertical within a week or so.

Does this answer your question?

Thanks for the news Fierce Pancake.

It was mentioned in a recent thread along with the future dinosaur park.

I already put in a request to merge this topic with a similar one.

Hide your duplicate threads, here comes Puma the "Thread-Nazi"!
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Does this answer your question?

Not really, a big fuss was made about this topic being discussed in more than one thread, but if one's going to be that picky, seems like it should be one thread in the most fitting category. "Going Up"s description seems to be about new and proposed projects, of which this certainly qualifies. It's not a topic like whats-your-favorite-ride or a rumor thread. I don't see how this is something that couldn't fit anywhere else so it was thrown into the bottom bucket.

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Not really, a big fuss was made about this topic being discussed in more than one thread, but if one's going to be that picky, seems like it should be one thread in the most fitting category. "Going Up"s description seems to be about new and proposed projects, of which this certainly qualifies. It's not a topic like whats-your-favorite-ride or a rumor thread. I don't see how this is something that couldn't fit anywhere else so it was thrown into the bottom bucket.

You asked why it got moved, well that was why.

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