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"Anti"-semitic Comments


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Richardson will miss the rest of the CBA's best-of-five championship series after he told the Albany Times Union that he had "big-time Jew lawyers" working for him.

They got a lot of power in this world, you know what I mean? Which I think is great," Richardson told the Times-Union. "I don't think there's nothing wrong with it. If you look in most professional sports, they're run by Jewish people. If you look at a lot of most successful corporations and stuff, more businesses, they're run by Jewish. It's not a knock, but they are some crafty people.

Give me a break. I'm so sick of political correctness.

I mean, was he really speaking ill of Jews? Would these statements lead you to believe that he does not like Jews?

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Give me a break. I'm so sick of political correctness.

I mean, was he really speaking ill of Jews? Would these statements lead you to believe that he does not like Jews?

his comments sounded like stereotypical ones to me, not ones that would be made by someone who had some sense.

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Me too. It's a sad day in the U.S. when a banned NBA crack-head can't even rag on Jews and gays without getting suspended by a third rate BB association. :angry:

First, I did not say one thing about the gay comments. I did not say it was ok for him to yell gay slurs. I was talking about his Jew comments only.

his comments sounded like stereotypical ones to me, not ones that would be made by someone who had some sense.

People stereotype all the time without getting ripped on. And it's not like this was even a stereotype that brought negative connotations. Had they brought negative connotations, then I'd care.

However, to label these as ANTI-semitic comments, is just stupid.

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First, I did not say one thing about the gay comments. I did not say it was ok for him to yell gay slurs. I was talking about his Jew comments only.

People stereotype all the time without getting ripped on.

some do yes but they don't do it in front of the media. when you're a public figure, you must be sensitive to what you're saying.
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some do yes but they don't do it in front of the media. when you're a public figure, you must be sensitive to what you're saying.

True, I agree. But my thing is, I don't even believe those statements were ANTI anything (the semitic comments). Maybe stereotypical, but not anti.

Plus, it's just annoying how two-faced corporations are. B/c you know the only reason they take action is to save face. It could be the most acute comment on something and they blow it out of proportion, not even allowing the person in question to ask for forgiveness and be redeemed. They'd rather do something that makes it look like they're for the group/people/nation who were spoken of, when really they couldn't give a rip in reality.

And then after it all, we get some fake apology from the defendant.

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I will say two things about the situation. You do not know if it was in jest, because he made one comment and reporter kind of lead him into saying more, and if you know Richardson at all, you know english is not his best subject. So I am sure he didn't know the offense certain words such as "crafty" hold.

Also, we have to learn that PC isn't PC, we have cultures and we are different, thats what makes us great and unique, and we can't forget these things, some may be wrong, or in this case anti-semitic, but you also have to see that he wasn't saying it negatively, he was complimenting. He doesn't have good english and just to show you an example.

When playing for the Nets, he said "the ship be sinking", a reporter replied "how far do you think you will sink?", he says "the skies the limit". I just feel we are too sensitive and we need to lighten up.

As far as playing career he reminds me of Strawberry, great talent & great player, just messed his life up, and never turned around really.

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maybe stereotypical?

They were. Not a bad stereotype however. I know the last thing I want to be labeled as is Rich, Powerful and all those good things. The one word he used that I would consider questionable is crafty, which may or may not have negative connotations.

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so what is his culture? where is he from?

What does his culture have to do with my point about we have cultures? If we are going to use stereotypes, he is a black man, so he can fit into all those stereotypes. All I was saying is that we shouldn't try to be robots, we are all different and unique, and that we should express being unique and different.

They were. Not a bad stereotype however. I know the last thing I want to be labeled as is Rich, Powerful and all those good things. The one word he used that I would consider questionable is crafty, which may or may not have negative connotations.

I think people are missing what you are saying as a whole, he may have been wrong or stereotyping, but he was doing it in a positive. I am sure if Tel Aviv heard what he said about the airport and secruity they would be patting him on the back. With Crafty which bothers me is the new definition for the word is: skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly. At the same time the obsolete is Obsolete. skillful; ingenious; dexterous. I think you have to take into consideration that he isn't a scholar and he is far from it. I agree with you and I think others need to look at the whole picture and not just look at whats on the screen or on the paper.

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What does his culture have to do with my point about we have cultures? If we are going to use stereotypes, he is a black man, so he can fit into all those stereotypes. All I was saying is that we shouldn't try to be robots, we are all different and unique, and that we should express being unique and different.

oh i thought you were trying to say that he was from another country and were putting this off as a cultural difference.

you said "He doesn't have good english and just to show you an example. When playing for the Nets, he said "the ship be sinking", a reporter replied "how far do you think you will sink?", he says "the skies the limit".

i see this more as lack of education rather than cultural differences.

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What does his culture have to do with my point about we have cultures? If we are going to use stereotypes, he is a black man, so he can fit into all those stereotypes. All I was saying is that we shouldn't try to be robots, we are all different and unique, and that we should express being unique and different.

I think people are missing what you are saying as a whole, he may have been wrong or stereotyping, but he was doing it in a positive. I am sure if Tel Aviv heard what he said about the airport and secruity they would be patting him on the back. With Crafty which bothers me is the new definition for the word is: skillful in underhand or evil schemes; cunning; deceitful; sly. At the same time the obsolete is Obsolete. skillful; ingenious; dexterous. I think you have to take into consideration that he isn't a scholar and he is far from it. I agree with you and I think others need to look at the whole picture and not just look at whats on the screen or on the paper.

Well, the weird thing is, sometimes don't even want to be stereotyped with "good" qualities. I've come across Asians who don't like being stereotyped as smart.

There's nothing wrong with speaking in generalities, as long as it's not hateful. I mean, how often do we speak about actual Chinease in China or Indians in India for the things they produce or the Scots for playing bagpipes or the Parisians for their romance? Why can't we comment on how rich and successful the Jews are?

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I think what all of you are missing is the fact that Mr. Richardson made his remarks in his capacity as basketball coach. His employers do not wish to be associated with those who make remarks of this nature, as it may reflect badly on the organization. It does not matter to them whether a case can be made that the remarks could be considered complimentary. The fact that he inserted the religion of his attorneys into the statement was enough. Whether negative, or merely stereotype, the employer has a right to expect the employee to act appropriately when representing the organization.

When you guys own your own business, you will be free to allow your employees to stereotype other races, religions and ethnicities all you want. In fact, I would love to see you practice what you preach.

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I think what all of you are missing is the fact that Mr. Richardson made his remarks in his capacity as basketball coach. His employers do not wish to be associated with those who make remarks of this nature, as it may reflect badly on the organization. It does not matter to them whether a case can be made that the remarks could be considered complimentary. The fact that he inserted the religion of his attorneys into the statement was enough. Whether negative, or merely stereotype, the employer has a right to expect the employee to act appropriately when representing the organization.

When you guys own your own business, you will be free to allow your employees to stereotype other races, religions and ethnicities all you want. In fact, I would love to see you practice what you preach.


But you're born a Jew. So it's not always a religion.

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LOL concur

I understand that a company and family aren't perfect comparisons, but what if a family member made such comments in public? Someone who really cares about them wouldn't disown them. If the company really believed in that employee, they might show some loyalty and give them a chance at redemption. Instead, they cut ties. No chance for redemption at all. The cutting of ties is simply a show for the media.


Another thing. I'm not so much hung up on the fact that they fired him, actually, I don't even remember what they did. I just think it's dumb that the media is blowing out of proportion what I believe isn't even an anti comment.

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oh i thought you were trying to say that he was from another country and were putting this off as a cultural difference.

you said "He doesn't have good english and just to show you an example. When playing for the Nets, he said "the ship be sinking", a reporter replied "how far do you think you will sink?", he says "the skies the limit".

i see this more as lack of education rather than cultural differences.

What I was saying a little was that he has bad education or english period, and I don't thinkhe understood things such as crafty being negative, or that what he was saying was negative. I just gave an example to show his poor grammar I guess you would say. Almost a give the guy a break, he may be saying one thing and trying to get across another.

an aside to our country or civilization as a whole. We should look at Voltaire : "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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I understand that a company and family aren't perfect comparisons, but what if a family member made such comments in public? Someone who really cares about them wouldn't disown them. If the company really believed in that employee, they might show some loyalty and give them a chance at redemption. Instead, they cut ties. No chance for redemption at all. The cutting of ties is simply a show for the media.

If you were my family member, I would tell you to STFU, as you are embarrassing the family.

If you were my employee, you would be fired. Period. I work way to hard to build my business for someone to torpedo it because of utter ignorance that their comments can offend and drive away business. If I am very lucky, I would have fired you before the media ever knew of your ignorant comment.

To dreco, I agree wholeheartedly with Voltaire. However, this is not an individual's comments. It is an individual speaking in his capacity as an employee. Big difference. We all know that we do not have absolute freedom of speech at work.

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If you were my family member, I would tell you to STFU, as you are embarrassing the family.
Didn't answer the question directly, but ok.
If you were my employee, you would be fired. Period. I work way to hard to build my business for someone to torpedo it because of utter ignorance that their comments can offend and drive away business. If I am very lucky, I would have fired you before the media ever knew of your ignorant comment.

Well see, that would have been better; to fire them before they had a chance to make that comment. Or even better, how about hiring someone with more character in the first place. The fact that someone hired someone with such low character shows that character is not really their main concern. Unless of course the comments were not a reflection of past actions and was not expected.

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Didn't answer the question directly, but ok.

Well see, that would have been better; to fire them before they had a chance to make that comment. Or even better, how about hiring someone with more character in the first place. The fact that someone hired someone with such low character shows that character is not really their main concern. Unless of course the comments were not a reflection of past actions and was not expected.

Why do people not have the right to say what they want? I understand blantant bigtory remarks are not acceptable, or the use of marginalizing any group through voice. At the same time, especially in america we have a right to say what we please. I think that should be respected and honored. I think the problem has risen, because we are so scared that every day things are no longer said so when something like this does slip, it is the end of the world. Look at shows like All in The Family, I know it was a comedy, but it poked fun at Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Polaks, Italians, and even the bigit. Yet, if a show like that was on today it would be the end of the world. Maybe if we allow for some freedom, we wouldn't have the world bend over backwards in anger everytime someone slips, or in Richardson's case makes a mistake. He made a comment, apologized and is suspended for the entire championship series now.

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Leave it to the head pedant to take things out of context yet again and the worst thing is he can't respond without his usual hateful, insensitive sarcasm to make his point against hatred and insensitivity. What a bitter being - particularly when the "gay" comment was hearsay at best.

WOOOO!!! Talk about bitter. Actually I'm not the head pedant-or very pedant at all. BTW, I'm sorry I was insensitive in my sarcasm about an uneducated, crack head bigot being suspended for the rest of the season. I'll try to do better in the future and use only sensitive sarcasm. :P

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i definitely am not a jewish scholar but my good friend is a converted one and she said you are only born a jew if your mother is one.

that is correct, many people confuse being Jewish with being Isreali. They are the same, but techinically they are not, so people get very confused too.

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oh i thought you were trying to say that he was from another country and were putting this off as a cultural difference.

you said "He doesn't have good english and just to show you an example. When playing for the Nets, he said "the ship be sinking", a reporter replied "how far do you think you will sink?", he says "the skies the limit".

i see this more as lack of education rather than cultural differences.

Greco is right - culture is what makes us unique because we are so diverse although things are beginning to look a lot like the U.S. in other parts of the world also. You also have a point that Richardson may lack education but that does not mean that he does not have "culture."

The best definition I have heard regarding culture is something along the lines of "predetermined answers about life, death, and everything in between." Race may or may not play into it. For example, many young Hispanic men in the East End tend to buy trucks (rather than cars) when they are old enough to buy a vehicle. It could be what turns the girls on? Race happens to be common in that particular case of "culture." But what about the kids from college that were always in their study group (multi-racial) even on Friday nights who accepted nothing less than a 4.0 of themselves. Race did not create that culture; a desire to excel did.

Greco mentioned that Richardson sometimes uses ebonics to communicate. Obviously, that is part of the culture of the people where he comes from - wherever that may be. Some white guys go out of there way to learn ebonics to appear cool. That is also part of the culture of that subset of people.

Even on this forum people tend to be legalistic in their responses. That is part of the culture that is employed by those who contribute.

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