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would you let your child do this?


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When my boys were kids, it was not up to them to decide what was right or what was wrong. Me and the wife decided that for them. It was our job to be the guiding force in thier lives and tell as well as teach them right from wrong. For parents to allow thier children the freedom to make decisions that should be made by adults is an absolute failure and it represents a complete break down in the roles of parent and child. That is something which is UNACCEPTABLE in my home.

Nah, there's more than one way to skin a cat. My parents were the type that warned me not to touch the stove, then let me touch the stove and burn myself. Creates an atmosphere of trust and respect. Along that pattern, they gave me the basic input that was necessary for me to make my own decisions and see time and time again that they had learned life's lessons the hard way back when they were youthful boomers run amok. Meanwhile, my dad still got drunk and smoked about a pack most every night, and his behavior was example enough of what not to do...especially once I figured out how much he spent on booze and cigs per year and compared that to what was allotted for my entertainment/toy budget! I'm no teatotaler, mind you, but I don't drink past the point of being even slightly buzzed. I just don't want to be the guy that I grew up around.

...having said that, he was also the one that taught me rhetorical analysis and fundamental logic. He'd always have me analyzing commercials from about the age of 8, asking me what they were really trying to communicate to their customers and whether it made any sense.

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so if this was your child, you would film him doing this and put it on the internet? there are some things that children should not be exposed to at an early age. some video games are so offensive to me that there's no way i would buy them for children. they need more time to develop and learn more about the world. their parents should be active in this development process so that they can make educated decisions as they grow older.

would you take a 5 yr old to a violent movie?

Number one, I still don't know the reasons why some of you oppose this video. I stated my reason why I might not let my kid do that...b/c it's too efeminite. That kid was a boy, not a girl, and he shouldn't be moving like that.

There are no words in that song that I find offensive or wrong. The only thing I might disagree with is the idea of, "I can have another man in a minute, matter of fact he'll be here in a minute." However, I do agree w/ the song that it's wrong for a guy to say and display action like, "Standing in the front yard, telling me how I'm such a fool. Telling me now I'll never find a man like you."

So if I did have a kid and he wasn't being efeminite, why not? It's like a family home video that's cute or funny. If it was your kid and it was a home video, would you show the rest of your family?

So are you upset that they made a video like that, or just that they put it online?


Yes, there are certain things a child should not be exposed to at an early age. Like maybe a documentary on war with blood, guts and people getting raped or killed.

All I was saying is that there's a double standard between children and adults among what we deem right and wrong. It may not be the best thing for a children to be exposed to the harsh things of war, but it isn't wrong. If you think something is wrong with that video, the song or the way the kid danced, then it's wrong regardless of age.

So yes, maybe exposure to facts of life should be limited based on age, but things that are wrong should never be exposed to children and then as adults they should not expose those same wrong things to themselves b/c as children they were taught it was wrong.

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Based on what?

Based on the fact that there are two types of people: those who have children, those who do not.

The first group, already thinks that their own little vagina byproducts are god's gift to mankind, so why would they want to look at pictures of somebody else's?

The latter group, for the most part, could care less about children, otherwise they'd already have their own. Of course there are some exceptions to this group, such as those who want them but don't quite have them yet, and those who can't have any.

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I think a teacher lost her job over just forwarding this picture along with other similar pictures to fellow school employees. Link: NSFW?

Was this a bad parent that took the picture or bad judgement on those who've labeled it as child pornography?

I got this photo some months back as part of an e-mail about little boys and what kind of trouble we ALL got ourselves into...in fact, I think it was my mom that forwarded the e-mail to me.

I saw it as an innocent photo of a little boy who found his mommy's maxi-pads...and a mommy who thought it was "precious" and took a photo for posterity's sake.

I guess child porn is in the eye of the beholder, though...

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Based on the fact that there are two types of people: those who have children, those who do not.

The first group, already thinks that their own little vagina byproducts are god's gift to mankind, so why would they want to look at pictures of somebody else's?

The latter group, for the most part, could care less about children, otherwise they'd already have their own. Of course there are some exceptions to this group, such as those who want them but don't quite have them yet, and those who can't have any.

Let me guess, you believe in kosher hogs and heavenly devils too, right? :wacko::wacko::wacko:

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Ugh. What a boring ass ball of vomit. Nobody outside your family wants to see a tasetful display of your child.

Parents who raise well-mannered children and encourage their talents have earned bragging rights. If these displays do not interest you, then don't watch them.

Based on the fact that there are two types of people: those who have children, those who do not.

The first group, already thinks that their own little vagina byproducts are god's gift to mankind, so why would they want to look at pictures of somebody else's?

Would your mother be proud to hear you talk like that? Is that the way you view yourself, and every other human being on this planet? Despite what's shown on TV, coarse and vulgar doesn't always equal funny.

The latter group, for the most part, could care less about children, otherwise they'd already have their own. Of course there are some exceptions to this group, such as those who want them but don't quite have them yet, and those who can't have any.

I care about children. I have none (and have no plans to acquire any), so I view it as a privilege when people permit me to be in their children's presence. They remind me of my own childhood, which was (pretty much) a happy one. I can understand constant exposure might grind on one; if that's the case, do everyone a favor and stay away from them.


It's nice to know that we can, occasionally, agree. :)

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Number one, I still don't know the reasons why some of you oppose this video. I stated my reason why I might not let my kid do that...b/c it's too efeminite. That kid was a boy, not a girl, and he shouldn't be moving like that.

There are no words in that song that I find offensive or wrong. The only thing I might disagree with is the idea of, "I can have another man in a minute, matter of fact he'll be here in a minute." However, I do agree w/ the song that it's wrong for a guy to say and display action like, "Standing in the front yard, telling me how I'm such a fool. Telling me now I'll never find a man like you."

So if I did have a kid and he wasn't being efeminite, why not? It's like a family home video that's cute or funny. If it was your kid and it was a home video, would you show the rest of your family?

So are you upset that they made a video like that, or just that they put it online?

for a parent to make the video AND put it on the net just tells me that the parents are most likely making other bad decisions with respect to their children. humor is one thing, using your children in this manner is just wrong.

i know you don't have children, but for a parent to do this to a child is a parent that doesn't care IMO.

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Based on the fact that there are two types of people: those who have children, those who do not.

The first group, already thinks that their own little vagina byproducts are god's gift to mankind, so why would they want to look at pictures of somebody else's?

The latter group, for the most part, could care less about children, otherwise they'd already have their own. Of course there are some exceptions to this group, such as those who want them but don't quite have them yet, and those who can't have any.

as a human, i'd hope we'd care about all human life. those that dont are probably selfcentered.

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No. Why would you say that?

It's just something one would write. Don't get me wrong, I love English majors!

for a parent to make the video AND put it on the net just tells me that the parents are most likely making other bad decisions with respect to their children. humor is one thing, using your children in this manner is just wrong.

i know you don't have children, but for a parent to do this to a child is a parent that doesn't care IMO.

It's a judgement call. IF I had children, I probably would not put it online. It's not wrong, but it's probably not wise. I agree.

Oh noes! Not self centered?!?!?!

huh? Self centeredness is a horrible thing. Nothing good comes from it.

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As I said previously ----- That's horrible. Wasn't it bad enough that YOU saw it - why did you have to show it to us???

Maybe for people to get a grip on reality instead of concentrating on a video none of us know the background on?

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Guest Marty
Like this TimeMag.jpg

I have a bunch of old pictures of me shooting a gun when i was six years old. My father drilled gun safety into my head, parents are a big influence on a child's life.

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I have a bunch of old pictures of me shooting a gun when i was six years old. My father drilled gun safety into my head, parents are a big influence on a child's life.

Theres nothing wrong with that Marty. I told you before, my boys could shoot the heel off a squirrel by the time they were 8. I taught them about the use of firearms and firearm safety. I taught them how to hunt and how to clean and eat what they hunted. I also taught them hand to hand combat. I also taught them "the rule". "The Rule" is, bow to NO man and raise your hand to NO woman.

They are not lunatics out committing murder but get on thier bad side, and they are more than capable of putting a world of hurt on ya ;) ;)

The behavior exibited by the kid in the first video doesnt fit in my world.

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the picture f the little boy was inapproriate. I have a feeling it was a kid babysitting mroe than a stupid parent. Or maybe a young stupid parent. I am not sure. The videos, that is hard to tell, if the child is expressing themselves how they feel comfortable its hard to argue with that. If it is forced or forced against then there is a problem. Many of these online things though I feel are for people to try and get famous, a shot in the dark type thing. The internet and access has caused to many people to havce false and ridiculous dreams.

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