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Genetic "fix" for Gays


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Oh, okay, so if you don't agree with my disagreement, then my point is wrong? Twisting my point out of context is not going to help you here. You know exactly what I am talking about, simply stating some couples inequality to get marry is only a simple disagreement doesn't make true.

And people do reference god a lot for when being against interracial marriages.

Here is one famous one from Loving v. Virginia, in court from a judge no less.

"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."

People will use god for anything, just like he is now being used against gay marriages.

Nobody knows his/her true mind, but ppl sure like to say they know god very well.

And a lot of ppl do try but I don't think the bible has replace the constitution yet when determining someone's liberty.

Look, there are some stupid judges out there, I'll admit that. That judge doesn't have a lick of scripture to back that statement up, so it really makes what he said moot to this discussion. On the other hand, there is PLENTY of scripture against homosexuality. I'll let you do the research on that one, for I am just about done with this discussion. I've said what I wanted to say, and I am not out to change anyone's mind. I just wanted to express my opinion as you all have done. If it stirs the pot, good. Not everyone agrees with you, and it doesn't make them wrong for it.

As for HtownWxBoy, clearly you have no validity here. Smartass remarks do not further your argument, they serve only to make you look immature and quite ignorant. A few years on you will hopefully change that.

Nighty-night, everyone.

Edited by Parrothead
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I'd like to know as well since the ony people I see getting special treatment are heterosexuals.

I guess i don't see anyone as better or worse than me. one thing that i find odd, is hate crime legislation. if a gay or straight was murdered shouldn't the same laws apply?

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Look, there are some stupid judges out there, I'll admit that. That judge doesn't have a lick of scripture to back that statement up, so it really makes what he said moot to this discussion. On the other hand, there is PLENTY of scripture against homosexuality. I'll let you do the research on that one, for I am just about done with this discussion. I've said what I wanted to say, and I am not out to change anyone's mind. I just wanted to express my opinion as you all have done. If it stirs the pot, good. Not everyone agrees with you, and it doesn't make them wrong for it.

As for HtownWxBoy, clearly you have no validity here. Smartass remarks do not further your argument, they serve only to make you look immature and quite ignorant. A few years on you will hopefully change that.


BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. There are PLENTY of scriptures against a lot of things in the bible... many of which are not followed even by Christians b/c they are considered rediculous. They pick and choose what they want to preach about... :rolleyes:

I guess i don't see anyone as better or worse than me. one thing that i find odd, is hate crime legislation. if a gay or straight was murdered shouldn't the same laws apply?

Yes they should... I for one agree with you.

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Look, there are some stupid judges out there, I'll admit that. That judge doesn't have a lick of scripture to back that statement up, so it really makes what he said moot to this discussion. On the other hand, there is PLENTY of scripture against homosexuality. I'll let you do the research on that one, for I am just about done with this discussion. I've said what I wanted to say, and I am not out to change anyone's mind. I just wanted to express my opinion as you all have done. If it stirs the pot, good. Not everyone agrees with you, and it doesn't make them wrong for it.


I hope you will get to read this tomorrow then.

Many people have different takes on the bible, not to mention different takes on different scriptures and even different gods. I don't see buddhism having a problem with homosexuality.

Ppl were as sure of god's intent for interracial couples then as they are sure of the scriptures against gays now.

All in all, who says your take or anyone else's interpretation of a specific scripture of a specific denomination of a specific god should be the de facto guide to live when there are so many other denominations and gods. If we must have bring in religion, how about we let the better religions decide the fate of gay couples.

Not everyone agrees with me on interracial marriages, and it does make them wrong for it.

Edited by webdude
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so in your opinion, why do you think this type of legislation was passed?

Well... I think what hate crime laws are supposed to do is try to deter people from committing a crime against someone solely b/c that person was born a certain way... like black or gay.

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If we must have bring in religion, how about we let the better religions decide the fate of gay couples.

for me with respect to religion, i don't see one religion better than the other. i must let everyone do their own thing and i hope that's what people do to me.

Well... I think what hate crime laws are supposed to do is try to deter people from committing a crime against someone solely b/c that person was born a certain way... like black or gay.

yeah but i'd hope all human lives would be considered equal and the standard laws would apply to everyone. hate is hate whatever the color, creed, etc.

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I hope you will get to read this tomorrow then.

Many people have different takes on the bible, not to mention different takes on different scriptures and even different gods. I don't see buddhism having a problem with homosexuality.

All in all, who says your take or anyone else's interpretation of a specific scripture of a specific denomination of a specific god should be the de facto guide to live when there are so many other denominations and gods. If we must have bring in religion, how about we let the better religions decide the fate of gay couples.

Not everyone agrees with me on interracial marriages, and it does make them wrong for it.

People only use religion when they can't think for themselves. Unfortunately, most people can't think for themselves, that's why we have young men blowing themselves up in the Middle East b/c they are brainwashed into thinking it will get them to heaven where lots of young virgins will be waiting for them. :rolleyes:

for me with respect to religion, i don't see one religion better than the other. i must let everyone do their own thing and i hope that's what people do to me.

yeah but i'd hope all human lives would be considered equal and the standard laws would apply to everyone. hate is hate whatever the color, creed, etc.

Well, unfortunetly, all human lives aren't considered equal. If they were, gay people in America wouldn't have to fight for equal rights... like the rights that come with marriage.

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Wow! How shall I begin?

So report me. If the editor deems my post more repulsive than your advocacy of leaving illegals to die on the sidewalk as a detriment to future illegals then I will proudly wear it as a badge of honor.

I am, myself, less concerned with enforcing HAIF guidelines than I am with attempting (with apparently little success) to educate you with respect to a logical fallacy, that is that insulting someone somehow makes a point. In attempting to distract people from your original blunder, you committed yet another, which was a red herring. Attempting to distract people by bringing up something I said in a conversation about immigration that is not only out of context, but off-topic, also does nothing to communicate knowledge or make a point.

If you are intent on flaunting your position on this matter, how about you wear this as a badge?


The UN report is relevant to us all. Do you not think the last or next person you had intercourse with hasn't been infected with HIV?

Are you sure the last person you had intercourse with hasen't had sex with someone with HIV? Perhaps that person came from Africa, Europe, China, Eurasia or Hooterville?

I'm talking about worldwide HIV infections...not the local RYPC stats.

You choose to concentrate on a narrow segment to advance a narrow view of a worldwide issue. It's time for all of us to wake up and stop the spread of HIV. It's a tough fight but not near as tough and nasty as sitting by the bed of a loved one waiting to die a horrible death.

I can assure you that I have not had sex with anyone that has travelled to Africa, much less made a point to boink a native while she was there. I suppose that no, I can't be assured that one of them didn't have sex with someone that did. Frankly, I have a difficult time believing that sex tourism to Sub-Saharan Africa is all that strong...you know? And I'd think that most Americans (without a death wish), and for that matter, most foreign prostitutes, probably know enough to insist on condom use.

...but that is besides the point. I'm not talking about worldwide HIV infections because worldwide HIV infections aren't all that relevant to Trae's cousin...or you or I. The fact is that *most* HIV infections are spread by people already in the U.S. The time to be concerned about worldwide infections was the 1970's.

I'm talking about worldwide HIV infections...not the local RYPC stats. You choose to concentrate on a narrow segment to advance a narrow view of a worldwide issue.

So Trae's cousin is a worldwide issue?

Yeah, I focused on a narrow segment of the population in order to highlight the statistically elevated risk profile into which Trae's black, male, potentially-gay cousin falls. What, did you expect for me to go into a great level of detail about pregnant Hispanic women? Would you have preferred that I talk about the incidence rate of AIDS in Madagascar? I linked to the report. It has plenty of general and specific data pertaining to the region of the world in which we (you, I, Trae, [almost] his cousin, and 5.3 million other people) live, screw, contract disease, and are diagnosed as such. The data proves my point.

It's time for all of us to wake up and stop the spread of HIV. It's a tough fight but not near as tough and nasty as sitting by the bed of a loved one waiting to die a horrible death.

Yeah, I think that is the root of Trae's concern. Instead of addressing that concern in a supportive and meaningful way, you got defensive and tossed a few insults his way. Explain to me how that makes sense. :wacko:

Edited by TheNiche
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BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. There are PLENTY of scriptures against a lot of things in the bible... many of which are not followed even by Christians b/c they are considered rediculous. They pick and choose what they want to preach about... :rolleyes:
People only use religion when they can't think for themselves. Unfortunately, most people can't think for themselves, that's why we have young men blowing themselves up in the Middle East b/c they are brainwashed into thinking it will get them to heaven where lots of young virgins will be waiting for them. :rolleyes:

Well, unfortunetly, all human lives aren't considered equal. If they were, gay people in America wouldn't have to fight for equal rights... like the rights that come with marriage.

How sad it must be to live your life accusing others of ignorance, when clearly, it is you yourself that is ignorant. You tell everyone how they need to just accept you and you were born the way you are, yet you give no reasonable explanation or proof of either statement. Instead you point fingers at everyone else and make assumptions about a topic you know absolutely nothing about. Give me at least something factual to debate, something more concrete than your attitude, because that doesn't give you any credibility whatsoever. It only makes you look foolish.

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How is the way someone is born their "lifestyle". That's like saying "I don't like 'white people' or 'women' b/c I disagree with their lifestyle". :lol: Moron. :P

Heh, heh...well actually, as luck would have it, I muttered to myself on two occaisions "god damn white people" as I walked between Half-Priced Books and Istanbul Grill in Rice Village just this weekend. ...and only mostly in jest, whatever that means. :mellow:

I swear--we're just noxious in large numbers. I guess any ethnic group is...

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Don't shoot the messenger but actually she is right. White people do not choose to be white but we all choose to be hetero or not. Even if you believe you are born gay (and I am not claiming that is incorrect because I simply do not know) you have the choice to live a gay lifestyle, or bi, hetero, etc. If you are born white, you can't choose to be black.

Tell that to Paul Wall.

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Hate to point out your inaccuracies, but as a WOMAN, I am a MINORITY. Look it up.

Yahoo Answers

USA Sex ratio:

at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.72 male(s)/female

total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2006 est.)

OK, I looked it up. 97 men for each 100 women. That makes you a majority.

You're welcome.

And, I have had the SNOT knocked out of me by another MINORITY, a hispanic male, at the Daiquiri Factory in 1993 for just BEING there with someone gay--so spare me the hate-crime banter; been there, done that, hired an attorney.

In other words, you're acknowledging that what I said was correct. What does the assailant's being Hispanic have to do with anything?

I haven't been condemned to hell in public, but I have been threatened by my boss that if I didn't sleep with him, I'd be fired. I was also felt up by my direct supervisor at a Christmas party. Charming.

Charming, indeed. That's why you're protected by sexual harassment laws. One of your "special rights", you might say.

I didn't meet all my friends in bars, and to be frank, I resent that remark. I met a lot of my friends in school. What an asinine thing to say. A bit of stereotyping, but I suppose I should embrace it. ;)

Read some of your previous posts. You certainly went out of your way to give that impression.

Why should anyone have to re-examine their values if their values simply don't agree with yours? Not everyone that disagrees with the gay lifestyle wants to beat the crap out of everyone that happens to be gay. Sheesh. Give me a break.

If you are saying that I "kind of suck", because I simply pointed out how the majority in this country feel (not really news to anyone, btw), without even saying a word about myself, then you are not nearly as intelligent as I had you pegged to be. I never said, insinuated, or SUGGESTED that the point of view I was discussing was right or correct--only YOU made that assumption. I only said they shouldn't have to embrace or even agree with the gay lifestyle. I'm not referring to politics or law, merely regular every-day people.

Ah, well. Another post I make gets twisted into vile-hate-filled spew by the same people.

Life goes on.

Please reread what I wrote. I didn't say you suck; I didn't mention you at all.

So, in other words, you're not a bigot, you just defend bigots.

I defend bigots' right to free speech; I do not defend what they have to say, because I disagree with it.

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It's noble to recognize that everyone has a right to practice his/her own religion but to insinuate that all religions are equal is different altogether. It's called relativism. In such a view where truth is always relative to something else every act can be justified and no one ever has to make a judgment and making a judgment requires courage.

i didn't insinuate that all religions are equal. everyone is attracted to some religion (or not) because it appeals to their beliefs.

It is obviously a reaction to an action. If a law has been created to protect a segment of the population it is because that segment has been unjustly targeted to begin with - not because that segment is superior, special, or above any other segment.

i just think there are always people who feel they are targeted. laws like this just encourage more division.

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I guess i don't see anyone as better or worse than me. one thing that i find odd, is hate crime legislation. if a gay or straight was murdered shouldn't the same laws apply?

Good question!

My understanding is that hate crime status is an enhancement to a conviction, and that such laws were passed to address crimes intended to terrorize whole segments of a population.

In other words, spray painting "Joani Loves Chachi" on a wall is a crime - vandalism. Same spray paint on a synagogue depicting swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans is still vandalism. But if it's determined that the intent was to offend or strike fear into all Jewish people, it could be prosecuted as a hate crime.

(Again, this is just my understanding - I am not a lawyer.)

So, if someone says "Let's go put those (pick a racial, ethnic or religious group)s in their place. We'll find one and beat him up; that'll show 'em!" that would seem to indicate something far different from other forms of assault. (Gay people are not covered by hate crime laws in Texas.)

People have argued that these laws are invalid or illogical because the intent has to be shown. But intent is already considered in prosecuting crimes.

I certainly agree that all crimes must be taken seriously, and hope that "hate crime" status is not abused by prosecutors.

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we all choose to be hetero or not.

When ever I hear someone make this statment I always reply with "When did you choose to be hetero?" because I think it is a legitimate question.

The standard answer is "Well...er...I just KNEW I was."

I would wager if it was such an important life decision a person would remember the time, place and circumstances much as you would remember a marriage or birth of a child.

Did they think about it a long time?

Did they go both ways just to be sure?

Were there other factors involved in making a conscience decision regarding your sexual preference?

I'd really like to know because I have never been given a definitive answer to the above questions from anyone-ever.

Even if you believe you are born gay (and I am not claiming that is incorrect because I simply do not know) you have the choice to live a gay lifestyle, or bi, hetero, etc.

So are you saying it would be best to ignore my nature as a gay man and just take the easy route? Or maybe get in a closet in sort of a "don't ask-don't tell" kind of half-life. And if I choose to be true to myself does that mean I'll just have to remain a second-class citizen because some heteros deemed I'm not worthy based on a faulty religious text?

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So, in other words, you're not a bigot, you just defend bigots.

I defend bigots' right to free speech; I do not defend what they have to say, because I disagree with it.

sometimes, I think defending what a bigot says [not the right to free speech part of course] is worse than just being a bigot.

Edited by webdude
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How sad it must be to live your life accusing others of ignorance, when clearly, it is you yourself that is ignorant. You tell everyone how they need to just accept you and you were born the way you are, yet you give no reasonable explanation or proof of either statement. Instead you point fingers at everyone else and make assumptions about a topic you know absolutely nothing about. Give me at least something factual to debate, something more concrete than your attitude, because that doesn't give you any credibility whatsoever. It only makes you look foolish.

Lots of pot calling the kettle black over here, but the main point:

that someone must make a case for being who they are in order to be accepted as equals, are you sure you want to go that route?

That's the call of bigots, every minority is guilty of being unequal and lower class until proven innocent.

bigots never learn in school that everyone is born free and equal.

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I think it was in kindergarten when I looked at a gorgeous little class mate named Lucia and I got that tingling in my stomach that I now know was puppy love but felt pretty darned powerful back then. That kind of set me on a hetero path. Prior to that, attraction/or orientation probably never even enterered into my thought process.

So it was a tingling. Was that when you made a conscience decision that you were going to be straight or gay? Was that when you made your choice because as you have said we all choose to be hetero or not. Does an inate tingling or feeling count? If I had the same experience at that age about another boy, would that constitute a conscience decision to be gay?

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Yahoo Answers

USA Sex ratio:

at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 1 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.72 male(s)/female

total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2006 est.)

OK, I looked it up. 97 men for each 100 women. That makes you a majority.

You're welcome.

In other words, you're acknowledging that what I said was correct. What does the assailant's being Hispanic have to do with anything?

Charming, indeed. That's why you're protected by sexual harassment laws. One of your "special rights", you might say.

Read some of your previous posts. You certainly went out of your way to give that impression.

Please reread what I wrote. I didn't say you suck; I didn't mention you at all.

So, in other words, you're not a bigot, you just defend bigots.

I defend bigots' right to free speech; I do not defend what they have to say, because I disagree with it.

Help me out here, chief. You've thoroughly confused me. You are basing your answer on a Yahoo calculation? I prefer to get my definitions and numbers from a more reliable source.

From NSF.gov:

"A minority or subordinate group is a sociological group that does not constitute a politically dominant plurality of the total population of a given society. A sociological minority is not necessarily a numerical minority

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we all choose to be hetero or not.

I was just assuming when you made the above broad and unsubstantiated statement you had the inside skinny on what everyone chooses. Again, I have never-ever-heard anyone say they choose their sexual orientation except Parrot-and she was vague as to the when and how, casual and nonchalant about what you would think would be a memorable event-and I've been around for more than half a century. You'd think I would have gotten a straight answer by now...

I have already stated that I don't know if someone is born gay or not. I know I was attracted to the opposite sex and I have chosen that hetero lifestyle as a result.

So I'll ask again: when did you consciencely choose and based on what? An inate hormonal and emotional attraction? A tingle? Or would you just say "Well...er...I just KNEW I was."

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