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Everything posted by SkylineView

  1. 2013 08 17: New parking lot near the old sales center... maybe for the workers? This is directly south of the Bentley dealer. The last pic I will post of everyone's favorite McD's.
  2. Still a parking lot... no change. I'm assuming work is imminent since they moved the sales office out 2 weeks ago (which was hysterical because it got stuck in the middle of post oak for about 5 minutes). Will report back when the action begins.
  3. This is actually a really interesting question, let's use 20 miles of I-10 as an example. Forgive me, but math is incoming. 20 miles of road250,000 cars per day (maybe high)... 5,000,000 miles driven per day... 1,825,000,000 miles driven per year (probably high, not accounting for weekends)And now the gas tax $0.20/gallonLets assume an average of 25 mpg (optimistic today)... yields $0.008 per mile driven (this is much lower than I had assumed, less than one cent per mile)Combining the total miles driven on I-10 in this scenario with the gas tax... you get $14,600,000 per year. That is a small amount of money to do anything with... much less cover debt payments on $3B of construction costs (assuming even 3%, that would be $150,000,000/year. I'm sure this isn't news to anyone else on the forum, but the math exercise drove home the gap for me. The obvious answer is that today roads aren't solely funded through the gas taxes, instead capitalizing on other revenue. (Side note, is anyone else sick of taxes being collected in buckets and reallocated to different buckets? Let's call a spade a spade and collect taxes as "Taxes" and spend them as "Taxes", or alternatively collect them as "Gas Taxes for Roads" and spend them on roads.) I'm a republican, I support higher gas taxes.
  4. I can't find the link... but wasn't the original plan for the Mercer site to have FOUR identical buildings... which was then scaled back to two... and finally one?
  5. Update... guys are removing what I would call the "skirt" of the Astoria trailer and have a dumpster on site... is it possible they are preparing to move it?
  6. 2013 06 29: Weekly & final update of the McD's. It's not open yet, but about 100 people have gone through the drive through wishing it was (the fork lifts, utility trucks, and personal vehicles parked across the entrances mean nothing... I NEED A BURGER).
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