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Everything posted by SkylineView

  1. They started at 7:01 on the nose... I love the sound of a nice excavator in the morning.
  2. 2013 09 22: With no wind, the dust is hanging around.
  3. Can't do an underpass on Westheimer due to the flood control stuff (which they have been working to box and cover for the last year). Could do an overpass, though would wreck the feel of Highland village. As an example of the up & down distance required, check out this study for the 1960 rail over/under pass up north (just east of 249)... specifically Exhibits A and E. It's a good question though... maybe easier on Richmond? it looks like there is extra ROW on the east side of the tracks. http://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/projects/studies/houston/fm1960-bnsf-exhibits.html
  4. I keep wishing for a "Doesn't like this" button... maybe one day we can respond to posts with one.
  5. Thanks for all the pics Triton, you are a giant among men... or at the very least a welcome contributor to the forum. /bow
  6. No idea. It has been there for months. They have periodically been ripping up parts of the parking lot and doing something with the utilities. Looking through my binoculars I would describe it as... "bags of sod next to a water tank"... though honestly... no idea.
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