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The Pragmatist

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Everything posted by The Pragmatist

  1. Luna is some tasty stuff. Echoing the sentiment above, I just hope some of these places can relocate nearby.
  2. I say that a developer should buy the garage on the block bordering BG Group Place to the west and build an even taller wrench. The collection could be called "God's tool set."
  3. It went from a brownish color to black. From an old street view image: http://goo.gl/maps/ppdxb
  4. Here's some background on Houston Center from the book, Houston: Lost and Unbuilt. http://books.google.com/books?id=UfjlqsiC-4cC&pg=PA137&dq=Houston+Center&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3uV_U9mSGcPjsATI1YGwDQ&ved=0CEYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Houston%20Center&f=false
  5. Heh. I think I've managed to collect most of the changes here in this post. It was interesting to see the rooftop (and pedestal) design change over time.
  6. Here's a photo of the area from yesterday. Excuse the poor photo quality of my cell phone.
  7. It's a little difficult to see, but it's on the right, just above the AT&T building.
  8. This seems way faster than the Sheraton. Granted, that was a larger building. Out with the old, in with the new.
  9. I could see this in a cool blue color as well as white.
  10. Sorry for the ugly photo, but here is a shot over the area.
  11. The construction company that restored the building moved its headquarters here after the renovation was finished, so it's not like the building isn't being used: http://www.fretzconstruction.com/
  12. It's so they can throw around buzz words like "cosmopolitan" in the brochure.
  13. It reminds me very much of BG Group Place with the sky terrace. Not a bad thing at all.
  14. Heck, I won't drive in the right-hand lane on either side of Westheimer in the area around Lamar High School due to the agglomeration of 6-inch to foot-deep potholes that just keep multiplying over there.
  15. It's funny that you post that. I was driving by that site this morning, and in my head I was thinking, "I wonder what will eventually happen there in the future."
  16. For those who don't know/remember what the store looked like, this can be added to this thread.
  17. Here's one I saw a couple of week ago while I was up in the Northeast. http://goo.gl/maps/5devI
  18. Well, according to that PDF, it says "...and renovation of existing garage." While it doesn't answer much, it would seem that they do plan to keep it and change it. I'd assume that they would try to make it mesh well with the tower portion.
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