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Posts posted by sevfiv

  1. And what does this portend? :unsure:

    well, i bet that it's the first step in the demolition process, although if i am proved wrong, that would be fantastic (and really really really surprising).

    the thing is, no recent permits have been issued - there were three in late january/early february for 517 and 517 1/2 la branch, and the demolition of the parking garage/retail followed. now, i don't know why three different permits were issued, and i don't know for how long they they are good.

    BUT, i am pretty sure that they woud need a permit to do what they are doing now (interior work), and the latest one issued was for demolition. :(

  2. It does.

    Here is what I am attempted to post (I put a space between http and :)

    for some reason the link has PHP in it - that is what's causing the error message


  3. Well, I tried all that... and this is what I got:

    Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed

    I followed all of the instructions above. So why can't I post a picture?

    make sure that what is within the [ img ] tags ends in .jpg and not .html or anything else

  4. The old Savoy should probably be razed, I don't see the feasibility in making condos out of it. The location is poor for balcony views, the renovation and improvement costs would be difficult to recoup, and overall it's economic value as a residential or short-term lodging has expired.

    I just noticed the last posting date. Don't know if anything's been done to it since.

    nope, the savoy is pretty much as-is. the garage is in use, however, and the older building (the original apartment hotel) is about to keel over (reinforcements have been added).

  5. I grew up in Park Place, and my Mother still lives there. My Dad built the house that she lives in in 1948. He passed away in 2000. She is 83 and considering selling the house. For a while, the civic club newsletter talked about a revitalization in that area. I don't see it - but I may not know what to look for. I DO know that there have been at least 4 new homes built in her section of Park Place (the River Drive section) in the past two years or so. Just wondering - because the people interested in her house are not offering very much according to what is listed on HAR.


    i also currently live in the area (park place/santa rosa area), and to echo what was said above, there are some plans, but they are slow-moving. in addition to proposed street improvements, there is that new retail area near the intersection of telephone and park place, next to the santa rosa theater (but there's only one tenant thus far!), and a few new homes popping up.

    unfortunately, especially on my end, there are ALOT of property owners who shouldn't be property owners (from houses to retail) which will continue to impair positive growth in the area.

  6. well, first make sure they're of decent size...then use an online picture place (that'll give you a web link for the picture) such as imageshack, tinypic.com (i recommend), photobucket, etc.

    then, copy the link location of the picture, and when you're in the post message window here, click on the tree icon (image.gif), and paste the link there.

  7. sevfiv, you never cease to amaze me :)

    And remember how she'd weave from one side of the lane to the other? Made me think ol' Mare may have been blowing >.08 :o

    haha! the funny thing is, when she is driving, a scene fades in/out of her going away party, and in this shot, someone is opening a bottle of champagne (and i'm assuming the party was right before she hit the road). :o:D


  8. "The only thing in the middle of the road is a dead armadillo"

    I don't know who said that but it always had a certain ring of truth to me.

    jim hightower! (and others, i'm sure)

  9. only the really jerked up people do that - i am positive that if you hadn't been the target of that idiot's effrontery, the next person encountered would have been.

    from the city of houston:

    Can I ride my bike on the sidewalk?

    It is acceptable to ride on the sidewalk under certain conditions, except in a business zone. A business zone is the territory that includes the contiguous 600 ft. along the roadway where there are buildings in use for business or industrial purposes that occupy 300 feet collectively on both sides of the roadway. Remember that pedestrians have the right-of-way.


  10. hmm...now that i have thought about it...

    HAIF rhyming with wife sounds too stern (especially of you say it quickly :o )

    HAIF rhyming with waif is more southern - like "haaaaay-F" :D

  11. OMG...Subdude had Mary Richards' car! :lol:

    (note to younger members: This is a reference to the opening sequence of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.)

    If I remember correctly, and I do, wasn't her car Blue in the opening credit? Well the 2 seconds it did show it.

    haha, I can hear the theme song. Your gonna make it after all!

    :wub: MTM

    here's the car from the "you might just make it after all" shows:


    and then the "you're gonna make it after all" shows:



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