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Posts posted by sevfiv

  1. so what style of house is it? MCM? georgian?

    hmmm. do you think the listing of an older owner is intentional? Like in case someone gets upset they won't seek out retribution of the new owner?

    Georgian/Colonialish - the bricks were off and the chimneys were destroyed - maybe someone has an old picture from HAR to post.

    As far as previous owners being listed on the permit - I can't imagine how it is truly valid, but it happens so often either they don't care and/or it is an automated glitch.




  2. I am the title of this thread. Almost everyone in my office is already gone for the holidays. Anyone else experiencing this slowness as well?

    Yes, most definitely - this will be the easiest or most difficult week ever...

  3. Blog entry from the Chronicle:


    Last Saturday, it seemed everyone was yelling Darren Van Delden's name as he stood his post at the velvet rope. He sifted through the masses of people, who included many using everything from hugs to birthdays to folded $20 bills to try and jockey their way inside.

    Because of the club's strict dress code, which prohibits anything baggy, torn or, heck, ugly, only some made it in.

    I asked a girl whose male friend had just been turned away what she thought of the policy.

    "If you're going for a certain look," she said, "it's understandable."

    Generally, I'm pretty wary of the arrogance and entitlement

  4. The lady also mentioned that the same investment group purchased additional land across Yale street near the Alabama Furniture store. Unfortunately, she had trouble remembering those details.

    It's called 2201 Yale, LLC run by David Bankus (from Vallone & Associates) and Eshagh Malekan (no clue, some real estate investor from NY)

    And right when they're starting to serve those popcorn langoustine things too!

    I remember reading/hearing something about that, but am a little wary when i see $2.99 next to the word lobster... :P

  5. There will be a buffer where Bond is (was), but it is still close to Stowers, as well as Club Quarters and Texaco.

    I hope they release a date soon and create viewing areas - it would be a shame for such an insanely large ($) company to blast the old Cotton into nonexistence without a proper farewell.

  6. Yeah...gruesome:

    Worley was the first officer to approach the truck: "When I opened the door I didn't see any sign of the suspect."

    It took deputies and officers a few seconds to realize what had happened.

    "We went up to get him, and there was no carjacker," Worley said. "But we saw the kids, and we just grabbed them and got them out real quick."

    Worley said the impact apparently caused the man's body to shoot out through the passenger-side window.


    KTRK, Channel 13, showed the crash and the man's body leaving the truck. The station, an ABC affiliate, replayed the footage, but decided not to show it again.

    "When it happened, it went by so fast, nobody believed it was as graphic as it was," said Channel 13 news director Bill Bouyer. "It was a fairly wide shot, but I think once people saw it on replay, they realized it was not something we need to show again."


  7. Thanks sev, that is interesting. I live a few blocks from there but have not noticed. We don't go walking around much away from Clinton - there are too many stray dogs. (at least there used to be when I walked around about a year and a half ago. Apparently someone near us was "raising" pit bulls, and it was not uncommon to see them (or any other strays) roaming about). But now that I think about it, I haven't seen as many strays when I am driving...

    Also, right near where you took your photos there is a run-down set of apartments or maybe projects (I think they are one block east or south of the block you posted). I heard a year or two ago that those were going to be phased out - has anyone heard anything like that?

    Kennedy Place (owned by Houston Housing and Development Corp.) is around Bayou and Cline streets, but I haven't heard anything about what's going to happen there.

    Lanterra Homes (http://www.lanterra.com) bought several of the lots in the above image, and the grid of townhomes just south of Kennedy Place (Plaza del Sol) was built about five years ago - it will be interesting to see more new development surround the housing project and the inhabited homes in that area...

  8. Most of the streets on the east side of Newcastle between Bellaire Blvd. and Beechnut are named after people - there's a Jane St., but no Jack (but I don't recall anything like that over there).

    Maybe it was Jackwood in Meyerland?

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