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Everything posted by west20th

  1. Nope. He was petty as well as a pr*@k when he moved the Oilers. He should have let the Texans use the name and colors.
  2. WooHoo...another one at Shepherd n 15th. http://swamplot.com/drinking-not-driving-heights-used-car-dealership-sold-to-beer-gardeners/2013-08-20/
  3. http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Galveston-named-among-best-beaches-in-the-nation-4729672.php Darn. CNN also named Galveston one of the top beaches. So much for CNN polls.
  4. Good Lord, you and s3mh need to get a sense of humor. Perhaps Walmart sells them.
  5. Those stores are there because they make $$$. Even the Label Wharehouse. Why do you hate free market capitalism?
  6. ***edited out redundant post*** Guess I need to read all posts before replying.
  7. Ah, the Kroger on 20th. The "Zombie" Kroger. A place you can go and actually witness a check being written for groceries. All kidding aside, I hope this one survives. It will be a sad day for the old(er) folks that go there if it closes.
  8. Yeah but it doesn't have a cool name yet like the "Disco" Kroger. My favorite name is the "Cougar" Kroger for the W.Gray store.
  9. Hopefully it will be a Sullivan project. If we are going to have McVics may as well have Sullivan McVics.
  10. A developer active in IH: http://thezeroenergyhome.com/
  11. USPS being government funded is a common misconception I wanted to point out. I should have pointed that out in a separate post rather than a reply to your post.
  12. Hmmm....who might that have been? I wish them the best. It is good to see something go into that dead zone between Shep and Durham.
  13. The "Space Available" sign usually stays up after the space has been leased. The agent usually has other properties to show prospective clients.
  14. It doesn't make sense. Doesn't a master planned community, planned to the last detail, run counter to freedom and independence? Sounds like a commie hippie commune for right wing radicals. Does not compute.
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