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Everything posted by midtown_resident

  1. I think another theater would be fine downtown...but a megaplex may not be the answer... An interesting thought...the first movie theater in Texas was in a location (if i'm not mistaken) at 723 main...which is now the houston bar center. This space is now visible from the sidewalk if you walk by...it is the vast empty space right next door to Mantra, one door south. This space could easiliy accomodate two movie theaters...it would be great to see an entity like Alamo Drafthouse or comparable, take on a project there. It would be the best spot, imho.
  2. I wish I had a camera when I was in DC last week. There is a new area near the Pentagon called "Pentagon Row"...and it embodies exactly what mixed use should be imho. goto http://www.pentagonrow.com and check out the website I wish midtown and downtown could pick up some ideas from here...of course, development that is affordable by the average joe working in downtown would be helpful.... while at PR...I got an overwhelming feeling of "houston ain't gonna get it right on this one'....and i'm not quite sure why not.
  3. Subdude...dissappointing indeed...but I should add that patience is needed. None of these areas can be turned around so quickly...nor will an instant result provide for longevity. I'm sure in due time, the area will meet our hopes... Escaping the heat is great for the summer....but let's face it...from October through April, there are many days, where we can boast of nice weather for outdoors activities. We need to take advantage of that. Our summer correlates to the winters of the north...i.e. this is the time when we avoid outdoors activities. I'm sure the outdoor cafes up north don't see as much activity during the months of november through february....
  4. I think the moment someone puts up a restaurant with a 'cafe' style option outdoors in that Main Street plaza area, you'll see a marked difference. Cultural and popular centers don't evolve from tons of urban planning...they happen when people have a reason to go somewhere. Of course, it's still early, w/o the residents taking root. Ideally, I'd like to see the plaza area of main st become more like Taco Milagro on Kirby/Westheimer at happy hour time. The tunnel services 9-5ers and that's about it. The moment people have more reason to be downtown outside of those hours, you'll see more street level retail. For all of this to happen: 1. We need a stronger economy downtown 2. Residential projects must be inviting to ALL walks of life - not just those that can afford a $500,000 condo. 3. Street level must take advantage of the outdoors factor - take advantage of the folks that want to escape the imprisonment of the tunnel. This will happen...
  5. El Pueblito on Richmond Doozo's Dumplings in Park Shoppes Ponzo's Midtown Farrago Midtown Complique Downtown on Main
  6. ricco...there are only a couple of places where i can pick up my favorite butera. i'm not sure when i last went by there...but since i work two blocks down, i figured it a convenient stop. more times than not however, he's closed... when he is open, i like to stock up...but w/o a good humidor at home, i rely on his!
  7. I stopped in the CVS a week ago and it was pretty packed...about 9:00 am on a weekday. Of course it had just opened...so I'm sure that was a factor. It will surely oust the local convenience store...over time. I think a lot of us complain about CVS and their never ending quest to conquer the world...or at least Houston. However, it's good to see corp america looking at Main Street plaza. It's a step in the right direction. As for McCoy's...I don't get them. They never seem to be open when I want to get a cigar...which usually around happy hour time to late evening. There have been at least 10 times that I've gone by there to grab a smoke, with no luck, and every time I think to myself "why isn't this guy open right now...everyone else is."
  8. you guys vent all you want...starbucks coffee rocks. i love the coffee, the hotspot internet access where i browse HAIF...the pastries and extras i can do without. i'm not one for the super candy drinks (i.e. mocha fraps and lattes)...rather, I enjoy a tall coffee of the day...a great cup of coffee for $1.35...
  9. Enron was traded on the NYSE....did they let their empire crumble? Being traded on the NYSE or being an upscale company doesn't matter. I'm not proposing the idea that AMLI and Post are the bad guys...but calling them the good guys for the above reasons is not possible.
  10. not so fast...the civility ordinance may have been passed...but i still see bums sleeping on newly installed benches in midtown. downtown is horrendous still... this problem can't be addressed by packing them up and moving them along...you can't cure a systemic disease with medication that only treats symptons... $0.02
  11. That corner is rapidly developing...the Deco Diner and The Edge are solid additions to the area. I wonder what's gonna happen to that Scouts bldg...
  12. The auto shop now has a sign up in front with a rendition of the upcoming new bldg...THE EDGE.
  13. What's the scoop with the Montague??? That place is begging for an overhaul...
  14. When I lived in the Hogg Palace...they used to show occupied units...but that was usually becuase none of the units were identical...and occupancy was very high, so there were no 'models' to show.
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